Following numerous other countries that have relaxed their stringent Cannabis laws, Cannabis has recently been decriminalised in South Africa. This has led consumers to believe that Cannabis is more acceptable and so increasing the demand for Cannabis and Cannabis-infused products available on the market. However, international studies conducted in terms of consumer knowledge-attitude-perception/practice (KAP) of Cannabis and Cannabis-infused snacks have revealed that consumers have knowledge gaps which may affect their attitudes and perception/practice surrounding Cannabis. In addition, using Cannabis irresponsibly may also place consumers and manufacturers at risk. This merits the exploration of South African knowledge-attitude-perception/practice of Cannabis and Cannabis-infused snacks.
A qualitative research paradigm, explorative up until saturation in nature was adopted to explore the views of 36 participants that had heard of Cannabis or any of its synonyms. Participants were recruited via non-probability sampling techniques such as convenience sampling, referral sampling and purposive sampling from some of the provinces in South Africa. Of these interviews, 25 were individual interviews and supplemented with two focus groups. One focus group consisted of participants that had consumed Cannabis, whilst the other focus group consisted of participants that had not. During the data-gathering period, the COVID-19 pandemic was being controlled through social distancing and all interviews were, therefore, conducted on Microsoft Teams©. This enabled the researcher to record the proceedings and transcribe the data to be analysed through content analysis. The categories that emerged were then tabulated and represented through figures in accordance with the study objectives. The research was based on the principles of trustworthiness and executed accordingly with ethical clearance granted before commencing with the study.
The findings obtained from this study suggested that all participants possessed a degree of subjective knowledge regarding Cannabis. Medicinal applications were the most common benefit in contrast to recreational uses and its side effects as the most common risks associated with Cannabis. Participant objective knowledge regarding Cannabis was, however limited with Cannabis users more likely to possess better objective knowledge regarding Cannabidiol (CBD) and Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) as chemicals in Cannabis. Alternatively, the majority of participants possessed acceptable objective knowledge regarding the recent Cannabis legislation in South Africa, suggesting that news articles may be effective in creating consumer awareness. Consumer attitudes toward Cannabis varied greatly but was associated with the intended use of Cannabis. Health and remedial applications were more accepted as opposed to recreational applications. These motives were also often linked to older age (35+ years) and non-Cannabis use. Alternatively, more participants were in favour of the recent Cannabis legislation with almost half of participant supportive of the ruling. However, the majority of participants, whether in favour or opposed to the legislation, felt that legislative improvements were required.
Furthermore, the findings from this study indicated that more than two thirds of participants had used Cannabis at least once. Participants that had not used Cannabis cited individual-specific concerns of side effects and lack of accessibility as motives for not consuming Cannabis. Participants that had used Cannabis were divided as to experimental (used Cannabis three times or less) and experienced Cannabis users (used Cannabis four or more times). Experienced Cannabis users were further split into past user, use as require, occasional user and frequent user. The top three motives for consuming Cannabis were curiosity, therapeutic applications, and recreational reasons. Only a few participants used some sort of method to dose the quantity of Cannabis consumed, with the majority of experimental and occasional users having no dosing method. Dosing method was later provided as one of the reasons for participant-specific experiences from Cannabis use with no dosing method related to not meeting participant expectations. Finally, the majority of participants were not willing to consume a snack infused with Cannabis unconditionally and irregular side effects and sensory properties were amongst the reasons for not being willing to consume an edible. Finally, the majority of participants required the snack to be regulated and verified before being willing to consume it.
This study provided a basis towards understanding consumer knowledge of, their attitude toward and perception/practice of Cannabis and Cannabis-infused snack foods. Future research should focus on including a larger sample of the South African population to gain an in-depth understanding of consumer KAP regarding Cannabis and Cannabis-infused snacks. Secondly, since older age was associated with having more unfavourable KAP toward Cannabis, future research could focus on older generations and how they obtain their information. Some recommendations from the study involved the development of regulated and verified Cannabis and Cannabis-infused snacks as inexperienced usage combined with an unregulated product may put consumers at risk. Next, marketers should consider creating consumer awareness as to the phytochemicals present in Cannabis as well as possible benefits and side effects concerning Cannabis, specifically cannabidiol (CBD). Marketers could, furthermore, direct their marketing strategies on the benefits of Cannabis toward older generations and promote responsible use amongst younger generations. Finally, the environmental and economic potential of Cannabis should also not be disregarded, especially since consumers are more aware and concerned for the environment.
Kutshanje, ilizwe lase Mzantsi Afrika liye lalandela amanye amazwe athe axegisa imithetho engqongqo ye-Cannabis ebizwa intsangu ngolwimi. Lonto iye yabangela ukuba abathengi baseMzantsi Afrika bayamkele i-Cannabis nezimuncumuncu ezifakwe i-Cannabis, ntoleyo ebangele ukonyuka kwezinga lokulangazelelwa kweemveliso zayo kumaqonga okuthengisa. Nangona kunjalo, uphando-nzulu oluqhutywe kumazwe ngamazwe malunga nolwazi lwabathengi-isimo-isenzo/ukuqonda (i-KAP) ye-Cannabis nezimuncumuncu ezifakwe i-Cannabis luye lwaveza ukuba kukho umsantsa wolwazi onokuchaphazela izimo zabo zengqondo kunye nokusebenza/umbono ojikeleze i-Cannabis. Ngaphezulu, ukusetyenziswa kwe-Cannabis ngendlela engenankathalo kunokubeka abathengi/ abasebenzisi nabavelisi be-Cannabis emngciphekweni. Lonto ikhuthaza ukuba kuphononongwe ulwazi lwabathengi boMzantsi Afrika-indlela yokusebenzisa/ukubona kwabo i-Cannabis nezimuncumuncu ezifakwe i-Cannabis.
Koluphando-nzulu, kusetyenziswe uhloblo lokuphonononga olubizwa nge “qualitative research paradigm” ukuqokelela izimvo okanye iimbono zabathathi-nxaxheba abangamashumi amathathu nesithandathu (36) ababekhe beva ngegama le-Cannabis okanye naziphi na izithetha-ntonye zayo. Abathathi-nxaxheba baye baqokelelwa kumaphondo athile ase Mzantsi Africa ngokusetyenziswa kweendlela ezibizwa “non-probability sampling techniques”, ezindlela zaziwa ngokuba zi “convenience sampling, referral sampling kunye ne purposive sampling”. Udliwano-ndlebe olungamashumi amabini anesihlanu luye lwabandakanya abathathi-nxaxheba abazimeleyo lwaze longezwa okanye lwancediswa ngamaqela amabini ekugxilwe kuwo abizwa ngokuthi “focus groups”. Elinye lalamaqela libandakanya abathathi-nxaxheba abakhe bayisebenzisa i-Cannabis ngelixesha elinye iqela belinabathathi-nxaxheba abangazane bayisebenzisa i-Cannabis. Ngexesha lokuqokelelwa kweengcombolo, ukusasazeka kwesifo esikhoyo elizweni jikelele esibizwa nge “COVID-19 pandemic” kwaye kwavikelwa ngokuqaqelelanisa abathathi-nxaxheba kulo lonke udliwano-ndlebe ngokuthi kusetyenziswe iqonga elibizwa nge “Microsoft Teams©”. Lonto yenza ukuba umphandi akwazi ukutshicilela inkqubo nokuqokelela iingcombolo ukuze kuhlalutywe iinkcukacha zazo. Iindidi ezathi zavela koluhlaziyo zaye zadweliswa zabe seziboniswa kusetyenziswa izibonisi-mifanekiso ezilungelelwaniswe neenjongo zophando. Oluphando lwalusekelwe kwimigaqo ethembekileyo yaye lwenziwa ngokulandela nokuthobela imiqathango yokuziphatha nokuhlonipha ekwilungelo nemvume yokuqalisa uphando.
Iziphumo zoluphando zibonakalisa ukuba bonke abathathi-nxaxheba banolwazi oluphantsi malunga ne-Cannabis. Olona lwazi oluhamba phambili lolokunceda kwe- Cannabis xa isetyenziswa njengechiza xa kuthelekiswa nolonwabo kunye nemiphumela engamkelekanga edla ngokweyanyaniswa nokusetyenziswa kwe- Cannabis. Ukubanolwazi oluphantsi kwabathathi-nxaxheba malunga ne- Cannabis kwakubonakala kungcono kubasebenzisi be- Cannabis, lonto ibonakalisa ukuba abasebenzisi be- Cannabis banganolwazi olungcono ngechiza elifumaneka kwincindi ye- Cannabis elibizwa nge “Cannabidiol (CBD) and Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)”. Okanye, uninzi lwabathathi-nxaxheba babenolwazi oluphantsi malunga nemithetho yaseMzantsi Afrika elawula ukutyalwa/kuphathwa nokusetyenziswa kwe- Cannabis, ntoleyo ebonisa ukuba ukubhalwa kupapashwe amanqaku amatsha ngemithetho nolawulo lwe- Cannabis kungabayeyona ndlela engcono yokwaziza ngalemithetho. Isimo sabathathi-nxaxheba sokuqonda esoyanyaniswa ne- Cannabis sabonakalisa ukohluka kakhulu kodwa soyamene nokusetyenziswa kwe- Cannabis. Ukusetyenzwa kwe- Cannabis ukunyanga nokuthibaza izigulo kwabonakala kwamkeleke ngaphezu kokusetyenziswa kwayo kwezolonwabo. Ezizimvo ke zoyanyaniswa nabathathi-nxaxheba ababudala obungaphezu kweminyaka engamashumi amathathu anesihlanu kunye nabo bangayisebenzisiyo i-Cannabis. Kungenjalo, uninzi lwabathathi-nxaxheba babevumelana futhi besamkela utshintso olutsha kwimithetho elawula ukutyalwa/ukuphathwa nokusetyenziswa kwe- Cannabis. Nangona kunjalo, uninzi lwabathathi-nxaxheba bevumelana okanye bengavumelani notshintsho lomthetho we- Cannabis, bonke babona kukho isidingo sohlaziyo lomthetho ebhekene neendaba ze- Cannabis.
Kanajalo, iziphumo zoluphando ziye zabonakalisa ukuthi ngaphezu kwesibini kwisithathu sabathathi-nxaxheba sake sayisebenzisa i-Cannabis kanye ebuncinaneni. Abathathi-nxaxheba abangekaze bayisebenzise i-Cannabis baye babala izizathu zabo umntu ngamnye, ezifana nemiphumela engamkelekanga nokungafumaneki kunye nenjongo yokusetyenzwa kwayo. Abathathi-nxaxheba abake bayisebenzinsa bohlukaniswa babangabafunda ukusetyenziswa kwayo (bayisebenzisa kathathu okanye ngaphantsi koko) kunye nabanamava okuyisebenzisa (bayisebenzisa kane okanye ngaphezu koko). Abasebenzisi abanamava baye bohlukaniswa bangabake bayiseenzisa kwixesha elodlulayo, abayisebenzisa xa beyinqanqathekele, abahlala-hlale bayisebenzise, kunye nabayisebenzisa rhoqo. Ezona njongo eziphambili zokuysebenzisa ezintathu kwaba ngumdla, ukunyanya okanye ukuthobaza ukugula, nokuyisebenzisela ulonwabo. Babambalwa abathathi-nxaxheba abakhe basebenzisa ndlela-thize yokukala umlinganiselo we- Cannabis phambi kokuba bayisebenzise ngelixa uninzi lwafunda ukusebenzisa i-Cannabis nabahlala-hlale bayisebenzise bengekaze basebenzise kwandlela yokukala umlinganiselo abozowusebenzisa. Ukalo lomlinganiselo lwaye loyanyaniswa nezizathu abathathi-nxaxheba baye bazive ngeendlela ezohlukeneyo kwabangakali mlinganiselo xa bephantsi kwempembelelo ye- Cannabis, abangakali mlingaliselo bagqibela bengazivanga ngendlela ebebelindele ukuziva ngayo xa bephantsi kwempembelelo. Okokugqibela, uninzi lwabathathi-nxaxheba wawungenamdla wokungcamula izimuncumuncu ezifakwe i-Cannabis naphantsi kweyiphi imeko, izizathu zoko zibandakanya imiphumela engamkelekanga nokuchaphazeleka kweempawu ezinje ngencasa nevumba njalo-njalo, ngelixa uninzi lwabonisa ukuba lungazingcamla kuphel xa kungabanomthetho olawula oluhlobo lwezimuncumuncu futhi kuqinisekiswe ukulungela kwazo ukutyiwa ngabantu.
Oluphando lusinika isiseko solwazi malunga nolwazi lokuba abahlali/bathengi babona beqonda njani ukusetyenziswa kwe- Cannabis ekwenzeni izimuncumuncu. Ezinye zeengcebiso koluphando zibandakanya ukuqulunqwa kwendlela engcono yokuthengisa umbono woluhlobo lwezimuncumuncu, kunye nokunxibelelana nabo banokuzisebenzisa, ukwenziwa kwezimuncumuncu ezihloliweyo ukulungela kwazo ukutyiwa ngabantu kunye neminye imiba eyoyamene noko engathi iqwalaselwe kwixesha elizayo xa kusenziwa uphando. Futhi, oluphando lulinyathelo lokuqala lokuqonda ulwazi-isimo sengqondo-ukwenza/ukuqonda “KAP” kubahlali/bathengi baseMzantsi Afrika malunga nentsngu kunye nezimuncumuncu ezine- Cannabis futhi sisisiseko sophando kwixesha elizayo kulenkalo yobungcali.
Na aanleiding van talle ander lande wat hul streng Cannabis-wette verslap het, is Cannabis onlangs in Suid-Afrika gedekriminaliseer. Dit het verbruikers laat glo dat Cannabis en die verbruik daarvan meer aanvaarbaar is en gevolglik die vraag verhoog na Cannabis en Cannabis-geïnfuseerde produkte. Internasionale studies wat in terme van verbruikerskennis-houding-praktyk/persepsie (KHP) van Cannabis en Cannabis gedoen is, het egter aan die lig gebring dat verbruikers kennisgapings het wat hul houdings en praktyk/persepsie rondom Cannabis kan beïnvloed. Daarbenewens kan die onverantwoordelike gebruik van Cannabis ook verbruikers en vervaardigers in gevaar stel. Dit verdien die verkenning van Suid-Afrikaanse kennis-houding-praktyk/persepsie (KHP) van Cannabis en Cannabis-geïnfuseerde versnapperinge.
'n Kwalitatiewe navorsingsparadigma, ondersoekend tot versadiging van aard, is aangeneem om die sienings van 36 deelnemers wat van Cannabis of enige van sy sinonieme bewus was, te ondersoek. Deelnemers is deur middel van nie-waarskynlikheidsteekproeftegnieke soos geriefsteekproefneming, verwysingsteekproefneming en doelgerigtesteekproefneming van sommige van die provinsies in Suid-Afrika gewerf. Van hierdie onderhoude was 25 individuele onderhoude, aangevul met twee fokusgroepe. Een fokusgroep het bestaan uit deelnemers wat voorheen Cannabis verbruik het, terwyl die ander fokusgroep uit deelnemers bestaan het wat nie voorheen Cannabis verbruik het nie. Gedurende die data-insamelingstydperk was die COVID-19-pandemie deur sosiale distansiëring beheer en alle onderhoude is dus op Microsoft Teams© gevoer. Dit het die navorser in staat gestel om die verrigtinge op te neem en die data te transkribeer en deur middel van inhoudsanalise te ontleed. Die kategorieë wat na vore gekom het, is dan in tabelvorm sowel as deur figure voorgestel in ooreenstemming met die studiedoelwitte. Die navorsing is gebaseer op die beginsels van betroubaarheid en dienooreenkomstig uitgevoer met etiese klaring wat verkry is voordat daar met die studie begin is.
Die bevindinge wat uit hierdie studie na vore gekom het, het voorgestel dat alle deelnemers 'n mate van subjektiewe kennis oor Cannabis besit. Medisinale toepassings was die mees algemene voordeel terwyl ontspanningsgebruike en die newe-effekte die mees algemene risiko's was wat met Cannabis geassosieër word. Deelnemers se objektiewe kennis rakende Cannabis was egter beperk en Cannabis-gebruikers was geneig om oor beter objektiewe kennis te beskik rakende Cannabidiol (CBD) en Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) as chemikalieë in Cannabis. Alternatiewelik het die meerderheid deelnemers aanvaarbare objektiewe kennis getoon rakende die onlangse Cannabis-wetgewing in Suid-Afrika, wat daarop dui dat nuusartikels effektief kan wees om bewustheid onder verbruikers te skep.
Verbruikershoudings teenoor Cannabis en versnapperings wat met Cannabis aangevul is, het grootliks verskil, maar is geassossieer met die beoogde gebruik van Cannabis. Gesondheids- en remediërende toepassings was beter aanvaar as ontspanningsaansoeke. Hierdie motiewe was ook dikwels gekoppel aan ‘n ouer ouderdom (35+ jaar) en nie-Cannabis-gebruikers. Alternatiewelik was meer deelnemers ten gunste van die onlangse Cannabis-wetgewing met byna die helfte van die deelnemers wat die beslissing ondersteun het. Die meerderheid deelnemers, hetsy ten gunste van of gekant teen die wetgewing, het egter gevoel dat wetgewende verbeterings nodig was.
Verder het die bevindinge van hierdie studie aangedui dat meer as twee derdes van die deelnemers Cannabis ten minste een keer gebruik het. Deelnemers wat nie Cannabis gebruik het nie, het individueel-spesifieke, bekommernisse oor moontlike newe-effekte en 'n gebrek aan toeganklikheid aangehaal as motiewe. Deelnemers wat Cannabis gebruik het, is gegroepeer in eksperimentele (het Cannabis drie keer of minder gebruik) en ervare Cannabis-gebruikers (het Cannabis vier of meer keer gebruik). Ervare Cannabis-gebruikers is verder verdeel in vorige gebruiker, gebruik soos vereis, af-en-toe gebruiker en gereelde gebruiker. Die top drie motiewe vir die verbruik van Cannabis was nuuskierigheid, terapeutiese toepassings en ontspanningsredes. Slegs 'n paar deelnemers het 'n metode gebruik om die hoeveelheid Cannabis wat verbruik is te doseer, met die meerderheid eksperimentele en af-en-toe gebruikers wat geen doseermetode gehad het nie. Doseringsmetodes is later verskaf as een van die redes vir deelnemer-spesifieke ervarings van Cannabis-gebruik en geen doseringsmetode het verband gehou met ervarings wat nie voldoen het aan deelnemers se verwagtinge nie. Laastens was die meerderheid deelnemers nie bereid om 'n versnappering wat met Cannabis aangevul is onvoorwaardelik te eet nie en onreëlmatige newe-effekte en sensoriese eienskappe was van die redes waarom hulle nie bereid was om 'n Cannabis-versnappering te eet nie. Die meerderheid deelnemers het egter vereis dat die peuselhappie gereguleer en geverifiëer moet word voor hul bereid was om die versnappering te verbruik.
Hierdie studie verskaf ‘n basis om verbruikerskennis, -houdings en -praktyke/-persepsies van Cannabis en Cannabis-geïnfuseerde peuselhappies te verstaan. Toekomstige navorsing kan daarop fokus om 'n groter, meer veralgemeenbare steekproef van die Suid-Afrikaanse bevolking in te sluit om 'n in-diepte begrip van verbruikers-KHP met betrekking tot Cannabis en peuselhappies wat met Cannabis gefortifiseer is, te verkry. Verder, aangesien ouer ouderdom geassosieer was met meer ongunstige KHP teenoor Cannabis, kan toekomstige navorsing fokus op ouer generasies en hoe hulle hul inligting bekom. Sommige aanbevelings uit die studie behels die ontwikkeling van gereguleerde en geverifieerde peuselhappies wat met Cannabis aangevul is, aangesien onervare gebruik gekombineer met 'n ongereguleerde produk, verbruikers in gevaar kan stel. Vervolgens moet bemarkers dit oorweeg om verbruikersbewustheid te skep oor die fitochemikalieë wat in Cannabis voorkom, sowel as moontlike voordele en newe-effekte rakende Cannabis, meer spesifiek cannabidiol (CBD). Bemarkers kan ook hul bemarkingstrategieë oor die voordele van Cannabis na ouer generasies rig en verantwoordelike gebruik onder jonger geslagte bevorder. Laastens moet die omgewings- en ekonomiese potensiaal van Cannabis ook nie verontagsaam word nie, veral aangesien verbruikers meer bewus en besorg is oor die omgewing.