The thrust of this thesis proceeds from two main presuppositions. The first is that the Old Testament wisdom books are generally ignored or not given enough attention in the studies about water and water-related phenomena. ...
Starting point of the search for the purpose of 1 Timothy is the assumption of basic similarities between this letter and letter writing in Greco-Roman antiquity. This means that 1 Timothy is designed for an oral performance ...
The chief aims of this study are to determine what, if any, accounting processes were employed during the first millennium BC (1000-332 BC) in Palestine, to determine whether these were the result of the socio-economic ...
The search for a ‘historical Moses’ is one which has been debated for several centuries. In spite of copious archaeological finds in Egypt and other parts of the ancient Near East, no material remains have been found to ...
Die Bybel is die boek wat die meeste gelees word en tog is dit moeilik om die leefwêreld van daardie era te verstaan. My doel is om ’n nuwe blik te gee op ’n paar Ou-Testamentiese simbole. Die ontdekking van ivoorobjekte ...
Die politieke struktuur van antieke Egipte en ons eie politieke geskiedenis het meegebring dat aspekte rakende die vrou, vir baie jare oor die hoof gesien was, veral in die literatuur. Met antieke Egipte, waar mans hoofsaaklik ...
The following thesis comprises a systematic, synchronic study of the term בְּרִית (berîṯ,
covenant) in the book of Daniel, the Damascus Document, the Community Rule (Serekhha-
Yaḥad), the Hymn Scroll (Hodayot) and the ...
In deze verhandeling worden een aantal perikopen uit het boek Hosea, namelijk Hosea 2, 4, 5:1-7, 8, 9, 10 en 14:2-9, uitgelegd aan de hand van het kemwoord afgodendienst. Vergelijk: de afgodendienst in het boek Hosea. ...
This dissertation considered trade and trade finance in Mesopotamia over a
period of 2000 years commencing with Sumeria and ending with Achaemenid
Persia, taking in Ur III and Assyria. A range of financial instruments ...
One of the central issues of early Christianity was the identity of Jesus Christ. Paul and other early Christians discussed this question within the framework of traditional Jewish monotheism and used the language of deity ...
Diese Forschungsarbeit untersucht anhand ausgewählter Verfilmungen wie die Passion Jesu
im Prozess gesellschaftlicher Kommunikation präsentiert wird und welche Deutungen ihr gegeben
werden. Bei abnehmender ...
The letter to the Romans conveys a message of God's love and
how through his grace, he has prepared a way to liberate
mankind from a life of sin to a life of righteousness. But
the way the message is presented, this ...
This dissertation examines the role and position of Jewish women in the Near East
between 200 BCE - 200 CE. This was a very important period in Jewish legal and
cultural history.
The redaction of the Mishnah, the oldest ...
Black Theology uses the Exodus episode as its locus classicus for
its view of God' s preferential option for the poor and the
oppressed. The purpose of the dissertation is to determine to
what extent Black Theology is ...
Die verhandeling behels 'n holistiese benadering tot die geskiedenis van die Israelitiese stamme/clans gedurende die 'tyd van die Rigters' (soos in die Ou Testament gereflekteer). Na my mening het 'n holistiese benadering ...
This project seeks to determine, to what extent the culture of early Israel (1250-1000 BC) is
similar to African cultures, more specifically, to that of the Lemba. However, a comparison
between the cultures of ...
This dissertation is a detailed analysis of the Epistle to the Colossians. The author uses
rhetorical critical methods and recognizes that the New Testament epistles are greatly influenced by
oratory. Also, the author ...
The pnmary purpose of this dissertation is to define the function of Psalm 90 and its relationship with regard to adjacent psalms. Keeping this purpose in mind, the dissertation is composed of two main parts. The first
part ...
This thesis is a comparative study of the concept and role of the law in the
theologies of Rosemary Radford Ruether and Gustaf Wingren. The analysis of
their theologies shows that Wingren uses the law as a formal ...