The low penetration rate of motor vehicle insurance in South Africa places enormous pressure on the short-term insurance industry. An analysis of individuals in the market and their purchasing habits will allow short-term insurers to understand their consumers and purchasing behaviour. This study aimed to develop a model that would determine the purchase decision process of consumers (insured) and potential consumers (non-insureds) regarding personal motor vehicle insurance in South Africa. It is important for short-term insurance companies need to gain an understanding of purchase behaviour in terms of personal motor vehicle insurance in South Africa, as it will allow them to satisfy consumers’ needs and influence individuals’ purchase decisions. Several decision-making models were evaluated to aid in the development of the conceptual consumer purchase decision for personal motor vehicle insurance model that illustrates the influences and steps in the purchase decision process. Quantitative data was collected through an online questionnaire. The study followed a three-phase model-building strategy of: (1) Exploratory Factor Analysis, (2) Confirmatory Factor Analysis and (3) logistic regression model building to test and refine the model until an acceptable model could be established. The study found that the purchase decision for personal motor vehicle insurance consumers and potential consumers consists of the following influences and steps: company’s marketing efforts (include people, process and price of the policy), sociocultural environment factors (included items such as positive non-commercial sources and negative reference person or group), communication sources (paid-for social media efforts, buzz agent and customised messages); psychological attributes (items such as perception about a certain insurance company and personality), demographic variables (household income, highest level of education and age), and decision-making process steps (pre-purchase search requesting quotations and evaluating alternative prices, quality/standards and brands). The demographic profile of respondents was used to develop a description of the average personal motor vehicle driver and personal motor vehicle insurance consumer. This study provides an acceptable model explaining the purchase decision process of individuals in the personal motor vehicle insurance market in South Africa.
Die lae penetrasiekoers van motorvoertuigversekering in Suid-Afrika plaas enorme druk op die korttermynversekeringsbedryf. ’n Ontleding van individue in die mark en hul koopgewoontes sal korttermynversekeraars in staat stel om hul verbruikers se koopgedrag te verstaan. Die doel van hierdie studie is om ’n model te ontwikkel wat die koopbesluitnemingsproses van verbruikers (versekerdes) en potensiële verbruikers (nieversekerdes) rakende persoonlike motorvoertuigversekering in Suid-Afrika bepaal. Dit is belangrik dat korttermynversekeringsmaatskappye koopgedrag rakende persoonlike motorvoertuigversekering in Suid-Afrika verstaan, aangesien dit hulle in staat sal stel om in verbruikers se behoeftes te voorsien en individue se koopbesluite te beïnvloed. Verskillende besluitnemingsmodelle is geëvalueer om te help met die ontwikkeling van ’n konsepmodel vir persoonlike motorvoertuigversekering wat die invloede en stappe in die koopbesluitproses illustreer. Kwantitatiewe data is deur middel van ’n aanlyn vraelys ingesamel. Die studie het ’n driefasige modelboustrategie gevolg, bestaande uit: (1) verkennende faktoranalise, (2) bevestigende faktoranalise en (3) logistiekeregressie-modelbou om die model te toets en te verfyn totdat ’n aanvaarbare model daargestel kan word. Die studie het bevind dat die koopbesluit vir verbruikers en potensiële verbruikers van persoonlike motorvoertuigversekering uit die volgende invloede en stappe bestaan: maatskappy se bemarkingspogings (insluitend mense, proses en prys van die polis), sosiaal-kulturele omgewingsfaktore (insluitend items soos positiewe niekommersiële bronne en negatiewe verwysingspersoon of -groep), kommunikasiebronne (betaalde pogings op sosiale media, gons-agent- en doelgemaakte boodskappe); sielkundige kenmerke (items soos persepsie oor ’n bepaalde versekeringsmaatskappy en persoonlikheid), demografiese veranderlikes (huishoudelike inkomste, hoogste opvoedingsvlak en ouderdom), en stappe in die besluitnemingsproses (vooraankoopsoektog wat kwotasies aanvra en alternatiewe pryse evalueer, gehalte/standaarde en handelsmerke). Die demografiese profiel van respondente is gebruik om ’n beskrywing van die gemiddelde persoonlike motorvoertuigbestuurder en verbruiker van persoonlike motorvoertuigversekering te ontwikkel. Hierdie studie verskaf ’n aanvaarbare model wat die koopbesluitproses van individue in die persoonlike motorvoertuigversekeringsmark in Suid-Afrika verduidelik.
Izinga lokungena eliphansi lomshwalense wezimoto eNingizimu Afrika libeka ingcindezi enkulu embonini yomshwalense wesikhashana. Ukuhlaziywa kwabantu emakethe kanye nemikhuba yabo yokuthenga kuzovumela abadayisi bomshwalensi besikhathi esifushane ukuthi baqonde abathengi babo kanye nokuziphatha kokuthenga. Lolu cwaningo luhlose ukuthuthukisa imodeli ezonquma inqubo yesimo sokuthenga sabathengi (abanomshwalense) kanye nabathengi abangahle babe nawo (abangewona) mayelana nomshwalense wemoto yomuntu siqu eNingizimu Afrika. Kubalulekile ukuthi izinkampani zomshwalense wesikhathi esifushane zithole ukuqonda mayelana nezindlela zokuziphatha uma umuntu ethengwa umshwalense wemoto eNingizimu Afrika, njengoba izohambisana nokuthi yanelise izidingo zabathengi futhi ibe nomthelela ezinqumweni zokuthenga komuntu. Amamodeli wokuthatha izinqumo amaningana ahlolwa ukuze asize ekuthuthukisweni kwesinqumo somqondo sokuthenga umthengi semodeli yomshwalense wemoto yomuntu siqu ebonisa imithelela nezinyathelo zenqubo yesinqumo sokuthenga. Idatha yobuningi iqoqwe ngohlu lwemibuzo oluku-inthanethi. Ucwaningo lulandele isu lokwakha imodeli lezigaba ezintathu: (1) Ukuhlaziywa Kwezinto Ezihlolayo, (2) Ukuhlaziywa Kwezinto Eziqinisekisayo kanye (3) nokwakhiwa kwemodeli yokuhlehla kwempahla ukuze kuhlolwe futhi ihlolisiswe yini imodeli kuze kusungulwe imodeli eyamukelekayo. Ucwaningo luthole ukuthi isinqumo somuntu sokuthengwa komshwalense kanye nabathengi abangase babe ngabathengi siqukethe imithelela nezinyathelo ezilandelayo: imizamo yokumaketha yenkampani (ihlanganisa abantu, inqubo kanye nentengo yenqubomgomo), izici zemvelo yezenhlalo kwamasiko (okufakwe izinto ezifana nezinto ezinhle ezingezona eziqondile) imithombo yezentengiselwano kanye nomuntu noma iqembu eliyisithenjwa), imithombo yokuxhumana (ekhokhelwe imizamo yenkundla yezokuxhumana, ibhazi ejenti kanye nemilayezo engokwezifiso); izici zengqondo (izinto ezinjengombono ngenkampani ethile yomshwalensi kanye nobuntu), ukuhlukahluka kwabantu (imali engenayo yasekhaya, izinga eliphezulu lemfundo nobudala), kanye nezinyathelo zenqubo yokuthatha izinqumo (ukusesha ngaphambi kokuthenga ucela amakhotheshini nokuhlola ezinye izintengo, ikhwalithi/ amazinga kanye nemikhiqizo). Iphrofayili yezibalo zabantu abaphendulayo yasetshenziswa ukuthuthukisa incazelo yomshayeli wemoto yomuntu ophakathi nendawo kanye nomuntu ongumthengi womshwalense wemoto. Lolu cwaningo luhlinzeka ngemodeli eyamukelekayo echaza inqubo eyisinqumo sokuthengwa kwabantu ngabanye abasemakethe yomshwalense wezimoto eNingizimu Afrika.