African countries take advantage of the blue economy to boost their local economies. Consequently, countries with coastlines, such as the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), can develop strategies for coastal tourism. This study examined the determinants of coastal tourism in the Muanda territory of the DRC. Therefore, it identified determinants (i.e., push, pull, and constraint factors) using exploratory factor analysis, investigated the relationship between these factors (i.e., Pearson’s r), and compared group differences (i.e., t-tests and ANOVAs). Interest, relaxation and enjoyment, escape, miscellaneous and novelty (i.e., push factors) and marine environment, new experience, exploration, culture experience and environment quality (i.e., pull factors) were important travel motivations for travelling to the DRC. Costs and mobility were identified as constraints. Based on the results, recommendations for both public and private sectors were made (e.g., marketing campaigns focusing on the most important travel motivations; focusing on demographic and behavioural characteristics).
Amazwe ase-Afrika asebenzisa ithuba lomnotho oluhlaza ukuthuthukisa umnotho wawo wasekhaya. Ngakho-ke, amazwe anogu, njengeRiphabhuliki Yentando Yeningi yaseCongo (DRC), angasungula amasu okuvakasha ogwini. Lolu cwaningo luhlole okunqunyiwe kwezokuvakasha zasogwini endaweni yase-Muanda e-DRC. Ngakho-ke, ihlonze izinqumo (okungukuthi, ukusunduza, ukudonsa, kanye nezici ezivimbelayo) isebenzisa ukuhlaziya isici sokuhlola, yaphenya ubudlelwano phakathi kwalezi zici (okungukuthi, i-Pearson's r), futhi yaqhathanisa umehluko weqembu (okungukuthi, ukuhlolwa kwe-t kanye nama-ANOVA). Intshisekelo, ukuphumula nokuzijabulisa, ukuphunyuka, ingxubevange kanye nobusha (okungukuthi, izici eziphushayo) kanye nemvelo yasolwandle, ulwazi olusha, ukuhlola, ulwazi lwamasiko kanye nekhwalithi yemvelo (okungukuthi, izici ezidonsayo) kwakuyizisusa ezibalulekile zohambo lokuya e-DRC. Izindleko kanye nokuhamba kuhlonzwe njengezithiyo. Ngokusekelwe emiphumeleni, iziphakamiso zazo zombili izinhlaka zikahulumeni nezizimele zenziwa (isb., imikhankaso yokumaketha egxile ekugqugquzeleni okubaluleke kakhulu kokuhamba; egxile ezicini zezibalo zabantu kanye nokuziphatha)
Dinaha tsa Aforika di sebedisa monyetla wa ho sebedisa disebediswa tsa mawatle ho hodisa/matlafatsa moruo wa tsona wa lehae. Ka lebaka leo, dinaha tse mabopong a lewatle, tse jwalo ka Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), di ka etsa mawa a ho ntlafatsa ditshebeletso tsa boithabiso tse fuwang bahahlaodi dibakeng tse mabopong a mawatle. Phuputso ena e hlahlobile mabaka a susumetsang bohahlaodi ba mabopong a lewatle naheng ya Muanda, DRC. Kahoo, e hlwaile mabaka a susumetsang (k.h.r, a kgothalletsang baahi ho fallela dinaheng tse ding le a hohelang baahi ba dinaha tse ding ho etela naheng e nngwe, le mabaka a thibelang bofalli) ho sebediswa mokgwa wa diphuputso o thusang ho batlisisa dikamano tsa boemo bo ka fetohang ba dintho tse itseng, ka kutlwisiso ya mehopolo e di tsheheditseng (k.h.r Pearson’s r), le ho bapisa diphapang tse teng dihlopheng tsena (k.h.r, diteko tsa t le diANOVA). Kgahleho, ho iketla le ho natefelwa, ho lokolloha boemong bo itseng, ho ba mefuta e fapaneng le botjha bo sa tlwaelehang (k.h.r, mabaka a kgothalletsang baahi ho fallela dinaheng tse ding) le tikoloho ya lewatle, ho ba boemong bo botjha, ho ithuta karolo e ntjha, ho ithuta le ho ananela botjhaba ba batho ba bang le boemo ba tikoloho (k.h.r, mabaka a hohelang baahi ba dinaha tse ding naheng e nngwe) e ne e le dintho tsa bohlokwa tse kgothalletsang batho ho etela DRC. Ditjeo le bolokollohi ba ho eta di hlwailwe e le mabaka a thibelang batho ho tsamaya. Ho itshetlehilwe diphethong tse fumanweng, ho entswe ditshisinyo tse itseng makaleng a moruo a laolwang ke mmuso le makaleng a poraefetea (mohl., ho etsa matsholo a ho bapatsa a shebaneng le dikgothalletso tsa bohlokwa ka ho fetisisa tsa ho eta; tse shebang dintho tse ikgethang tlhophisong ya baahi ho ya ka dilemo, bong, moputso, mangolo a thuto, jj le boitshwaro ba bona)