In South Africa, socio-economic inequality has a profound negative impact on various
socio-economic levels, including education and the success of many young adults and
their career aspirations (Buthelezi et al., 2009; Sayed & Van Niekerk, 2017). Therefore,
this study aimed at exploring the influence of the educational background and socioeconomic
status of parents on the career aspirations of young adults. A qualitative
study was employed to explore the unique lived experiences of the participants. The
focal point of the study was the process young adults follow towards formulating their
career aspirations. Semi-structured interviews were conducted as a data collection
method. The aims of the study required purposive sampling as a method to analyse
the data and content analysis was used to extract themes and sub-themes. The study
found that the educational background and socio-economic status of parents inform
how much access young adults have to knowledge and resources and would increase
their confidence and possibility to pursue their career aspirations. Recommendations
were made to organisations, industrial and organisational psychologists, and career
counsellors on how to best support young adults and come up with initiatives that could
be implemented in their journeys towards becoming fulfilled employees.
ENingizimu Afrika, ukungalingani kwezenhlalisano yabantu nakwezomnotho
kunemiphumela emibiki kakhulu kumazinga ehlukene kubantu nakwezomnotho,
okubandakanya ezemfundo kanye nempumelelo yabantu abasha abaningi kanye
nezintshisekelo zabo ngama-career (Buthelezi et al., 2009; Sayed & Van Niekerk,
2017). Ngakho-ke, lolu cwaningo lunenhloso yokuqhwanda ngomthelela womsusa
kwizimo zabazali kwezemfundo kanye nezimo zenhlalisano yabantu nakwezomnotho
kwizintshisekelo zama-career zabantu abasha. Kusetshenziswe ucwaningo lwenqubo
ye-qualitative ukuqhwanda ngezipiliyoni zabantu ababambe iqhaza. Ucwaningo lugxile
kakhulu kwiprosese elandelwa ngabantu abasha ekwenzeni izintshisekelo zamacareer
abo. Kusetshenziswa ama-semi-structured interviews njengemethodi yokuqoqa
ulwazi. Inhloso yocwaningo ibidinga ukwenza i-purposive sampling njengemethodi
yokuhlaziya ulwazi kanti futhi nokuhlaziya ingqikithi yodaba ukucaphuma ama-theme
nama sub-theme noma izihloko nezihlokwana. Ucwaningo luthole ukuthi imvelaphi
yezemfundo kanye nesimo sabazali kwezenhlalisano yabantu nezomnotho
kuyisakhelo sempumelelo enkulu yokuthi abantu abasha bafinyelela kangakanani
kulwazi kanye nemithombo yosizo, kanye nokwenyusa ukuzithemba kwabo kanye
namathuba okulandelela izintshisekelo zama-career abo. Kwenziwe izincomo
kwizinhlangano, ama-industrial and organisational psychologist, kanye nabeluleki
ngama-career ukuthi bangasekela kancono kanjani abantu abasha, kanye
nokuqhamuka nezindlela zokubasiza kuhambo lwabo lokuba ngabasebenzi
Ka Afrika Borwa, tlhokego ya tekatekano mabapi le ekonomi ya setšhaba e na le seabe
se sego seo se sa kgahlišego maemong a mehutahuta a ekonomi ya setšhaba, go
akaretšwa thuto le katlego ya bafsa ba bantši le ditlhologelo tša bona tša go hwetša
mešomo (Buthelezi et al., 2009; Sayed & Van Niekerk, 2017). Ka fao, dinyakišišo tše
di ikemišeditše go lekodišiša khuetšo yeo maemo a thuto le maemo a batswadi go
ekonomi ya setšhaba di nago le yona go ditlhologelo tša go hwetša mešomo ka bafsa.
Go dirišitšwe dinyakišišo tša boleng ka nepo ya go lekodišiša maitemogelo a go swana
a nnoši a bakgathatema. Nepišokgolo ya dinyakišišo e bile tshepedišo yeo bafsa ba e
latelago ge ba hlama ditlhologelo tša bona tša go hwetša mešomo ye itšego.
Dipoledišano tšeo dipotšišo tša tšona di sego tša hlangwa peleng di swerwe bjalo ka
mokgwa wa go kgoboketša tshedimošo. Maikemišetšo a dinyakišišo a nyakile gore go
dirwe sampole ya maikemišetšo bjalo ka mokgwa wa go sekaseka tshedimošo gomme
tshekatsheko ya diteng e šomišitšwe go hwetša merero le merero ya ka fasana.
Dinyakišišo di utollotše gore maemo a thuto le maemo a batswadi go ekonomi ya
setšhaba di laola ka fao bafsa ba ka kgonago go fihlelela tsebo le methopo gomme se
se tla oketša boitshepo bja bona le kgonagalo ya gore ba latele ditlhologelo tša bona
tša mešomo ye itšego. Go dirilwe ditšhišinyo go mekgatlo, go bašomi ba tša menagano
ba ka diintastering le ba ka dikhamphaning, le go baeletši ba tša mešomo mabapi le
ka fao ba ka thušago bokaone bafsa le go tla ka masolo ao a ka phethagatšwago ka
leetong la bona gore ba fetoge bašomi bao ba kgotsofetšego.