dc.contributor.advisor |
Swart, M.P. |
dc.contributor.advisor |
Van Zyl, Cecilia |
dc.contributor.author |
Tendani, Edinah
dc.date.accessioned |
2022-01-26T10:36:53Z |
dc.date.available |
2022-01-26T10:36:53Z |
dc.date.issued |
2021-09 |
dc.identifier.uri |
https://hdl.handle.net/10500/28478 |
dc.description.abstract |
Zimbabwe’s culinary tourism and more specifically the attraction thereof, is still in its infancy. This product offering needs to be promoted in the continent. The Culinary Tourism Value Scorecard (CTVSC) was used to explain the behavioural involvement of culinary tourists after visiting Zimbabwean ethnic restaurants. The research sought to determine if CTVSC scores were related to Culinary Tourist Behavioural Involvement (CTBI) scores, and how the relationship is mediated by Culinary Tourist Motivation (CTM) scores and moderated by leisure segmentation variables. A cross-sectional survey was used to generate the data through convenience sampling. The questionnaire items used a 7-point intensity Likert scale. The IBM SPSS V 23 software was used for statistical analysis. A causal model of CTBI confirmed CTM as a mediator in the relationship between CTVSC and CTBI as the most parsimonious model. The research on which the study is based recommends the exploration of the moderating effects of behavioural market segments or psychographic market segments in the relationships between either CTVSC and CTM, or CTM and CTBI. The parsimonious model can be investigated using structural equation modelling and/or the Soper interaction. By doing so the gap in the market is addressed and the Zimbabwean Tourism Council and Chefs Association could use this study’s findings as a guideline when developing marketing strategies to stimulate visits to culinary attractions. The CTBI model may provide researchers with the opportunity to explore the use of the model on different types of tourists, such as medical, cultural, leisure and sports tourists. |
en |
dc.description.abstract |
Zimbabwe se kulinêre toerisme en, meer spesifiek, die aantrekkingskrag daarvan, is nog in sy babaskoene. Hierdie produkaanbieding moet oor die hele vasteland bekend gemaak word. Die Kulinêre Toerismewaarde-telkaart (KTWTK) is gebruik om die gedragsbetrokkenheid van kulinêre toeriste te verduidelik, nadat Zimbabwiese etniese restaurante besoek is. Die navorsing het probeer om te bepaal of KTWTK-tellings met Kulinêre Toeristegedragsbetrokkenheidstellings (KTGB-tellings) verband hou, en hoe die verhouding deur Kulinêre Toeristemotiveringstellings (KTM-tellings) bemiddel is en deur ontspanningsegmenteringsveranderlikes gemodereer word. ’n Kruisseksionele opname is gebruik om data deur gerieflikheidsteekproefneming in te vorder. Die vraelys-items het van ’n sewepunt-intensiteit-Likert-skaal gebruik gemaak. Die IBM SPSS V 23-sagteware is gebruik vir statistiese analise. ’n Oorsaaklike model van KTGB het KTM as
’n bemiddelaar bevestig, in die verhouding tussen KTWTK en KTGB, as die mees spaarsamige model. Die navorsing waarop die studie gebaseer is, beveel die verkenning van die modereringseffekte van gedragsmarksegmente of psigografiese marksegmente in die verhouding tussen óf KTWTK en KTM, óf KTM en KTGB, aan. Die spaarsamigheidsmodel kan deur strukturele vergelykingsmodellering en/of die Soper-interaksie ondersoek word. Deur dit te doen, is die gaping in die mark aangespreek en die Zimbabwiese Toerismeraad en Sjefsvereniging kan van hierdie studie se bevindings gebruik maak, as ’n riglyn vir wanneer bemarkingstrategieë ontwikkel word om besoeke aan kulinêre besienswaardighede aan te wakker. Die KTGB-model kan navorsers voorsien van die geleentheid om die gebruik van die model op verskillende soorte toeriste, soos mediese, kulturele, ontspannings- en sportstoeriste, te verken. |
afr |
dc.description.abstract |
Bojanala jwa dijo jwa Zimbabwe, bogolosegolo go ngoka ga jona, bo sa ntse bo le bošwa. Tlamelo eno e tlhoka go bapadiwa mo kontinenteng. Go dirisitswe Karata ya Maduo a Boleng jwa Bojanala jwa Dijo (The Culinary Tourism Value Scorecard (CTVSC)) go tlhalosa maitsholo a bajanala ba dijo morago ga go etela diresetorante tsa setso tsa Zimbabwe. Patlisiso e ne e batla go lebelela gore a maduo a CTVSC a ne a amana le maduo a Maitsholo a Bajanala ba Dijo (Culinary Tourist Behavioural Involvement (CTBI)), le ka moo kamano e ruanngwang ka gona ke maduo a Thotloetso ya Bajanala ba Dijo (Culinary Tourist Motivation (CTM)) mme a sekasekiwa ka dipharologantsho tsa karoganyo ya boitapoloso. Go dirisitswe thutopatlisiso e e ralalang dikarolo go tlhagisa data ka go tlhopha sampole mo go ba ba gaufi. Dilwana tsa lekwalopotsolotso di dirisitse sekale sa Likert sa tsenelelo ya dintlha tse 7 (7-point). Go dirisitswe serweboleta sa IBM SPSS V 23 go lokolola dipalopalo. Sekao sa sebako sa CTBI se tlhomamisitse CTM jaaka moruanyi mo kamanong magareng ga CTVSC le CTBI jaaka sekao se se tlhotlhwatlase go gaisa. Patlisiso e thutopatlisiso e theilweng mo go yona e atlenegisa go tlhotlhomisiwa ga ditlamorago tsa phetolo ka ntlha ya dikarolo tsa maitsholo tsa mmaraka gongwe dikarolo tsa dikgatlhegelo le maitsholo mo mebarakeng mo kamanong magareng ga CTVSC le CTM, gongwe CTM le CTBI. Go ka tlhotlhomisiwa sekao se se tlhotlhwatlase go dirisiwa sekao sa tokololo ya dikamano tsa popegotheo le/gongwe tirisano ya Soper. Ka go dira jalo, go samaganwa le phatlha e e mo mmarakeng mme Lekgotla la Bojanala la Zimbabwe le Mokgatlho wa Baapei ba ka dirisa diphitlhelelo tsa thutopatlisiso eno jaaka kaedi fa ba tlhama ditogamaano tsa papatso go tlhotlheletsa gore go etelwe mafelo
a dijo. Sekao sa CTBI se ka tlamela babatlisisi ka tšhono ya go tlhotlhomisa tiriso ya sekao mo mefuteng e e farologaneng ya bajanala, e tshwana le bajanala ba kalafi, setso, boitapoloso le metshameko. |
nso |
dc.format.extent |
1 online resource (iv, 544 leaves) : illustrations (some color) |
en |
dc.language.iso |
en |
en |
dc.subject |
Culinary tourism value scorecard |
en |
dc.subject |
Culinary tourist motivation |
en |
dc.subject |
Culinary tourist behavioural involvement |
en |
dc.subject |
Culinary financial perspective |
en |
dc.subject |
Culinary tourist value perspective |
en |
dc.subject |
Internal business perspective |
en |
dc.subject |
Innovation and learning perspective |
en |
dc.subject |
Zimbabwean ethnic dishes |
en |
dc.subject |
Ethnic restaurants |
en |
dc.subject.ddc |
338.4791096891 |
dc.subject.lcsh |
Tourism -- Zimbabwe -- Management |
en |
dc.subject.lcsh |
Consumer behaviour -- Zimbabwe |
en |
dc.subject.lcsh |
Tourism -- Zimbabwe -- Marketing |
en |
dc.title |
A culinary tourism value scorecard for predicting culinary tourist behavioural involvement in Zimbabwe |
en |
dc.type |
Thesis |
en |
dc.description.department |
Transport Economics, Logistics and Tourism |
en |
dc.description.degree |
D. Phil. (Management) |
en |