Drug possession among learners remains a great challenge in South African schools, including those in the geographical area of the Royal Bafokeng Nation (RBN). Members of the community adjacent to the Keledi Secondary School raised concerns about the apparent escalation of drug possession among learners at this school.
The aim of this study was to examine the role of informants in the investigation of drug possession among learners at the Keledi Secondary School. The researcher used qualitative research in this exploratory study to investigate the emerging social phenomenon under investigation and to develop a preliminary understanding of the problem.
In view of this, semi-structured interviews were conducted with detectives from the South African Police Service (SAPS) Phokeng and those affiliated with the RBN. The findings show that an informant is an effective tool to address drug-related crime and, in this instance, the possession of drugs by learners at the Keledi Secondary School.
This study makes a number of recommendations for further training of narcotic detectives at both the SAPS Phokeng and those affiliated with the RBN. In addition, practical recommendations are made to galvanise society to address this challenge. Additional research should be done to investigate whether the allegations of drug possession by learners at schools across the border of the RBN are indeed true.
Go tsholwa ga diritibatsi ke barutwana go tsweletse go nna kgwetlho mo dikolong tsa Aforikaborwa, go akarediwa tse di mo tikologong ya Setšhaba sa Bogosi jwa Bafokeng (Royal Bafokeng Nation (RBN)). Baagi ba ba nnang go lebagana le Sekolo sa Sekontari sa Keledi ba tlhagisitse matshwenyego malebana le kgolo e e bonalang ya go tsholwa ga diritibatsi ke bana ba sekolo seno.
Maikaelelo a thutopatlisiso eno e ne e le go sekaseka seabe sa basedimosi mo patlisisong ya go tsholwa ga diritibatsi ke barutwana ba Sekolo sa Sekontari sa Keledi. Mmatlisisi o dirisitse patlisiso e e lebelelang mabaka mo thutopatlisisong eno e e tlhotlhomisang go batlisisa tiragalo e e tlhagelelang ya loago e e batlisisiwang le go dira gore go nne le go tlhaloganngwa ga tshimologo ga bothata.
Ka ntlha ya seno, go ne ga dirwa dipotsolotso tse di batlileng di rulagane le mafokisi go tswa kwa Tirelong ya Sepodisi ya Aforikaborwa (SAPS) kwa Phokeng le maphata a a amanang le RBN. Diphitlhelelo di bontsha gore mosedimosi ke sediriswa se se bokgoni sa go samagana le bosenyi jo bo amanang le diritibatsi le, mo lebakeng leno, go tsholwa ga diritibatsi ke barutwana kwa Sekolong sa Sekontari sa Keledi.
Thutopatlisiso e dira dikatlenegiso di le mmalwa gore go nne le katiso e nngwe ya mafokisi a diritibatsi kwa SAPS ya Phokeng le maphata a a amanang le RBN. Go tlaleletsa moo, go dirwa dikatlenegiso tse di dirisegang go susumetsa baagi go samagana le kgwetlho eno. Go tshwanetse ga dirwa patlisiso ya tlaleletso go batlisisa gore a mme magatwe a go tsholwa ga diritibatsi ke barutwana kwa dikolong mo tikologong ya RBN ke nnete.
Go ba le diokobatši gareng ga baithuti go tšwela pele go ba bothata bjo bogolo ka dikolong tša Afrika Borwa, go akaretšwa bao ba lego a lifelong la Setšhaba sa Bogoši bja Bafokeng (RBN). Maloko a setšhaba ao a lebanego le Sekolo seo se Phagamego sa Keledi a tšweleditše dipelaelo mabapi le go hlatloga kudu ga go ba le diokobatši ga baithuti mo sekolong se.
Maikemišetšo a dinyakišišo tše e bile go lekodišiša tema yeo e ralokwago ke bao ba fanago ka tshedimošo ge go dirwa dinyakišišo mabapi le go ba le diokobatši gareng ga baithuti ba ka Sekolong seo se Phagamego sa Keledi. Monyakišiši o šomišitše mokgwa wa dinyakišišo wa boleng ka mo dinyakišišong tše tša go utolla ka nepo ya go nyakišiša setlwaedi seo se tšwelelago setšhabeng seo se nyakišišwago le go ba le kwešišo ya mathomong ka ga bothata bjo.
Ka lebaka la se, dipotšišo tša dinyakišišo tšeo di nyakago gore moarabi a lokologe go araba ka fao a tsebago ka gona di ile tša botšišwa matseka a Tirelo ya Maphodisa ya Afrika Borwa (SAPS) ka Phokeng le bao ba ngwadišitšwego le RBN. Dikutollo di laetša gore motho yo a fanago ka tshedimošo ke setlabelo se bohlokwa go ka rarolla bosenyi bjo bo amanago le diokobatši gomme, mo lebakeng le, e lego baithuti bao ba nago le diokobatši ba Sekolo seo se Phagamego sa Keledi.
Dinyakišišo tše di tla ka ditšhišinyo tše mmalwa gore go hlahlwe matseka a go nyakišiša seokobatši sa nathothiki go tšwela pele ka go bobedi SAPS ya Phokeng le matseka ao a ngwadišitšwego le RBN. Godimo ga fao, ditšhišinyo tšeo di kwagalago di a dirwa ka nepo ya go rarolla bothata bjo. Dinyakišišo tša tlaleletšo di swanetše go dirwa ka nepo ya go nyakišiša ge eba dipelaelo tša gore baithuti ba ba le diokobatši ka dikolong go ralala le naga ya RBN ke nnete.