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A phenomenological study of an emerging financial value ecosystem: based on distributed ledger technology and novel peer to eer game structure

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dc.contributor.advisor Nienaber, Hester Crafford, Francois 2021-08-20T05:38:36Z 2021-08-20T05:38:36Z 2021-02
dc.description Abstracts in English, Zulu and Xhosa en
dc.description.abstract The central research issue in this study is the third morphing of economies due to the externally available intelligent building blocks of technology. More specifically, it is anticipated that the widespread use of distributed ledger technology will transform the workings of organisations to such a degree that they will cease to exist in their current form. Hence, the use of distributed ledger technology is not merely a tame management problem; it poses a wicked strategic problem. Furthermore, natural explanations add to the confusion in relation to what managers should do with distributed ledger technology. A transcendental phenomenological attitude is required to transcend the multitude of natural explanations. Phenomenology is both the philosophy and method employed in this study, which questions what human engagement in the world is about. More specifically in this study engagement with distributed ledger technology. This study closes this gap in knowledge by giving an accurate description of the essence of the distributed value ecosystem phenomenon. The study makes a contribution to more coherent and fundamental understanding the essences of the distributed value ecosystem phenomenon is the nature of the relationship patterns that participants hold to distributed ledger technology. The central factual finding is the nature and pattern of these relationships is transactional and circular. The pattern preferred by most organisations is the bounded binary transactional pattern. Organisations seek primarily to have power over the socially complex aspects in transacting. However, the bounded binary transactional pattern may become an unbalanced and unfair value-subtract relationship over time. The response to unbalanced binary bounded value relationships is the unbounded transactional pattern, which gives participants greater autonomy and privacy pseudonymity, but not the transparency that is essential to transact seamlessly. The third value relationship pattern and novel idea presented is the folded value relationship pattern in which participants balance conflicts over socially complex aspects in relation to self and others by meeting narrow micro-level near interaction conditions. This is a more folded, novel strategic game that participants can pick. The key implication for society and organisations is that it presents an alternative approach to dealing with conflict in socially complex value relationships. In essence, with the folded transactional pattern, participants seek to trade up value relationships in relation to self and with others, as opposed to making value relationship trade-offs or sacrifices that lead to either compromises in relation to self or dominance over others. However, the practical managerial implication is truly folded value relationship pattern is not easy to create and is rare. en
dc.description.abstract Umbandela ophambili wophando kwesi sifundo kukuzotywa ngokutsha kwesithathu kwezoqoqosho ngenxa yobukho bezakhi zobuchwepheshe ezinobukrelekrele. Eyona nto ingundoqo yeyokuba kucingelwa ukuba ukusetyenziswa kakhulu kobuchwepheshe bokubhala iingxelo mali buya kuyiguqula indlela asebenza ngayo amaqumrhu, ade ayeke ukusebenza ngale ndlela enza ngayo ngoku. Ukusetyenziswa kobuchwepheshe bokusasaza iingxelo zogcino mali (ngesiNgesi kusetyenziswa isishunqulelo esithi DLT) akuyongxakana nje yolawulo; kuyingxaki enkulu nekhohlakeleyo. Ngaphaya koko, iinkcazelo ezikhoyo zongeza ukubhideka malunga neyona nto emele ukwenziwa ngabaphathi ngobu buchwepheshe bokusasaza iingxelo zogcino mali. Into efunekayo kukusebenzisa indlela yophando ngokuphicotha amava nokufuna ukuqonda indlela acinga ngayo umntu, ngakumbi kumba omalunga nobuchwepheshe bokusasaza iingxelo zogcino mali. Esi sifundo sivala isikhewu solwazi esikhoyo ngokunika inkcazelo echanekileyo ngalo mbandela wokusasazwa kokuxabiseka kwentsebenziswano yendalo nomntu. Esi sifundo sinceda ekuqondeni iziseko zombandela wokusasazwa kokuxabiseka kwentsebenziswano yendalo nomntu neepatheni zolwalamano lwabathathi nxaxheba kwicandelo lobuchwepheshe bokusasaza iingxelo zogcino mali. Eyona nto ingundoqo efumanisekayo kukuba ubume nepatheni yolu lwalamano iquka intsebenziswano yorhwebo kwaye ifana nomjikelo. Ipatheni ekhethwa ngamaqumrhu amaninzi yileyo yentsebenziswano ephakathi kwesibini. Amaqumrhu afuna tanci ukuba nolawulo kwimiba enzima yezentlalo xa erhwebelana. Noxa kunjalo, ipatheni yokurhwebelana ngezibini isenokudala ukungalingani nokuqhathana ngokuhamba kwexesha. Usabelo kulwalamano lwezibini olungenalingano yiphatheni yorhwebelwano olungabekelwanga mida, apho abathathi nxaxheba bekwazi ukuzithathela izigqibo ekhusini bengazichazi ukuba bangoobani, nto leyo inqanda ukusebenza ekuhleni nokufunekayo ekusebenzisaneni ngaphandle kwamagingxigingxi. Ipatheni yesithathu kwixabiso lolwalamano kulapho ulwalamano lusongiwe, apho abathathi nxaxheba belungelelanisa iingxabano ezingemiba yezentlalo enzima ngokufezekisa iimeko ezilula nezincinane. Oku kufana nomdlalo osongeneyo nolicebo lobulumko onokukhethwa ngabathathi nxaxheba. Okubalulekileyo kukuba le yindlela eyenye enokukhawulelana neengxwabangxwaba eluntwini nakumaqumrhu. Eneneni, kwipatheni yentsebenziswano esongeneyo, abathathi nxaxheba bazama ukutshintsha ulwalamano oluphakathi komntu nabanye, endaweni yokuncama izinto ezithile ezinokukhokelela kwilahleko okanye ekonganyelweni ngabanye. Noxa kunjalo, ipatheni yolwalamano olusongeneyo kulwalamano lwabalawuli ayinto ilula kwaye inqabile. xho
dc.description.abstract Udaba olungumgogodla walolu cwaningo wukuguquka kwesithathu kweminotho ngenxa yamandla namakhono obuchwepheshe besimanjemane atholakala ngaphandle kwenhlangano. Ngokuqondileyo, kubhekeke ukuthi ukusetshenziswa kakhulu kwe-distributed ledger technology kusiguqule kakhulu isimo-sakhiwo sezinhlangano kanye nendlela ezisebenza ngayo, kangangukuthi zigcine sezingabonakali neze ukuthi zike zaba kulesi simo-sakhiwo ezikusona njengamanje. Ngakhoke ukusetshenziswa kwe-distributed ledger technology akuyona neze inkinga elula futhi abangayixazulula kalula abaphathi; kepha kuyinkinga eyinkimbinkimbi futhi eyimpicabadala okungelula nakancane ukuyixazulula. Ngaphezu kwalokho, izincazelo zemvelo ziyengeza phezu kokudideka okuphathelene nalokho okumele kwenziwe ngabaphathi maqondana ne-distributed ledger technology. Ukuze kudlulelwe ngale kwenqwabanqwaba yezincazelo zemvelo ezikhona kudingeka indlela-kucabanga nendlelakubuka evulekile yokuqonda ulwazi oluphathelene nezimo kanye nezigameko okuhlangatshezwane nazo noma okudlulwe kuzona. Ifenomeloji iyikho kokubili ifilosofi kanye nendlela-kusebenza esetshenzisiwe kulolu cwaningo, okuphonsa umbuzo mayelana nokuthi kuphathelene nani ukuxhumana kanye nokubandakanywa kwabantu emhlabeni, ikakhulukazi maqondana nokubandakanywa okuphathelene ne-distributed ledger technology. Lolu cwaningo luvala igebe lokungabi khona kolwazi ngokuthi lunikeze incazelo enembayo yomongo we-distributed value ecosystem. Ucwaningo luyalekelela futhi lufake isandla ekutholakaleni kokuqonda okuhle nokuhleleke kahle futhi okuyisisekelo komongo we-distributed value ecosystem okungukuthi lokhu kuwuhlobo lwamaphethini obudlelwano obuboniswa ngababambiqhaza maqondana ne-distributed ledger technology. Umphumela osemqoka kakhulu futhi oyiqiniso otholakale ocwaningweni wukuthi ubunjalo kanye nephethini yalobu budlelwano ibandakanya izinhloso zokuzizuzela okuthile futhi okungubudlelwano obusasiyingi. Iphethini encanyelwa yiningi lezinhlangano yi-bounded binary transactional pattern. Izinhlangano zihlose ikakhulukazi ukuba namandla phezu kwezinto ezithile ezinobunkimbinkimbi emphakathini lapho zenza umsebenzi wazo. Kodwa-ke ngokuhamba kwesikhathi i-bounded binary transactional pattern kungenzeka ibonise ubudlelwano obungenakho ukulingana futhi obuchemile obungenabugugu. Impendulo yokubhekana nobudlelwano obungama-unbalanced binary bounded value relationships yi-unbounded transactional pattern, enikeza ababambiqhaza ukukhululeka nokuzimela okukhudlwana kanye nobumfihlo bokuthi bangazidaluli noma baziveze ukuthi bangobani, kodwa-ke lokhu akubanikezi ukusebenza ngendlela esobala okuyinto edingekayo ekusebenzeni ngaphandle kwezihibe. I-third value relationship pattern kanye nomqondo ophusile owethulwayo yi-folded value relationship pattern lapho ababambiqhaza beqinisekisa ukuthi kunokulingana phakathi kokungqubuzana noma udweshu oluphathelene nezinto eziyinkimbinkimbi emphakathini maqondana nabo uqobo kanye nabanye abantu, ngokuthi bahlangabezane nama-narrow micro-level near-interaction conditions. Lokhu kuwumdladlwana ofongqekile wesimanjemanje futhi okhethekile nosemqoka ongasetshenziswa ngababambiqhaza. Umthelela osemqoka walokhu emphakathini nasezinhlanganweni wukuthi lokhu kuhlinzeka ngendlela ehlukile yokubhekana nokungqubuzana nodweshu kubudlelwano obuyinkimbinkimbi emphakathini. Empeleni, ku-folded transactional pattern, ababambiqhaza bahlose ukuthola okungcono kubudlelwano phakathi kwabo bona uqobo lwabo kanye nabanye abantu esikhundleni sokwakha ubudlelwano lapho izinhlangothi zonke zithola ukushintshisana okulinganayo noma ukuzidela okuthile maqondana nobudlelwano, okuyinto eholela ekutheni kube nokuvumelana phakathi kwezinhlangothi okuhambisana nokuzidela komuntu uqobo lwakhe noma-ke ukukhonya phezu kwabanye. Kodwa-ke umthelela walokho oqondene nabaphathi wukuthi akulula neze ukwakha i-folded value relationship pattern yoqobo futhi lokhu kuyivela kancane. zul
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject Constructive conflict en
dc.subject Distributed Ledger Technology en
dc.subject Distributed value ecosystems en
dc.subject Externalising organisational intelligence en
dc.subject Folded value relationships en
dc.subject Strategy en
dc.subject Transcendental phenomenology en
dc.subject Wicked problems en
dc.subject Self-sovereign identity en
dc.subject Socially complex resources en
dc.subject Ingxabano eyakhayo xho
dc.subject Ubuchwepheshe bokusasaza iingxelo mali xho
dc.subject Iinkqubo zentsebenziswano yendalo nomntu ezisasaziweyo xho
dc.subject Ukukhuphela ngaphandle ubulumko bequmrhu xho
dc.subject Ulwalamano lwexabiso olusongeneyo xho
dc.subject Icebo lobulumko xho
dc.subject Ubume obunyukelayo xho
dc.subject Iingxaki ezinenkohlakalo xho
dc.subject Ubuwena bokuzithathela izigqibo xho
dc.subject Imithombo enzima kwezentlalo xho
dc.subject Ukungqubuzana okwakhayo zul
dc.subject I-distributed ledger technology zul
dc.subject Ama-distributed value ecosystem zul
dc.subject Ukusetshenziswa kwenhlangano yangaphandle ukuhlinzeka inhlangano ngamandla nekhono lokwakha nokusebenzisa ulwazi ngenhloso yokuzuza imiphumela emihle zul
dc.subject Ama-folded value relationship zul
dc.subject Iqhingasu zul
dc.subject I-transcendental phenomenology zul
dc.subject Izinkinga eziyinkimbinkimbi okungelula neze ukuzixazulula zul
dc.subject Isimo-bunjalo sokuzimela komuntu; Izinsiza zomphakathi eziyinkimbinkimbi zul
dc.subject.ddc 658.514
dc.subject.lcsh Blockchains (Databases) en
dc.subject.lcsh Business enterprises -- Technological innovations en
dc.subject.lcsh Social responsibility of business en
dc.subject.lcsh Decision making en
dc.title A phenomenological study of an emerging financial value ecosystem: based on distributed ledger technology and novel peer to eer game structure en
dc.title.alternative Ucwaningo olugxile ezigamekweni okuhlangatshezwane nazo maqondana neekhosistimu efufusayo yobunani-mali: olusekelwe phezu kwe-distributed ledger technology Kanye ne-novel peer-to-peer game structure zul
dc.type Thesis en
dc.description.department Business Management en D. Com. (Business Management)

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