The goal of this study was to explore and discuss how transgender women are spoken about and treated by examining the portrayal of Geneviève du Pré in the South African soap opera 7de Laan and highlighting the importance of relevant and relatable portrayals.
Transgender representations are on the rise globally, but quantity should not be equated to quality in light of criticism around negative portrayals that encourage transphobic behaviour.
The dissertation’s main research question is: How are transgender women represented in the South African soap opera 7de Laan? Five sub-questions were constructed to guide the investigation and those related to whether stereotypes exist within the portrayal and whether 7de Laan perpetuates stereotypes. Additional sub-questions pertained to the findings of the thematic analysis conducted on the 14 episodes that feature Geneviève; the narrative structure of soap operas and how it positions the medium as an enabler of change. The study’s final sub-question related to soap’s ability to provide a platform for the dentification, negotiation or construction of identities.
The investigation employed a qualitative cross-sectional thematic analysis of the 14 episodes featuring Geneviève. The study also used triangulation, and the additional data sources included discourse analysis of Facebook comments related to the portrayal and
an interview with the actress who portrayed Geneviève du Pré.
Due to the study being exploratory, the long-term research outcomes of contributing to the body of research related to transgender representation may not be immediately realised.
It is hoped that the study will spark a debate around the deficit ertaining to the representation of transgender women in South African soap operas specifically, and the importance of addressing accurate portrayals.
Injongo yesi sifundo yayikukuphonononga nokuxoxa ngendlela ekuthethwa ngayo
nendlela abaphathwa ngayo abafazi abazikhethele ukutshintsha isini sabo sendalo,
ngokubhekiselele ekuzotyweni komlinganiswa onguGeneviève du Pré kumdlalo
kamabonakude ongu7de Laan. Esi sifundo sibonisa ukubaluleka kokuzoba abalinganiswa
ngokufanelekileyo nangokukholelekayo. Ukuzotywa kwabalinganiswa abatshintshe isini
ngokuzikhethela kuyanda ehlabathini jikelele, kodwa ubuninzi abumelanga kulinganiswa
nomgangatho kuba ukuzoba abalinganiswa kakubi kukhuthaza impathombi yabo
batshintshe isini ngokuzikhethela.
Umbuzo wophando ongundoqo uthi: Baveliswa njani abafazi abatshintshe isini
ngokuzikhethela kumdlalo kamabonakude waseMzantsi Afrika ongu7de Laan?
Kwaqulunqwa imibuzwana emihlanu yokuqhuba uphando. Umphandi wabuza ukuba
ingaba ukuzotywa kwabafazi abatshintshe isini ngokuzikhethela kusekelwe kwiingcinga
ezithile ezingajikiyo okanye ingaba u7de Laan uqhubela phambili ezo ngcinga. Eminye
imibuzwana yagxila kuhlalutyo lwemixholo yemiboniso eli-14 awayedlala kuyo
uGeneviève; kwisakhiwo sebali semidlalo kamabonakude; nokuba ingaba eso sakhiwo
sivumela ukuba umdlalo ukhuthaze utshintsho kusini na. Umbuzwana wokugqibela
wabhekiselela kwimidlalo kamabonakude njengeqonga lokwazisa, lokubonisana okanye
ukwakha ubuwena bomntu.
Uphando lwaqhutywa ngokuhlalutya izimvo zabathathi nxaxheba malunga nemixholo
efumaneka kwimiboniso eli-14 adlala kuyo uGeneviève. Uphando lukwaqwalasele
izenzo ezisisiqhamo sempixano phakathi kwabalinganiswa ababini; lwaqwalasela
neminye imithombo yezimvo njengoFacebook, malunga nokuzotywa kukaGeneviève;
ingxoxo malunga nezo zimvo; kwakunye nodliwano ndlebe nomdlali odlala indawo
kaGeneviève du Pré.
Njengokuba esi isisifundo esiyingabula zigcawu, zisenokungabonakali kwangoku
iziqhamo kunye negalelo laso kuphando olumalunga notshintsho lwesini ngokuzikhethela.
Sinethemba lokuba esi sifundo siya kukhokelela kwingxoxo emalunga nokunqongophala
kokuveliswa kwabafazi abatshintshe isini ngokuzikhethela kwimidlalo kamabonakude
yoMzantsi Afrika kunye nokubaluleka kokuzotywa kwabalinganiswa ngokuchanekileyo.
Die doel van hierdie studie was om ondersoek in te stel na, en te bespreek hoe daar oor transgendervroue gepraat word en hoe hulle behandel word met verwysing na die uitbeelding van Geneviève du Pré in die Suid-Afrikaanse strooisage, 7de Laan. Die studie werp lig op die belangrikheid van relevante uitbeeldings waarby aanklank gevind kan word. Transgenderverteenwoordiging is besig om wêreldwyd toe te neem, maar
kwantiteit moenie aan kwaliteit gelykgestel word nie aangesien negatiewe uitbeeldings transfobiese gedrag aanmoedig.
Die hoofnavorsingsvraag was: Hoe word transgendervroue in die Suid-Afrikaanse strooisage 7de Laan uitgebeeld? Vyf subvrae is geformuleer om die ondersoek te lei. Die navorser se vraag was of die uitbeelding van transgendervroue op stereotipes gebaseer was en of 7de Laan stereotipes perpetueer. Bykomende subvrae het op die bevindinge van ’n tematiese ontleding van die 14 episodes gefokus waarin Geneviève ’n belangrike rol vertolk het, sowel as op die narratiewe struktuur van strooisages en hoedat die narratiewe struktuur die medium toegelaat het om ’n instaatsteller van verandering te word. Die finale subvraag het verband gehou met strooisages as ’n platform vir die identifisering, onderhandeling of konstruksie van identiteite.
Die ondersoek het ’n kwalitatiewe, deursnee tematiese ontleding van die 14 episodes waarin Geneviève opgetree het, aangewend. Dit het ook triangulering, bykomende databronne soos Facebook-kommentaar op die uitbeelding van Geneviève en ’n diskoersontleding van hierdie kommentaar, sowel as ’n onderhoud met die aktrise wat die rol van Geneviève du Pré vertolk het, gebruik.
Aangesien die studie verkennend van aard was, is dit moontlik dat die langtermynnavorsingsuitkomste en bydrae tot navorsingsmateriaal oor transgenderverteenwoordiging nie dadelik erkenning sal kry nie. Die hoop is dat die studie die voorloper sal word van debatvoering oor die ontoereikende verteenwoordiging van
transgendervroue in Suid-Afrikaanse strooisages en die belangrikheid van akkurate uitbeeldings.