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The relationship between organisational culture and organisational effectiveness at a South African food retailer

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dc.contributor.advisor Olivier, B.H. Fourie, Stefan Steyn 2022-08-24T12:29:23Z 2022-08-24T12:29:23Z 2022-07
dc.description Abstracts in English, Afrikaans, Zulu en
dc.description.abstract This research investigated the relationship between organisational culture (OC) and organisational effectiveness (OE) in a South African food retailer. In a highly competitive food retail sector, a well-managed OC can potentially give an organisation a competitive edge by increasing its effectiveness. A quantitative, non-experimental research approach was used to gather data for the statistical analysis. Convenience sampling identified a sample of 150 employees for this empirical study, which included employees from various departments of one specific retail store in South Africa. A survey was conducted using the Denison Organisational Culture Survey (DOCS), which measured both OC and OE in this study. The DOCS measured the four major constructs of OC, called cultural traits, namely Involvement, Consistency, Adaptability and Mission. Each cultural trait is subdivided into three indices that manifest the particular cultural trait. The study measured 12 OC indices, namely Empowerment, Team Orientation, Capability Development, Core Values, Agreement, Coordination & Integration, Creating Change, Customer Focus, Organisational Learning, Strategic Direction & Intent, Goals & Objectives and Vision. The study measured OE using the Organisational Effectiveness Questionnaire (OEC), forming part of the DOCS. The study adopted seven subjective measurement criteria to define OE: Overall Performance, Market Share, Sales Growth, Profitability, Employee Satisfaction, Quality of Products and Services, and New Product Development. Correlational analysis revealed statistically significant relationships between Mission and OE (.383; p ≤ .01), between Consistency and OE (.364; p ≤ .05), and between Involvement and OE (.329 p ≤ .05). Adaptability did not have a statistically significant relationship with the Composite OE Score. The correlation coefficients for the 12 culture indices and the seven OE measures indicated that 11 of the 12 culture indices had a statistically significant relationship with one or more of the seven OE measures. The study concluded that a statistically significant relationship existed between OC and OE. Multiple regression analysis showed that none of the four OC traits could predict OE but that three of the 12 OC indices, namely Agreement, Customer Focus and Vision, could predict 11.4% of the variance of a Composite OE Score. Recommendations were made for the organisation and future research. Leaders, key stakeholders, and employees will derive great benefit from understanding their organisation’s culture and its effect on the organisation’s performance and learning how to redirect the organisation’s culture to improve OE. en
dc.description.abstract Hierdie navorsing ondersoek die verhouding tussen organisatoriese kultuur (OK) en organisatoriese doeltreffendheid (OD) by 'n Suid-Afrikaanse voedselkleinhandelaar. In 'n hoogs mededingende voedselkleinhandelsektor kan 'n OK wat goed bestuur word, moontlik vir 'n organisasie 'n mededingingsvoordeel gee deur sy doeltreffendheid te verhoog. 'n Kwantitatiewe, nie-eksperimentele navorsingsbenadering is gebruik om data vir die statistiese ontleding te versamel. Geriefsteekproefneming het 'n steekproef van 150 werknemers vir hierdie empiriese studie geïdentifiseer, wat werknemers van verskeie departemente van een spesifieke kleinhandelwinkel in Suid-Afrika ingesluit het. 'n Opname is gedoen deur die Denision-opname vir organisatoriese kultuur (DOCS) te gebruik, wat beide die OK en OD in hierdie studie gemeet het. Die DOCS het die vier belangrike konstrukte van OK (kultuurle eienskappe), naamlik betrokkenheid, konsekwentheid, aanpasbaarheid en missie, gemeet. Elke kulturele eienskap is in drie indekse wat spesifieke kulturele eienskap manifesteer, verdeel. Die studie het 12 OK-indekse gemeet, naamlik, bemagtiging, spanoriëntasie, vaardigheidsontwikkeling, kernwaardes, ooreenkoms, koördinering en integrasie, skep van verandering, klantefokus, organisatoriese leer, strategiese leiding en opset, doelstellings en visie. Die studie het OD gemeet deur 'n vraelys vir organisatoriese doeltreffendheid wat deel van die DOCS vorm. Die studie het sewe subjektiewe metingkriteria vir OD gedefinieer: algehele prestasie, markaandeel, verkoopsgroei, winsgewendheid werknemertevredenheid, gehalte van produkte en dienste en ontwikkeling van nuwe produkte. Korrelasie-ontleding het statisties beduidende verhoudings tussen missie en OD getoon (.383; p ≤ .01), tussen konsekwentheid en OD (.364; p ≤ .05), en tussen betrokkenheid en OD (.329 p ≤ .05). Aanpasbaarheid het nie 'n statisties beduidende verhouding met die saamgestelde OD-telling gehad nie. Die korrelasiekoeffisiënt vir die 12 kultuurindekse en die sewe OD-maatstawwe het getoon dat 11 van die 12 kultuurindekse 'n statisties beduidende verhouding met een of meer van die sewe OD-maatstawwe gehad het. Die studie het tot die gevolg gekom dat daar 'n statisties beduidende verhouding tussen OK en OD bestaan. Veelvuldige regressie-ontleding het getoon dat geen van die vier OK-eienskappe OD kan voorspel nie, maar dat drie van die 12 OK-indekse, naamlik ooreenkoms, klantefokus en visie, 11.4% van die afwyking van 'n saamgestelde OD-telling kan voorspel. Aanbevelings is vir die organisasie en toekomstige navorsing gemaak. Leiers, sleutelbelanghebbers en werknemers sal voordeel trek uit begrip van hul organisasie se kultuur en die uitwerking daarvan op die organisasie se prestasie en leer hoe om die organisasie se kultuur te herlei om OD te verbeter. af
dc.description.abstract Lolu cwaningo luphenyisise ngobudlelwane phakathi kosiko lwenhlangano okuyi-organisational culture (OC) kanye ne-organisational effectivenss (OE) kwi-retailer yokudla yeNingizimu Afrika. Kwisektha yokuqhudelana ngezinga eliphezulu ye-retail yokudla, i-OC ephathwa kahle inganikeza inhlangano ithuba lokuqhudelana ngokukhulisa ukusebenza kahle kwayo. Kusetshenziswe inqubo ye-non-experimental research ukuqoqa ulwazi ukwenzela ukuhlaziya amanani. I-convenience sampling ibone isampuli yabasebenzi abangu 150 kulolu cwaningo olusekelwe wubufakazi, olubandakanya abasebenzi beminyango ehlukene kwisitolo esisodwa se-retail eNingizimu Afrika Isaveyi yenziwe ngokusebenzisa i-Denison Organisational Culture Survey (DOCS), ekala kokubili i-OC kanye ne-OE kulolu cwaningo. I-DOCS ikala imiqondo emikhulu emine ye-OC, ebizwa ngokuthi ama-cultural traits, okuyi-involvement, i-consistency, i-adaptability kanye ne-mission. I-cultural trait ngayinye yabiwe ngama-indices amathathu azikhombisa nge-cultural trait ethize. Ucwaningo lukale ama-andices angu 12 OC, okuwukuhlinzeka ngamandla, i-team orientation, ukuthuthukisa ikhono, ama-core value, isivumelwano, i-cordination and integration, ukubanga ushintsho, ukugxila kumakhastama, ukufunda kwenhlangano, ubuqondisi obusemqoka kanye nokuqondisa, izinhloso, izinjongo kanye nombono. Ucwaningo lukale i-OE ngokusebenzisa i- Organisational Effectiveness Questionnaire (OEC), eyingxenye ye-DOCS. Ucwaningo lwamukele ikhrayitheriya yezikali eziyisikhombisa ukuchaza i-OE: ukusebenza kahle ngokunabile, isabelo semakethe ukukhula kwentengiso, ukuba neprofithi, ukuneliseka kwabasebenzi, ikhwalithi yemikhiqizo kanye namasevisi kanye nokuthuthukisa umkhiqizo omusha. Uhlaziyo oluhambisanayo lwe-correlational analysis lukhombise ngokwamanani ubudlelwane obusemqoka phakathi kwe-mission ne-OE (.383; p ≤ .01), phakathi kwe-consistency kanye ne-OE (.364; p ≤ .05), naphakathi kwe-involvement kanye ne-OE (.329 p ≤ .05). I-adaptability ayizange ibe nobudlelwane obusemqoka ne-composite OE score. I-correlation coefficients yama-culture indices angu 12 kanye nezikali eziyisikhombisa ze-OE zikhombise u 11 kanye ne 12 culture indices yaba nobudlelwane obusemqoka nokukodwa noma okungaphezulu kwezikali ze-OE. Ucwaningo lwenze isiphetho sokuba nobudlelwane obusemqoka ngokwananani phakathi kwe-OC kanye ne-OE. Uhlaziyo lwama-multiple regression analysis lukhombise ukuthi awekho ama-trait amane e-OC akwazi ukuqagela i-OE kodwa ukuthi amathathu ama 12 OC indices, okuyisivumelwano, ukugxila kumakhastama kanye nombono, kungaqagela u 11.4% we-variance ye-composite OE score. Izincomo zenzelwe inhlangano kanye nocwaningo lwangekusasa. Abaholi, ababambiqhaza ababalulekile, kanye nabasebenzi bazothola izinzuzo ngokuqondisisa usiko lwenhlangano yabo kanye nomphumela kwinhlangano ngokusebenza kwayo kanye nokufunda ukuqondisa usiko lwenhlangano ukuthuthukisa i-OE. zu
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (xvii, 120 leaves) : illustrations (some color), graphs, tables en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject Organisational culture en
dc.subject Cultural traits en
dc.subject Cultural indices en
dc.subject DOCS en
dc.subject Organisational effectiveness en
dc.subject Organisational performance en
dc.subject Organisatoriese kultuur af
dc.subject Kultuureienskappe af
dc.subject Kultuurindekse af
dc.subject Organisatoriese doeltreffendheid af
dc.subject Organisatoriese prestasie af
dc.subject Usiko lwenhlangano zu
dc.subject Ama-cultural trait zu
dc.subject Ama-indices osiko zu
dc.subject Ukusebenza kahle kwenhlangano zu
dc.subject Ukusebenza kwenhlangano zu
dc.subject.ddc 658.4060968
dc.subject.lcsh Corporate culture -- South Africa en
dc.subject.lcsh Food industry and trade -- South Africa en
dc.subject.lcsh Organizational behavior -- South Africa en
dc.subject.lcsh Retail trade -- South Africa en
dc.subject.lcsh Organizational effectiveness -- South Africa en
dc.title The relationship between organisational culture and organisational effectiveness at a South African food retailer en
dc.type Dissertation en
dc.description.department Industrial and Organisational Psychology en M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

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