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Is the turnover tax system functioning as intended? An exploratory study

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dc.contributor.advisor Smulders, Sharon, 1974-
dc.contributor.advisor Ndlovu, Mphagahlele Hellberg, Astrid Edelgard Suzanne 2021-07-27T12:25:24Z 2021-07-27T12:25:24Z 2019-11
dc.description Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Tswana en
dc.description.abstract This study explores whether the turnover tax system (TTS) fulfils its intended function of being a simplified tax system, using primary and secondary data. Structural-functionalism and the tax canons form the theoretical foundations for this study and are used to guide the questionnaire design, data collection process, identification of the overarching themes and the data analysis. Semi-structured interviews are utilised to solicit information from the selected participants, using convenience and snowball selection techniques. The participants believe that the TTS is not functioning as a fully simplified tax system, as not all the tax canons and structural functionalism principles of an effective tax system are being met. The concept of the TTS is perceived as good, although the administration thereof and the South African Revenue Service officials’ knowledge on the TTS are seen to be inadequate. Various recommendations are provided to improve the TTS. en
dc.description.abstract Hierdie studie het ten doel om te bepaal of die omsetbelastingstelsel (“TTS”) sy beoogde funksie vervul – naamlik dié van ʼn vereenvoudigde belastingstelsel, deur die gebruik van primêre en sekondêre data. Strukturele funksionalisme en die belastingbeginsels vorm die teoretiese grondbeginsels vir hierdie studie en word gebruik om die vraelysontwerp, data-insamelingsproses, identifisering van die oorkoepelende temas en die data-ontleding te lei. Halfgestruktureerde onderhoude word gebruik om die uitgesoekte deelnemers om inligting te vra met behulp van gerieflikheid- en sneeubalselekteringstegnieke. Die deelnemers glo dat die omsetbelastingstelsel nie as ʼn ten volle vereenvoudigde belastingstelsel funksioneer nie, aangesien nie al die belastingbeginsels en strukturelefunksionalismebeginsels van ʼn doeltreffende belastingstelsel gevolg word nie. Die konsep van die omsetbelastingstelsel word as goed beskou, hoewel die administrering daarvan, sowel as die kennis wat die Suid-Afrikaanse Inkomstediens se amptenare ten opsigte van die omsetbelastingstelsel het, as ontoereikend beskou word. Verskeie aanbevelings word gedoen om die omsetbelastingstelsel te verbeter. af
dc.description.abstract Thuto ye e lebeledišiša ge e le gore poelo ya tshepedišo ya lekgetho (TTS) e kgotsofatša mohola wo e nepetšwego wona e lego wa go ba tshepedišo ya lekgetho yeo e nolofaditšwego ka go šomiša tshedimošo ya motheo le ya tlaleletšo. Tšhomišego ya sebopego le melao ya motšhelo go hlama metheo ya dikgopolo ya thuto ye le go e šomiša go hlahla tlhamo ya letlakalapotšišo, tshepedišo ya go kgoboketša tshedimošo, tlhaolo ya merero ya go tlaleletša le tekolo ya tshedimošo. Dipoledišano tša go hlamega gannyane di šomišwa go hwetša tshedimošo go batšeakarolo bao ba kgethilwego, go šomišwa kgonagalo le mekgwatiro ya go kgetha ka go ya godimo. Batšeakarolo ba dumela go re TTS ga e šome bjalo ka tshepedišo ya go tlala ya lekgetho, ka ge e se metheo ka moka ya melao ya lekgetho yeo e fihlelelwago. Lereo la TTS le lemogwa bjalo ka le kaone, le ge tshepedišo ya lona le tsebo ya bašomi ba Ditirelo tša Lekgetho tša Afrika Borwa ya TTS e bonala e sa lekana. Ditigelo tše mmalwa di tšweleditšwe go kaonafatša TTS. tn
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (xiv, 167 leaves) : color illustrations en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject Exploratory qualitative research en
dc.subject Functioning en
dc.subject Micro-business en
dc.subject Semi-structured interviews en
dc.subject Small, medium and micro-enterprises (SMMEs) en
dc.subject Structural functionalism en
dc.subject Taxation en
dc.subject Tax canons en
dc.subject Turnover tax en
dc.subject Verkennende kwalitatiewe navorsing af
dc.subject Funksionering af
dc.subject Mikro-onderneming af
dc.subject Halfgestruktureerde onderhoude af
dc.subject Klein, medium en mikro-ondernemings (KMMO’s) af
dc.subject Strukturele funksionalisme af
dc.subject Belasting af
dc.subject Belastingbeginsels af
dc.subject Omsetbelasting af
dc.subject Mantšu a bohlokwa tn
dc.subject Diphatišišo tša boleng bja tšweletšo tn
dc.subject Tšhomišo tn
dc.subject Kgwebopotlana tn
dc.subject Dipoledišano tšeo di beakantšwego ka boripana tn
dc.subject Ye nnyane, ya magareng le dikgwebopotlana (SMME) tn
dc.subject Tšhomišego ya sebopego tn
dc.subject Lekgetho tn
dc.subject Melao ya lekgetho tn
dc.subject Poelo ya go kgetha tn
dc.subject.ddc 336.270968
dc.subject.lcsh Turnover tax – South Africa en
dc.subject.lcsh South African Revenue Service en
dc.subject.lcsh Taxation – South Africa en
dc.subject.lcsh Business tax – South Africa en
dc.title Is the turnover tax system functioning as intended? An exploratory study en
dc.type Dissertation en
dc.description.department College of Accounting Sciences en M, Phil. (Accounting Sciences)

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