Die proefskrif is saamgestel uit vyf hoofstukke en n bylae.
(a) Die eerste hoofstuk is inleidend tot die ondersoek van die ontkenninging Noord-Sotho om die werkmetode en sekere terminologie toe te lig.
n Taaldinamiese benadering word gevolg om die ontkenningstrukture, wat gevorm word deur die ontkenningsmeganismes GA- , SA en SE, te beskryf. Daar word veral aandag geskenk aan die rangverskuiwing en status van die ontkenningsmeganismes op die hierargie tussen woorde en n morfeem.
In die ontleding van die rangorde word die eenheid ouksilier bespreek, wat tussen woord en morfeem le. Die ouksiliere wat ontleed is, word toegelig en die ontkennende ouksiliere in die raamwerk ingepas.
Die rangverspreiding van die ontkennings meganismes word uitgelig.
(b) In hoofstukke 2 tot 4 word die ontkenningsmeganismes GA-, SE en SA respektiewelik in die volgorde behandel. Die modale gebondenheid (dws. die beperktheid tot sekere modi), verbale uitgange (slotvokale) en samestellings met ander elemente soos die hulpwerkwoord, werkwoord, ouksiliere en forrmatief word bespreek.
GA- kom slegs as periferale prefigale ontkenningsformatief voor, en is beperk tot die indikatief.
Die ontkenningsmeganisme SE het die wydste verspreiding in rang en ook wat die modi van die werkwoord betref. Dit kom in al die modi voor as ontkenningsmeganisme en realiseer in rang as werkwoord, hulpwerkwoord, oukstlier en formatief.
SA as ontkenningsmeganisme realiseer in rang as hulpwerkwoord, ouksilier en formatief en kan fakultatlef tot SE gcbruik word in al die modi behalwe die indikatief en konsekutief, waarin SA gladnie voorkom nie.
Die negatiewe uitgang -E realiseer net in n enkele werkwoordkonstruksie of in die hulpwerkwoord stam in n hulpwerkwoordgroep, maar nie in samestellings met ouksiliere of elemente met verstarde uitgange (slotvokale) nie.
Hoofstuk 5 is n samevattlng van die verskillende ontkenningsmeganismes en die semantiese implikasies daarvan.
Omdat die werkwoordsisteem, in terme van die gebruiklik grammatiese beskrywings, in die proefskrif deur die uiteensetting
volgens ontkenningsmeganisme in hoofstukke 2 - 4 verwarrend mag voorkom, word die verskillende strukture in die bylae volgens die werkwoordkategoriee gerangskik.
The dissertation is compiled of five chapters and an appendix.
(a) The first chapter is an introduction to the research on the negative in Northern Sotho in order to elucidate the method applied in the research, and the terminology used.
A language dynamic approach is followed to describe the negative structures which are formed by the negative mechanisms GA-, SA and SE. Special attention is paid to rank shifting and the status of the negative mechanisms in the hierarchy between word and morpheme.
In the analysis of the order in rank the unit auxiliary, which lies between word and morpheme, is discussed. The auxiliaries which were analysed are elucidated and the negative auxiliaries fitted into the framework.
The distribution in rank of the negative mechanisms is explained.
(b) In chapters 2 to 4 the negative mechanisms GA-, SE and SA are treated in this order respectively. The modal lack of freedom (i.e. the restriction to certain moods), verbal terminatives (final vowels) and compositions with other elements like the auxiliary verb, verb, auxiliary and formative are discussed.
GA- appears only as a peripheral prefixal negative formative, and is restricted to the indicative.
The negative mechanism SE has the widest range in rank as well as the moods of the verb. It is spread over all the moods as negative mechanism and is realised in rank as verb, auxiliary verb, auxiliary and formative.
SA is realised in rank as auxiliary verb, auxiliary and formative as negative mechanism. It appears facultative to SE as negative mechanism in all the moods excepting the indicative and consecutive, where SA is not used at all.
The negative terminative -E realises only in a single verb structure or in the auxiliary verb stem in an auxiliary verb group, but not in compositions with auxiliaries or elements with invariable endings (final vowels).
Chapter 5 is a synopsis of the different negative mechanisms and the semantic implications thereof.
Against the background of the generally accepted description of the verbal system, the exposition in the · thesis according to negative mechanism in chapters 2 to 4 may be confusing. Therefore,
the different structures are arranged according to verb categories in the appendix.