This study investigated the relationships between talent management, work engagement and employee retention with the aim of enhancing the retention of professional nurses at Gauteng academic hospitals. The investigation will contribute to the need to manage the retention of professional nurses at Gauteng academic hospitals. It is a matter of concern and one of the key challenges for South African health care institutions that an increasing number of highly skilled health professionals, such as professional nurses, leave the country in search of better opportunities abroad. These institutions must function, survive and compete, not only with one another, but also with private institutions of health care. Competition is on the increase and South African institutions of public health care need to find new ways to compete if they wish to survive in a demanding healthcare environment. The offering of excellent service could add to the long-term sustainability of public institutions of health care and could therefore also be the differentiating factor for success. It is deduced that the retention of professional nurses can be improved by identifying better talent management practices and by fostering work engagement as a basis for the development of talent management, work engagement and employee retention frameworks. A structured questionnaire which measured the perceptions of nurses regarding talent management practices; the levels of work engagement; and the perceptions of work behaviour and attitudes towards retention strategies was used as the primary data collection method. This study used a quantitative cross-sectional review approach. The sample comprised a probability sample of (N=504) professional nurses employed at three Gauteng academic hospitals. Probability sampling permits the researcher to generalise the findings based on the larger sample. The findings confirmed that talent management practices have a statistically significant impact on work engagement; that talent management practices have a positive and significant impact on employee retention and that work engagement considerably predicts employee retention. Structural equation modelling indicated a good fit of the data with the correlations derived from the measurement model. The main findings were reported and interpreted in terms of an empirically based talent management, work engagement and employee retention framework. These results may provide new information for designing a framework for talent management, work engagement and employee retention that will add to the collection of information and knowledge in relation to the retention of skilled nurses.
Phuputso ena e batlisisitse dikamano dipakeng tsa taolo ya talenta, boitlamo ba mosebetsi le ho boloka basebetsi ka sepheo sa ho matlafatsa ho boloka baoki ba ditsebi dipetleleng tsa thuto tsa Gauteng. Phuputso e tla kenya letsoho ho tlhoko ya ho laola poloko ya baoki ba ditsebi dipetleleng tsa thuto tsa Gauteng. Ke taba e tshwenyang ditsi tsa tlhokomelo ya bophelo bo botle tsa Afrika Borwa hape ke e nngwe ya diqholotso tsa tsona tsa mantlha hobane palo e eketsehang ya ditsebi tse nang le boiphihlelo bo phahameng ba bophelo bo botle, jwalo ka baoki ba ditsebi, ba tloha naheng ena ho ya batla menyetla e betere kantle ho naha. Ditsi tsena di tlameha ho sebetsa, ho phela le ho hlodisana, eseng e le tsona feela empa hape le ditsi tsa poraefete tsa tlhokomelo ya bophelo bo botle. Tlhodisano e ntse e eketseha mme ditsi tsa Afrika Borwa tsa tlhokomelo ya bophelo bo botle ba setjhaba di hloka ho fumana mekgwa e metjha ya ho hlodisana haeba di lakatsa ho phela tikolohong e ditlhoko di ngata ya tlhokomelo ya bophelo bo botle. Ho fana ka tshebeletso e nang le bokgabane ho ka eketsa botsitso ba nako e telele ba ditsi tsa setjhaba tsa tlhokomelo ya bophelo bo botle mme ka hona e ka ba sesosa sa katleho. Ho fihletswe qeto ya hore poloko ya baoki ba ditsebi e ka ntlafatswa ka ho hlwaya mekgwa e metle ya taolo ya talenta le ka ho kgothaletsa boitlamo ba mosebetsi e le motheo wa ntshetsopele ya taolo ya talenta, boitlamo ba mosebetsi le meralo ya ho boloka basebetsi. Lenane la dipotso le hlophisitsweng le lekanyang maikutlo a baoki mabapi le mekgwa ya taolo ya talenta; maemo a boitlamo ba mosebetsi; mehopolo ya boitshwaro ba mosebetsi le maikutlo mabapi le maano a ho boloka e ile ya sebediswa e le mokgwa wa mantlha wa ho bokella datha. Phuputso ena e sebedisitse mokgwa wa ho hlahloba dikarolo tse fapaneng. Sampole e ne e na le sampole ya monyetla ya (N = 504) baoki ba ditsebi ba hirilweng dipetleleng tse tharo tsa thuto tsa Gauteng. Ho etsa disampole tsa monyetla ho dumella mofuputsi ho akaretsa diphetho ho latela sampole e kgolo. Diphetho di netefaditse hore ditlwaelo tsa taolo ya talenta di na le tshusumetso e kgolo palong ya boitlamo ba mosebetsi; hore ditlwaelo tsa taolo ya talenta di na le tshusumetso e hantle le e kgolo polokong ya bahiruwa le hore boitlamo ba mosebetsi bo bontsha poloko ya bahiruwa esale pele. Mehlala ya kgakanyo ya sebopeho e bontshitse ho lekana ha datha hantle le dikamano tse tswang ho mohlala wa tekanyo. Diphetho tsa mantlha di tlalehilwe le ho tolokwa ho latela taolo ya talenta, boitlamo ba mosebetsi le moralo wa ho boloka bahiruwa. Diphetho tsena di ka fana ka tlhahisoleseding e ntjha ya ho rala moralo wa taolo ya talenta, boitlamo ba mosebetsi le ho boloka basebetsi e leng se tla eketsa pokellong ya tlhahisoleseding le tsebo mabapi le poloko ya baoki ba nang le boiphihlelo.
Ndzavisiso lowu a wu lavisisa hi vuxaka exikarhi ka vufambisi bya titalente, xiavo lexikulu emitirhweni na ku hlayisa vatirhi hi xikongomelo xa ku yisa emahlweni ku hlayisa manese ya profexinara eka swibedlela swa akhademiki swa Gauteng. Ndzavisiso wu ta va na xiavo eka xidingo xa vufambisi bya vuhlayisi bya manese ya profexinara eka swibedlhele swa akhademiki eGauteng. I nchumu lowu karhataka na swona hi swin'wana swa mitlhontlho leyikulu eka tiinstituxini ta Afrika Dzonga ta swa vuhlayisi bya rihanyu leswi swi kurisaka nhlayo ya vatirhi va swikili swa le henhla va ta rihanyu va profexinara, vo fana na manese ya profexinara, leswo va famba etikweni ku ya eka tiophochuniti to antswa ematikweni ya le muxe. Tiinstituxini leti ti fanele ku tirha kahle, ku pona no phikizana na tin'wana, na ku tlhela ti phikizana na tiinstituxini ta prayivhete ta swa vuhlayisi bya rihanyu. Mphikizano wu le henhla swinene eka tiinstituxini ta Afrika Dzonga ta mfumo ta vuhlayisi bya rihanyu, na swona tiinstituxini ti fanele ku kuma tindlela to phikizana leswo ti ta kota ku ya emahlweni eka mbangu lowu nga na swidingo leswikulu eka vuhlayisi bya rihanyu. Ku nyiketa vutirheli bya xiyimo xa le henhla swi nga ngetela vuyiseka emahlweni bya nkarhi wo leha eka tiinstituxini ta mfumo ta vuhlayisi bya rihanyu, na swona ku nga va mhaka leyi pfunetaku eka ku humelela. Swi tekiwa leswo ku hlayisa manese ya profexinara swi nga antswisiwa hi ku vona tindlela to antswa ta vufambisi bya titalente hi ku endla leswo ku va na xiavo lexikulu emitirhweni tanihi xiseketelo xa nhluvukiso wa vufambisi bya titalentel, xiavo lexikulu emitirhweni na rimba ra vuhlayisi bya vatirhi emitirhweni. Nongonoko lowu kunguhatekeke wa swivutiso leswi tsariweke (structured questionnaire) leswi a swi pima mavonelo ya manese hi vufambisi bya titalente; xiavo lexikulu emitirhweni; na mavonelo ya matikhomelo emitirhweni na maanakanyelo hi maqhinga ya vuhlayisi bya vatirhi emitirhweni, swi tirhisiwe ku hlengeleta vutivi eka xiyenge xo sungula. Ndzavisiso wu tirhise fambiselo ra quantitative cross-sectional review. Sampuli a yi ri na probablity sample ya (N=504) wa manese ya profexinara lama tirhaka eswibedlele swa akhademiki swa Gauteng. Fambiselo ra probabily sampling ri pfumelela leswo mulavisisi a katsakanya mimbuyelo hi ku landza sampuli leyikulu. Mimbuyelo yi tiyise leswo fambiselo ra vufambisi bya titalente, ri na vuyelo lebyikulu bya nkoka hi ku landza tistatistiki eka xiavo lexikulu emitirhweni; fambiselo ra vufambisi bya titalente swi na switandzhaku swinene na swa nkoka eka vuhlayisi bya vatirhi emitirhweni na xiavo lexikulu emitirhweni na leswi swi kombisaka vuhlayisi bya vatirhi emitirhweni. Fambiselo ra structural equation modelling ri kombise ku faneleka swinene eka vutivi hi ku fambisana na leswi tekiweke eka modlele wo pima. Mimbuyelo leyikulu yi vikiwile no tolokiwa hi ku landza vumbhoni lebyi khomekaka hi ku landza vufambisi bya titalente, xiavo lexikulu emitirhweni na rimba ra ku hlayisa vatirhi emitirhweni. Mimbuyelo leyi yi nga ha nyika vutivi lebyintshwa eka ku endla rimba ra vufambisi bya titalente, xiavo lexikulu emitirhweni na ku hlayisa vatirhi emitirhweni, leswi swi nga ta ngetelela eka ku hlengeleta mahungu na vutivi mayelana na ku hlayisa vatirhi va manese ya swikili emitirhweni.