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A framework for cloud computing in resource constrained environments to facilitate e-government services : a case study in Ethiopia

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dc.contributor.advisor Botha, Adèle en
dc.contributor.advisor Herselman, Marlien Niguse, Giday G. 2021-10-07T13:55:12Z 2021-10-07T13:55:12Z 2019
dc.description.abstract In the past decade, an accelerated uptake, provision and use of public eService delivery has been noted. The trend can partly be ascribed to the phenomenal rate of broadband internet uptake on the one hand, and the exponential increase in the affordances of reasonably priced Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on the other. As a result, there is an expectation amongst governments, various public and private organisations, and other stakeholders regarding the role of eGovernment service delivery. The requirement of effective and efficient eGovernment service delivery in particular, seek to use the Internet and emerging technology, such as Cloud Computing, to enhance government service, reduce the implementation cost of Government service delivery and the cost to end users. However, despite the accelerating accessibility of the Internet and Cloud Computing technology, there exists a dearth in literature related to research publications on frameworks for Cloud Computing for the enhancement of eGovernment services provision in Resource-Constrained Environments (RCEs) in general, and more specifically for the Ethiopian context. The purpose of this study is to explore the notion of, and develop A Framework for Cloud Computing in Resource-Constrained Environments to facilitate eGovernment services in Ethiopia. The research is guided by the main research question: How can a Cloud Computing framework support RCEs to facilitate eGovernment services in Ethiopia? In order to address the purpose, and answer the research questions, a qualitative exploratory single case study was applied. An interpretive philosophy, guided by hermeneutics and triangulation, were operationalised through this case study. The framework, presented as research artifact in this study, was development over three phases: the initial phase entailed scoping literature studies to identify components relevant to, firstly, Cloud Computing; secondly, eGovernment services; and thirdly, RCEs. Different research frameworks that exhibit appropriate theoretical concepts on Cloud Computing, eGovernment services and RCEs, were considered. Identified key components were then synthesised towards the formation of an a priory theoretical framework. These were refined and validated through expert review to present interim Theoretical Frameworks. During the second phase of this study, the theoretical framework was further refined and validated through expert interviews that reflected on Cloud Computing within the Ethiopian context in general, and to the WoredaNet context in particular. The outcome of this phase presented a Framework for Cloud Computing in Resource-Constrained Environments to facilitate e-Government Services in Ethiopia. Phase three of the study outlines concluding remarks and recommendations. The findings of this thesis provide new insights into the diverse complexity of the adoption and implementation of Cloud Computing in RCEs in fostering eGovernment services, based on Ethiopia's WoredaNet as example. It also provides insight into the potential benefits of Cloud Computing, as well as the risks and challenges, which may influence the adoption and implementation of Cloud Computing for facilitating RCE eGovernment services. The particular contributions of the findings of this research include: providing background information and enabling an understanding of the existing body of knowledge regarding Cloud Computing concepts; developing research methodologies, models, and a framework for this study that can be adopted, modified, or developed for future studies of the sector; and providing recommendations for future research and contributing to the existing body of knowledge en
dc.description.abstract In die afgelope dekade is 'n versnelde opname, voorsiening en gebruik van openbare dienslewering opgemerk. Die neiging kan deels toegeskryf word aan die fenomenale tempo van breëbandinternetopname enersyds, en die eksponensiële toename in die bekostigbaarheid van billike inligtingen kommunikasietegnologie aan die ander kant. As gevolg hiervan is daar 'n verwagting onder regerings, verskillende openbare en private organisasies en ander belanghebbendes rakende die rol van dienslewering deur die regering. Die vereiste van effektiewe en doeltreffende lewering van eregeringsdienste, veral om die internet en opkomende tegnologie, soos Cloud Computing, te gebruik om die regering se dienslewrering te fasiliteer, die implementeringskoste van die regering se dienslewering te verlaag en om die koste vir eindgebruikers te verlaag. Ondanks die versnelde toeganklikheid van die internet en Cloud Computing-tegnologie bestaan daar egter 'n gebrek in die literatuur wat verband hou met navorsingspublikasies oor raamwerke vir Cloud Computing vir die verbetering van die voorsiening van e-regeringsdienste in hulpbron gestremde gemeenskapsomgewings in die algemeen, en meer spesifiek vir die Ethiopiese konteks. Die doel van hierdie studie is om die idee van 'n raamwerk vir Cloud Computing in Resource-Construined Environments te ondersoek en te ontwikkel om e-regeringsdiens verskaffing in Ethiopië te vergemaklik. Die navorsing word gelei deur die navorsingsvraag: Hoe kan 'n Cloud Computing-raamwerk hulpbron gestremde gemeenskapsomgewings ondersteun om e-regeringsdienste in Ethiopië te vergemaklik? Ten einde die doel aan te spreek en die navorsingsvrae te beantwoord, is 'n kwalitatiewe ondersoekende enkele gevallestudie toegepas. 'n Interpretatiewe filosofie, gelei deur hermeneutiek en triangulasie, is deur hierdie gevallestudie geoperasionaliseer. Die raamwerk, wat in hierdie studie as 'n navorsingsinitiatief aangebied is, is oor drie fases ontwikkel: die aanvangsfase het bestekliteratuurstudies behels om komponente te identifiseer wat relevant is vir, eerstens, Cloud Computing; tweedens, e-regeringsdienste; en derdens hulpbron gestremde gemeenskapsomgewings. Verskillende navorsingsraamwerke wat toepaslike teoretiese konsepte oor Cloud Computing, eregeringsdienste en hulpbron gestremde gemeenskapsomgewings vertoon, is oorweeg. Geïdentifiseerde sleutelkomponente is daarna gesintetiseer vir die vorming van 'n teoretiese raamwerk. Dit is verfyn en bekragtig deur kundige oorsig om tussentydse teoretiese raamwerke aan te bied. Gedurende die tweede fase van hierdie studie is die teoretiese raamwerk verder verfyn en bekragtig deur kundige onderhoude wat weerspieël is oor Cloud Computing binne die Ethiopiese konteks in die algemeen, en veral in die WedaNet-konteks. Die uitkoms van hierdie fase het 'n raamwerk vir Cloud Computing in die hulpbron gestremde gemeenskapsomgewings aangebied om eregeringsdienste in Ethiopië te vergemaklik. Die drie fases van die studie gee 'n uiteensetting van die gevolgtrekking van opmerkings en aanbevelings. Die bevindinge van hierdie proefskrif bied nuwe insigte in die uiteenlopende kompleksiteit van die aanvaarding en implementering van Cloud Computing in RCE's in die bevordering van e-regeringsdienste, gebaseer op Ethiopië se WodaNet as a voorbeeld. Dit bied ook insig in die moontlike voordele van Cloud Computing, sowel as die risiko's en uitdagings, wat die aanvaarding en implementering van Cloud Computing vir die fasilitering van hulpbron gestremde gemeenskapsomgewings e-regeringsdienste kan beïnvloed. Die besondere bydraes van die bevindinge van hierdie navorsing sluit in: die verskaffing van agtergrondinligting en die begrip van die bestaande kennisgroep rakende Cloud Computing-konsepte; ontwikkeling van navorsingsmetodologieë, modelle, en 'n raamwerk vir hierdie studie wat aangeneem kan word, gewysig, of ontwikkel vir toekomstige studies van die sektor; en aanbevelings te lewer vir toekomstige navorsing en om by te dra tot die bestaande kennisgroep. afr
dc.description.abstract Eminyakeni eyishumi edlule, ukwamukelwa okusheshayo, ukuhlinzekwa, kanye nokusetshenziswa kokulethwa kwezinsiza zomphakathi kuye kwabonakala. lentshisakalo engaka yokuthathwa kweinthanethi ebanzi ngakolunye uhlangothi, kanye nokwanda okubonakalayo kokukhokhelwa kweLwazi neTekhnoloji Yezokuxhumana (i-ICT) ngakolunye uhlangothi kungabangelwa yikhono lokuyikhokhela kwabayisebenzisayo. Ngenxa yalokhu, kukhona okulindelekile phakathi kohulumeni, izinhlangano ezahlukahlukene zomphakathi nezizimele, kanye nabanye ababambe iqhaza maqondana nendima yokulethwa kwezidingo zikahulumeni ezilethwa ngeTechnology. Isidingo sokulethwa kwezidingo zikahulumeni okunempumelelo futhi okusebenzayo ikakhulukazi, kufuna ukusebenzisa i-Intanethi nobuchwepheshe obuqhamukayo, njengeCloud Computing, ukuthuthukisa izinsizakalo zikahulumeni, ukunciphisa izindleko zokulethwa kwezinsiza zikaHulumeni kanye nezindleko zabasebenzisi bokugcina. Kodwa-ke, ngaphandle kokusheshisa ukufinyeleleka kwe-Intanethi nobuchwepheshe beCloud Computing, kusekhona izidingo zokhukhulisa lomkhakha, lokho kubonakala ezincwadini ezihlobene nezifundo zocwaningo ngezinhlaka ze-Cloud Computing zokwenziwa ngcono kwezinsizakalo ze-eGovernment ezindaweni ezingenazo izinsiza, futhi ikakhulukazi umongo wase- Ethiopia. Inhloso yalolu cwaningo ukuthola umbono kanye nokuthuthukisa nokukhiqiza uhlaka lwe cloud computing ukwenza lula izinsizakalo ze-eGovernment e-Ethiopia. Ucwaningo luqondiswa ngumbuzo omkhulu wokucwaninga othi: Uhlaka lweCloud Computing lungawasekela nokuwithuthukisa kanjani ama-RCE ukwenza lula izinsizakalo ze-eGovernment e-Ethiopia? Ukuze kubhekwane nenhloso, futhi kuphenduleke imibuzo yocwaningo, kusetshenziswe ucwaningo lwamacala olulodwa lokuhlola. Ifilosofi yokuhumusha, eqondiswa yi-hermeneutics kanye noxantathu bolwazi, yasebenza ngalolu cwaningo lwamacala. Uhlaka, olwethulwe njengocwaningo lobuciko kulolu cwaningo, lwakhiwa ngaphezu kwezigaba ezintathu: isigaba sokuqala sasihlanganisa izifundo zokubhala izincwadi ukukhomba izakhi ezifanele, okokuqala, iCloud Computing; okwesibili, izinsizakalo ze-eGovernment; okwesithathu, izinqazelo ngokuswelakala kwezinsiza ezibalulekile. Kwacatshangelwa izinhlaka ezahlukahlukene zokucwaninga ezibonisa imiqondo efanelekile ye-Cloud Computing, izinsizakalo ze-eGovernment, kanye nezinqazelo ngokuswelakala kwezinsiza ezibalulekile. Izakhi ezibalulekile ezihlonziwe zabe sezihlanganiswa ekwakhiweni kohlaka lokuhlinzekwa kwezindingo zomphakathi ngokusizwa yi eGovernment e-Ethiopia. Ehlandleni lwesithathu lokhu kwahlanzwa futhi kwaqinisekiswa ngokubuyekezwa kwesazi ukwethula izinhlaka zesikhashana zezolwazi. Ngesikhathi sesigaba sesibili salolu cwaningo, uhlaka lolwazi lwabuye lwahlaziywa futhi lwaqinisekiswa ngokuxoxisana nochwepheshe nosaziwayo abaphawula nge Cloud Computing ne WoredaNet ngaphakathi komongo wase-Ethiopia. Umphumela walesi sigaba wethule Uhlaka Lwama- Cloud Computing ezindaweni ezinezinsiza ezinganele ukwenza lula izinsizakalo ze-e-Government Ethiopia. Isigaba sesithathu sohlu lokufunda luveza izinkulumo nezincomo. Ukutholwa kwalombalo wecwaningo kuhlinzeka ngemininingwane emisha yokuhlukahlukana kokutholwa kanye nokusetshenziswa kweCloud Computing ezindaweni ezinezinsiza ezinganele, nasekwandiseni izinsizakalo ze-eGovernment, ngokususelwa ku-WoardaNet yase-Ethiopia njengesibonelo. Ibuye futhi inikeze ukuqonda ngezinzuzo ezingaba khona zeCloud Computing, kanye nobungozi nezinselelo, ezingaba nomthelela ekwamukelweni nasekusetshenzisweni kwe cloudComputing yokwenza lula izinsizakalo nge e-Government nasekuhlinzekweni kwezidingo zomphakathi ezindaweni ezinezinsiza ezinganele Amagalelo athile kokutholakele kwalolu cwaningo afaka: ukuhlinzeka ngemininingwane yangemuva kanye nokwenza amandla ukuqonda komzimba okhona wolwazi maqondana nemiqondo ye-Cloud Computing; ukwakha izindlela zokucwaninga, amamodeli, nohlaka lwalolu cwaningo olungamukelwa, kushintshiwe, noma eyenzelwe izifundo ezizayo zomkhakha; kanye nokunikeza izincomo zocwaningo lwesikhathi esizayo kanye nokunikela emzimbeni okhona wolwazi. zu
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (xvii, 275 leaves) en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject Cloud Computing en
dc.subject eGovernment en
dc.subject RCE en
dc.subject Electronic service en
dc.subject Electronic service en
dc.subject Government cloud en
dc.subject Public cloud en
dc.subject Community cloud en
dc.subject Hybrid cloud en
dc.subject Software-as-a-service en
dc.subject Infrastructure-as-a-service en
dc.subject Platform-as-a-service en
dc.subject.ddc 352.3802854678
dc.subject.lcsh Internet in public administration -- Ethiopia en
dc.subject.lcsh Electronic government information -- Ethiopia en
dc.subject.lcsh Information technology -- Political aspects -- Ethiopia en
dc.title A framework for cloud computing in resource constrained environments to facilitate e-government services : a case study in Ethiopia en
dc.type Thesis en
dc.description.department College of Engineering, Science and Technology en D. Phil. (Information Systems) en

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