The research was conducted as a result of the researcher’s concern with the limited available literature on the topic and lack of awareness among SAPS members about the subject. The aim of the study was to explore vetting investigation in the SAPS. The researcher adopted a non-empirical research design that focused on a systematic overview of mass media articles as sources of information. The study highlighted that a security clearance in the SAPS is linked to a rank rather than access to sensitive information. The effective vetting investigation of police members is an important element in a global world that requires the police members who act with integrity and within the law. The recommendations based on the research indicate a need for a change in the attitude to vetting investigation in the SAPS. More importantly, the requirement for a specific clearance for specific posts, at all levels must be decided on and implemented.
Vulavisisi lebyi byi endliwe hikokwalaho ka ku karhateka hi ku kala ka matsalwa eka nhlokomhaka na ku kala ka vulemuki exikarhi ka swirho swa Vutirheli bya Maphorisa ya Afrika Dzonga ku nga South African Police Service (SAPS) hi mhaka leyi ku vulavuriwaka hi yona. Xikongomelo xa dyondzondzavisiso leyi, a ku ri ku valanga mpfumelelo wa vulavisisi byo kambisisa eka va SAPS. Mulavisisi u tirhise dizayini yo ka yi nga ri ya ndzavisiso wa ku kambela vumbhoni (non-empirical research design) kambe u kambele tiatikile ta matsalwa ya va mahungu ya hinkwavo (mass media) tanihi xihlovo xa vutivi. Dyondzondzavisiso leyi yi humesela mhaka erivaleni ya leswaku mpfumelelo wa xinawu eka vusirheleli (security clearance) eka va SAPS wu fambisana na xiyimo xa munhu eka vuphorisa ku tlula ku fikelela vutivi bya xihundla lebyi nga ri ku bya hinkwavo (sensitive information). Ku valanga mpfumelelo wa vulavisisi (vetting of investigation) wa maphorisa i mhaka ya nkoka swinene emisaveni hinkwayo leyi lavaka leswaku swirho swa maphorisa swi tirha hi ku tshembeka na hi ku landzelela nawu. Swibumabulelo ku ya hi vulavisisi lebyi, swi komba xilaveko xa ku cinca ka mavonelo hi ku valanga mpfumelelo na ku amukeleka eka va SAPS. Xa nkoka ngopfu, i xilaveko xa ku endliwa ka vuvalangi bya mpfumelelo wa xinawu eka vusirheleli (security clearance) bya maphorisa eka tilevhele hinkwato, leswi ku fanele ku tekiwa xiboho hi swona na ku tlhela swi tirhisiwa.
Nyakisiso e dirilwe ka morago ga pelaelo ya monyakisisi ya mabapi le dingwalwa tseo di lego gona e se tse dintsi ka ga taba ye, le go hloka temoso magareng ga maloko a Tirelo ya Maphodisa ya Afrika Borwa (SAPS) ka ga sererwa se. Maikemisetso a nyakisiso ye, e be e le go lebelela dinyakisiso tsa tekolo ka go SAPS. Monyakisisi o somisitse sebopego sa nyakisiso sa go ithekga ka boitemogelo, seo se seditsego go kakaretso ya tatelano ya diathekhele tsa bokgoboketsaditaba bjalo ka methopo ya tshedimoso. Nyakisiso e laeditse gore tumelelo go tshedimoso ya sephiri e kgokagantswe le maemo, e sego phihlelelo go tshedimoso ya sephiri. Nyakisiso ya tekolo ya nnete ya maloko a maphodisa, ke karolo e bohlokwa lefaseng ka bophara yeo e nyakago maloko a maphodisa ao a somago ka potego, le ka go latela molao. Ditigelo tseo di ithekgilego ka nyakisiso ye, di laetsa nyakego ya phetogo ka go tsela yeo re lebelelago dinyakisiso tsa tekolo ka go SAPS. Seo se lego bohlokwa kudu ke nyakego ya tumelelo ye itsego, go mesomo ye itsego, mo maemong ka moka, go swanetswe go tsewa sephetho ka yona le gore e phethagatswe.