Zambia is rich in natural, environmental, cultural and heritage resources. However,
full optimisation of these resources to the benefit of the local communities that host
them remains a challenge. A case in point is the thermal springs that are dotted
around the country, mostly in rural areas, that have not been fully and sustainably
utilised to the benefit of the local communities. Of particular interest is the
Chinyunyu thermal springs, a critical resource, but under-utilised. As a result, the
locals in Chinyunyu Village have remained unfairly “trapped” in a vicious cycle of
high poverty.
The main aim of this study was to explore the use of Chinyunyu thermal springs as
an economic input to assist the cause of local economic development. Resting on
the pragmatic, interpretivist, and constructivist research paradigms, this study
employed a mixed methods convergent research design triangulated with multiple
data sources. A sample size of 139 (n=139) individuals was purposively selected
from the local authorities and community actors. A survey, key informant
interviews, and two focus group discussions were conducted to collect data. Data
collected was statistically and thematically analysed.
The study concluded that the local authority in Chinyunyu Village has failed to
sustainably exploit the exciting heritage and natural resources within its locality,
the Chinyunyu thermal springs. Results from the study revealed that the Chinyunyu
thermal springs have remained underdeveloped and underutilised as such, failed to
significantly contribute to the well-being of the community members in Chinyunyu
Village. Evidence from this study revealed a positive and significant association of
local community participation in decision making, decentralisation of power and
authority, infrastructure, and exploitation of local natural resources to local
economic development of the Chinyunyu Village.
The study proposes to commercialise and develop the Chinyunyu thermal springs
into a community-based tourism resort as an ideal local economic development
strategy. A sustainable commercial model that could be adopted by the thermal
springs was therefore developed. Furthermore, the study proposes to decentralise
the management of the Chinyunyu thermal springs, enhance local participation in
decision making, provide basic infrastructure and formulate a local economic
development policy framework for the municipal council.
Dziko la Zambia lili ndi chuma chambiri cha chilengedwe, cha chikhalidwe ndi
cholowa. Komabe, kugwiritsa ntchito mokwanira izi kuti zithandizire madera
amene zipezekamo kumakhalabe kovuta. Chitsanzo chabwino ndi akasupe amadzi
otentha amene amapezeka kuzungulira dziko lonseli makamaka kumidzi amene
sanagwiritsidwe ntchito mokwanira kuti athandize anthu am'deralo. Chimene
chititsa chidwi kwambiri, ndi akasupe a madzi otentha a Chinyunyu, gwero lalikulu,
limene silikugwiritsidwa ntchito. Zotsatira zake, anthu am'mudzi wa Chinyunyu
adatsalira "otsekerezedwa" mu umphawi wowopsa.
Cholinga chachikulu cha phunziro ili chinali, kufufuza ndikuwunika mwamene
akasupe amadzi otentha a Chinyunyu angagwiritsire ntchito ngati chuma
chothandizira pakukweza chuma cha dziko la Zambia mdera la Chinyunyu.
Kutengera mafotokozedwe a zochitika, machitidwe ofufuza za ntchito ndi kufufuza
kwa zinthu, fufuzo ili lidagwiritsa ntchito njira zosakanikirana ndi anthu 139
(n=139) amene amasonkhanitsidwa mwadala kuchokera mu anthu ammidzimo,
oyang'anira maboma, mabungwe azipembedzo, magulu azaboma ndi mabungwe
aboma. Kufufuza, zoyankhulana komanso zokambirana zamagulu awiri (2)
zidachitika kuti zisonkhanitse zambiri zokhudza izi. Zambiri zomwe
zasonkhanitsidwa zidasanthulidwa mwa ziwerengero ndi m'njira imene
imakhudzana mithu ya phunziro ili.
Pafupifupi, kufufuza uku kudatsimikiza kuti oyang'anira dera m'mudzi wa
Chinyunyu alephera kugwiritsa ntchito mwayi wawo kugwiritsa ntchito molimbika
cholowa ndi zinthu zachilengedwe mdera lawo, akasupe amadzi otentha a
Chinyunyu. Zotsatira za kufufuza uku zawonetsa kuti akasupe amadzi otentha a
Chinyunyu akhalabe opanda chitukuko komanso osagwiritsidwa ntchito.
Kuphatikiza apo, zachilengedwe zam'derali zalephera kuthandiza kwambiri anthu
ammudzi wa Chinyunyu. Umboni wofufuzawu udawulula mgwirizano wabwino
komanso wopindulitsa wa anthu ammudzi pakupanga zisankho, kugawa mphamvu
ndi ulamuliro, zomangamanga ndikugwiritsa ntchito zachilengedwe za m’derali
pakukula kwachuma mdera la Chinyunyu.
Fufuzo ili likufuna kutsatsa ndi kupanga akasupe amadzi otentha a Chinyunyu
kupita kumalo opitilira zokopa alendo ngati njira yabwino yopititsira patsogolo
chuma. Kuphatikiza apo, kufufza uku kuwonetsa kuti kasamalidwe ka akasupe
amadzi otentha a Chinyunyu apititsa patsogolo, kulimbikitsanso kutenga nawo
mbali kwa amene akugwira tchito popanga zisankho, kupereka zida zoyambira
ndikukhazikitsa mfundo zachitukuko chamaboma am'deralo.
Icalo ca Zambia calikwata sana ubunonshi mu filengwa-na-Lesa, intambi ne
fishilano. Nangu cibe ifyo imibomfeshe ya ifi fintu ukufikapo pakuti fingaleta
ubunonshi ku bekala muli ishi ncende caliba ubwafya ubwakulisha. Umulandu umo
untu twingaloleshapo tumfukumfuku twa menshi ayakaba nangu utupiisha
utwashinguluka icalo ca Zambia makamaka muncende shamu mishi uto
utushabomfiwa ukufikapo mukuleta ubunonshi ku bekala calo. Akapisha kamo pali
utu, ni ako akaku Chinyunyu, akashabomfiwa ukufika ilelo. Napamulandu wa ici,
abekala calo baku Chinyunyu bacilli “balikatwa” mubupina ubwabipisha.
Umulimo uukalamba uwa ili isambililo, kufwailisha nokumona ifyo akapisha kaku
Chinyunyu kengabomfiwa nge ntuntuko ya bunonshi bwa calo ca Zambia
nobuyantanshi ubwingacitika mu mushi wa Chinyunyu.
Ukushintilila pa bulondoloshi bwa ficitwa, imibombele ne mifwilishishe ya fintu,
uku kufwailisha kwabomfeshe inshila yamifwilishishe iyakusankanya
umwasangilwe abantu abali 139 (n=139) abasalilwe ukufuma mu bekala calo
abakuli iyi ncende, intungulushi sha cikaya, ifilonganino fya mapepo, utubungwe
twa bekala calo elyo fiputulwa fya buteeko. Ukufwailisha, ukwipushanya pamo na
mabumba yakulanshanya yabili yalicitilwe pakukolonganika ifishinka. Ifishinka
ifyakolongashiwe fyalipitulwikwemo mu fipendo namu fikomo.
Pali fyonse, uku kufwailisha kwasondolwele ukutila abekala calo bamu mushi wa
Chinyunyu balifilwa ukubomfya ubusuma bwa fintu ifisangwa mu ncende yabo,
utumfukumfuku twa menshi ayakaba. Ifyasangilwe muli uku kufwailisha
fyasokolwele ukutila utumfukumfuku twa menshi twaikalafye ukwabula
ubuyantanshi kabili ukwabula ukubomfiwa. Mukulundapo, ici cilengwa-na-Lesa
califilwa ukulundako ubunonshi no buyantanshi bwa bekalacalo bamu mushi wa
Chinyunyu. Ifishinka ukufuma kuli uku kufwailisha fyalisokolola ukuti paliko
ubwampano bumo pakati ka kuibimbamo kwa bekala calo mu kupanga kwa masalo,
ukupelwa amaka elyo no butungulushi, ifikulwa nokubomfya kwa filengwa-na Lesa pakuleta ubuyantanshi bwamu mushi wa Chinyunyu.
Uku kufwailisha kulefwaya ukuti kwingaba ukwalula utumfukumfuku twa menshi
ayakaba ayaku Chinyunyu ukuti tube twabunonshi ubwakulaletako abatandashi
bakutamba ifilengwa-na-Lesa ico icingawamya ubwikalo bwa iyi ncende.
Mukulunapo, uku kufwailisha kuletontonkanya ukupeela abekala calo amaka
yabutungulushi bwa utu tumfukumfuku twaku Chinyunyu, ukubimbamo abekala
calo mukupanga amasalo, ukukulako ifikuulwa elyo nokupanga ifikomo
fyabuyantanshi ifya buteeko bwa cikaya.