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Training needs analysis and talent management of administrative staff at a health sciences university

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dc.contributor.advisor Bezuidenhout, Adele
dc.contributor.advisor Diedericks, Liezel Matlakala, Heriet Nancy 2021-09-06T08:55:05Z 2021-09-06T08:55:05Z 2021-02
dc.description Text in English with abstracts and keywords in English, Setswana and Sepedi en
dc.description.abstract The aim of this research was to establish the link between the training needs analysis (TNA) process and talent management (TM) practices of administrative staff at a health sciences university (HSU). The nature of the office work space and the training need analysis model (TNAM) indicate that the design of administrative staff members' vocations does not include some of the core dimensions of TNA and TM. This may lead to several peculiarities in terms of how administrative staff work, narrate and engage with their line managers. If not attended to, these peculiarities may impact the levels of administrative staff members' training needs and TM adversely. Additionally, the possibility that they may leave the organisation may increase. As a result, a quantitative online survey was conducted on a census sample of 163 (n = 163) permanent administrative staff members (secretaries and administrative officers) atthe specific unversity. In the absence of a good fit, an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) revealed a four-factor model for the TNA process and a three-factor model for TM practice. A correlational analysis revealed a statistically significant relationship between perceptions of the TNA process and TM practice. A bivariate-partial correlation revealed a significant positive relationship or link between the TNA process and TM practice. A Mann-Whitney test was also used to determine the significant mean differences among groups based on the TNA process and TM practice. Tests for statistically significant mean differences demonstrated no significant difference between female and male administrative staff members. The same was true for differences in terms of age, job title, job level and job tenure. In terms of educational level, no significant mean differences were found among administrative staff members in possession of undergraduate degrees and those with postgraduate degrees. The findings are applicable to similar populations and may assist in improving the work experience of other office employees. In addition, it is the conviction of the researcher that the results of this study will help university management and the human resource development (HRD) section to follow the required TNA process. It will also improve the TM practice of administrative staff members by ensuring that their training needs are linked with their tasks and that individual TNAs are undertaken to ensure that organisational goals are achieved. en
dc.description.abstract Maikaelelo a patlisiso eno e ne e le go bona kgolagano magareng ga tirego ya tokololo ya ditlhokego tsa katiso (TNA) le ditiragatso tsa tsamaiso ya ditalente (TM) tsa badiri ba tsamaiso kwa yunibesithing ya disaense tsa boitekanelo (HSU). Mofuta wa sebaka sa tiro mo kantorong le sekao sa tshekatsheko ya ditlhokego tsa katiso (TNAM) di supa gore thadiso ya ditiro tsa badiri ba tsamaiso ga e a akaretsa dingwe tsa dintlha tsa botlhokwa tsa TNA le TM. Seno se ka lebisa kwa goreng go nne le dilo dingwe tse di sa tlwaelegang malebana le gore badiri ba tsamaiso ba dira jang, ba tlotla le go dirisana jang le batsamaisi ba bona ba tlhamalalo. Fa go sa samaganwe natso, dilo tseo tse di sa tlwaelegang di ka ama seelo sa ditlhokego tsa katiso le tsamaiso ya ditalente tsa badiri ba tsamaiso mo go maswe. Go tlaleletsa foo, kgonagalo ya gore ba ka tlogela setheo e ka oketsega. Ka ntlha ya seo, go dirilwe thekatsheko e e lebelelang dipalopalo mo inthaneteng ka sampole ya palobatho ya 163 (n = 163) ya badiri ba leruri ba tsamaiso (bakwaledi le batlhankedi ba tsamaiso) kwa yunibesithing e e tlhalositsweng. Moo go neng go se na tekano e e siameng, tokololo ya tlhotlhomiso ya ntlha (EFA) e senotse sekao sa dintlha tse nne malebana le tirego ya TNA le sekao sa dintlha tse tharo malebana le tiragatso ya TM. Tokololo ya tsamaelano e senotse kamano e e maleba mo dipalopalong magareng ga megopolo ka ga tirego ya TNA le tiragatso ya TM. Tsamaelano ya bogare ya dipalopedi e bontshitse kamano gongwe kgolagano e e siameng magareng ga tirego ya TNA le tiragatso ya TM. Go dirisitswe gape teko ya Mann Whitney go swetsa ka dipharologano tsa botlhokwa tsa bogare magareng ga ditlhopha go ya ka tirego ya TNA le tiragatso ya TM. Diteko tsa dipharologano tsa dipalopalo tsa botlhokwa tsa bogare ga di a bontsha pharologano epe e e botlhokwa magareng ga badiri ba tsamaiso ba basadi le ba banna. Seno se ne se tshwana le mo dipharologanong go ya ka dingwaga, maemotiro, legato la tiro le sebaka sa go dira. Malebana le seelo sa thuto, ga go a fitlhelwa dipharologano dipe tse di botlhokwa tsa bogare magareng ga badiri ba tsamaiso ba ba nang le didikirii tse di kwa tlase ga kalogo le ba ba nang le didikirii tsa morago ga kalogo. Diphitlhelelo di ka dirisiwa mo ditlhophadikgolong tse di tshwanang le tseo me di ka thusa go tokafatsa maitemogelo a tiro a badiri ba bangwe ba dikantoro. Go tlaleletsa foo, mmatlisisi o dumela gore dipoelo tsa thutopatlisiso eno di tlaa thusa botsamaisi jwa yunibesithi le karolo ya tlhabololo ya badiri (HRD) go latela ditirego tse di tlhokegang tsa TNA. Gape di tlaa tokafatsa tirego ya TM ya badiri ba tsamaiso ka go netefatsa gore ditlhokego tsa bona tsa katiso di golaganngwa le ditiro tsa bona, le gore go dirwa diTNA tsa mongwe le mongwe go netefatsa gore go fitlhelelwa maikemisetso a setheo. tn
dc.description.abstract Maikemišetšo a dinyakišišo tše e bile go utolla kamano magareng ga tshepedišo ya tshekatsheko ya dinyakwa tša tlhahlo (TNA) le ditiro tša taolo ya talente (TM) ya bašomi ba tshepedišo ka yunibesithing ya dithutamahlale tša maphelo (HSU). Sebopego sa lefelo la mošomo la ka kantorong le mokgwa wa tshekatsheko ya dinyakwa tša tlhahlo (TNAM) di laetša gore tlhamo ya dithuto tša maloko a bašomi ba tshepedišo ga e akaretše tše dingwe tša metheo ye bohlokwa ya TNA le TM. Se se ka feletša ka dilo tše mmalwa tšeo di sego tša tlwaelega mabapi le ka fao bašomi ba tshepedišo ba šomago ka gona, ba bolelago le go boledišana le bolaodi ba bona ka mošomong. Ge se se ka se rarollwe, dilo tše di sego tša tlwaelega di ka ama maemo a dinyakego tša tlhahlo tša bašomi ba tshepedišo le TM gampe. Godimo ga fao, kgonagalo ya gore ba ka tšwa ka fao yunibesithing e ka oketšega. Ka lebaka la se, dinyakišišo tša bontši tša inthaneteng di dirilwe mabapi le sampole ya dipalopalo tša bašomi ba tshepedišo ba sa ruri ba 163 (n = 163) (e lego bangwaledi le bahlankedi ba tshepedišo) ka yunibesithing ye itšego. Ge go hlokega go ba le maswanedi go mošomo, tshekatsheko ya go utolla mabaka (EFA) e utollotše mokgwa wa mabaka a mane wa tshepedišo ya TNA le mokgwa wa mabaka a mararo wa tiro ya TM. Tshekatsheko ya kamano e utollotše kamano ye bohlokwa go dipalopalo magareng ga maikutlo a tshepedišo ya TNA le tiro ya TM. Kamano ye e sego ya felela ya phapano gabedi e utollotše kamano ye bohlokwa ye kaone goba kamano magareng ga tshepedišo ya TNA le tiro ya TM. Teko ya Mann Whitney le yona e šomišitšwe go tseba phapano ye nnyane magareng ga dihlopha tšeo di theilwego go tshepedišo ya TNA le tiro ya TM. Diteko tša bohlokwa bja dipalopalo di ra gore diphapano ga se tša laetša phapano ye kgolo magareng ga bašomi ba tshepedišo ba basadi le ba banna. Phapano ye kgolo le yona ga se ya laetšwa mabapi le mengwaga, thaetlele ya mošomo, maemo a mošomo le lebaka leo mošomi a le tšerego a le mošomong. Mabapi le maemo a mošomo, ga se gwa ba le diphapano tše kgolo tšeo di hweditšwego magareng ga bašomi ba tshepedišo bao ba nago le dikgrata tša mathomo le bao ba nago le dikgrata tša bobedi. Dikutollo tše di direga gape ka bašoming ba go swana le bona gomme di ka thuša ka go kaonafatšeng ga maitemogelo a ka mošomong a bašomi ba bangwe ba ka dikantorong. Godimo ga fao, monyakišiši o dumela gore dipoelo tša dinyakišišo tše di tla thuša bolaodi bja yunibesithi le karolo ya lefapha la tlhabollo ya bašomi (HRD) go latela tshepedišo ye e nyakegago ya TNA. Se gape se tla kaonafatša tiro ya TM ya bašomi ba tshepedišo ka go netefatša gore dinyakwa tša bona tša tlhahlo di amana le mešomo ya bona, le gore di-TNA di a dirwa go netefatša gore dinepo tša yunibesithi di a fihlelelwa. nso
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (xvii, 226 leaves) : illustrations (some color), graphs (some color)
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject Administrative Staff en
dc.subject Health Sciences University en
dc.subject Talent anagement en
dc.subject Training Needs Analysis en
dc.subject Training Needs Assessment en
dc.subject Badiri ba Tsamaiso tn
dc.subject Yunibesithi ya Disaense tsa Boitekanelo tn
dc.subject Talente tn
dc.subject Tsamaiso ya Talente tn
dc.subject Tokololo ya Ditlhokego tsa Katiso le Tshekatsheko ya Ditlhokego tsa Katiso tn
dc.subject Bašomi ba Tshepedišo nso
dc.subject Yunibesithi ya Dithutamahlale tša Maphelo nso
dc.subject Talente nso
dc.subject Taolo ya Talente nso
dc.subject Tshekatsheko ya Dinyakwa tša Tlhahlo le Tshekatsheko ya Dinyakwa tša Tlhahlo nso
dc.subject.ddc 610.71168
dc.subject.lcsh Medical colleges -- South Africa en
dc.subject.lcsh Employees -- Training of -- South Africa en
dc.subject.lcsh College administrators -- South Africa en
dc.subject.lcsh Public health administration -- South Africa en
dc.title Training needs analysis and talent management of administrative staff at a health sciences university en
dc.title.alternative Tokololo ya ditlhokego tsa katiso le tsamaiso ya ditalente tsa badiri ba tsamaiso kwa yunibesithing ya disaense tsa boitekanelo tn
dc.title.alternative Tshekatsheko ya dinyakwa tsa tlhahlo le taolo ya talente ya basomi ba tshepediso ka yunibesithing ya dithutamahlale tsa maphelo nso
dc.type Dissertation en
dc.description.department Human Resource Management en M. Com. (Human Resource Management)

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