This study evaluated the effectiveness of access control within the Mangaung Metropolitan municipality regional offices in Bloemfontein, Botshabelo and Thaba Nchu. The aims and objectives of the research study are to examine the effectiveness of the existing access control measures currently in place within the three regional offices of the Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality to; evaluate the security risks and vulnerabilities confronting the Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality regional offices at access control points. Lastly, to make recommendations on the types of access control measures used to mitigate the impact of the risk factors.
The researcher used the qualitative approach where one on one interviews were conducted with forty- five (45) participants using the interview schedule. The researcher used the purposive sampling technique in which participants were selected on the basis of their knowledge of access control measures in their regional offices as well as a snow-ball sampling in which other employees recommended to the researcher participants to be included in the study.
The study revealed that access control measures that are currently in place in the three regional offices are inadequate and ineffective; the three regional offices are vulnerable due to their probable exposure to security risks such as theft, armed robbery and cash in transit heist. Lastly, an integrated access control measures comprising physical, electronic, administrative and biometric technology are proposed to authenticate the identity of people entering the premises of the regional offices.
The study proposes future research on client satisfaction with aspect of access control to solicit their perception, feeling and experience of members of the community of the effectiveness of access control in regional offices during their daily visits; Future study to be conducted in all buildings and premises of the Mangaung Metropolitan municipality to implement a standard and uniform system for access control. Lastly, a research to be conducted to assess the effectiveness of physical security in totality at all government offices not only one aspect such as access control.
Dipatlisiso tse di sekaseka bokgoni ba megwa ya go laola matseno mo dikagong tsa dikantorong tsa sedika tsa Bloemfontein, Botshabelo le Thaba Nchu tsa masepala wa Mangaung. Maikaelelo a dipatlisiso tse ke go seseka bokgoni ba thulanyo ya matseno mo dikagong tsa dikantoro tsa sedika tsa masepala wa Mangaung, go bontsha dikotsi tse , baberiki le sechaba di lebaganeng le tsona mo mafelong a go tsena mo dikantorong tsa sedika, sa bofelo go dira tshwaelo ka ditsela tse di maleba go laola matseno mo dikantorong tsa sedika tsa Mangaung.
Mobatlisisi o tlhopile batsaya karolo ba shome nne le botlhano (45) go ralala le dikantoro tsa sedika tsa masepala wa Mangaung. Batsaya karolo ba tlhopilwe mabapi le kitso ya bona ya taolo ya matseno mo meagong le dikantorong le go latela tlhagisiwa ke batho ba bangwe. gore ba tsenyiwe mo dipatlisisong.
Dipatlisiso tse di tlhagisitse gore dikantoro tsa sedika tsa masepala wa Mangaung di mo kotsing thata ka ntlha ya ditlolo molao tse di tshwana le go utswa, go dirisa digoka go tsaya dilo tsa masepala le go tlhasela dikoloi tse di tsamaisang madi a patalwang ke maloko a sechaba go bona diterelo mo masepaleng. La bofelo dipatlisiso di tlhagisitse gore taolo ya matseno mo dikantorong tse tsa sedika tsa mangaung e ka tokafala fa e ka dirisa lenane le le tlhakaneng jaaka ditsela tsa seteginiki.
Mo isagong ya go laola go tsena ga batho mo dikagong tsa masepala tsa Mangaung, dipatliso di eletsa gore go tsenyiwe maloko a sechaba se se berekisang dikago tsa masepala gore ba hane ka dikeletso mabapi le taolo ya matseno mo dikagong , dipatlisiso di tsenye meago yotlhe ya masepala le dikago tsotlhe tsa puso ka kakaretso.
Dipatlisiso tsena di lekola bokgoni ba tsela ya ho laola makeno meahong ya dikantoro tsa sedika tsa Bloemfontein,Botshabelo le Thaba Nchu tse ka hara masepala wa Mangaung. Maikemisetso a dipatlisiso ke ho lekola bokgoni ba mehato ya makeno meahong ya dikantoro tsa sedika sa masepala wa Mangaung, Ho lekola dikotsi tse basebetsi le sechaba di tobaneng le tsona dibakeng tsa ho kena dikantorong, sa ho qetela ho etsa tshwaelo ya ditsela tse tsepameng mabapi le ho laola makeno dikantorong tsa sedika sa masepala wa Mangaung.
Mobatlisisi o kgethile ba nka karolo ba le leshome nne le bohlano (45) ho ralalla le dikantoro tsa sedika tsa masepala wa Mangaung. Ba nka karolo ba ile ba khethiwa ho latela tsebo ya bona ya taolo ya makeno meahong le dikantorong le ho thongwa ke batho ba bang hore ba kenywe dipatlisisong.
Dipatlisiso di hlahitse hore dikantorong tsa sedika sa masepala wa Mangaung di kotsing kapo di hlokolotsing tlolong ya molao tse tshwanang le ho utswa, ho sebedisa digoka ho nka thepa ya masepala le ho hlasela dikoloi tse tsamaisang chelete.La ho qetela dipatlisiso di hlahisistse hore taolo ya makeno dikantorong tsa sedika tsa Mangaung e tshwanetse ho kenya lenane le kopaneng jwala ka la seteginiki.
Nakong e tlang ya ho laola ho kena ha batho meahong ya masepala, dipatlisiso di lakatsa hore ho keniwe sechaba se sebedisang meaho ya masepala ho fumane keletso ya ho laola makeno meahong , dipaltiliso di akaretse meaho kaofela le dikaho tsohle tsa puso.