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Browsing Department of Criminology and Security Science by Issue Date

Browsing Department of Criminology and Security Science by Issue Date

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  • Du Plessis, Willem Jacobus (1992-09)
    Die aard en omvang van motorvoertuigdiefstal in Suid-Afrika, het die ondersoeker aangespoor om 'n studie van die verskynsel soos dit in die Pretoria-Sentraal polisiestasiegebied voorkom, te loods. Data wat uit die dokumentere ...
  • Ovens, Michelle (1992-11)
    A multidimensional approach, using individual, social structural and process and system theories, is applied to examine the role of drugs in child abuse within the dysfunctional family system. By means of a saturation ...
  • Swanepoel, Johanna Petronella (1992-11)
    Beskermi ng van fundamente le mense- en konst itus i one le regte het moderne regstelsels tot herbesinning oor tradisionele bewysregreels rakende die toelaatbaarheid van getuienis aangaande verklarings van 'n beskuldigde ...
  • Volschenk, Cornelis Theodoris (1992-11)
    Die Wet op Misbruik van Afhankl ikheidsvormende Stowwe beheer tans die regsposisie betreffende die misbruik van dwelmmiddels. Orie klasse afhankl ikheidsvormende medisyne word geskep waarvan slegs die handeldryf in ...
  • Steyn, Anna Martha Elizabeth (1993-11)
    Die doel van die navorsingsondersoek na die stiefvader as sek­suele molesteerder van sy stiefdogter is om die probleem te beskryf, te verklaar en aanbevelings te doen aan instansies wat betrokke is by seksuele molestering. ...
  • Jacobs, Hendrina Fransina (1996-01)
    The first form of litigation in ancient times was by way of accusatorial process. Later on the inquisitorial process also gained acceptance, and although some countries use an accusatorial and others an inquisitorial ...
  • Pitfield, Doreen Jennie (1997-11)
    The study explores the beliefs and wishes of respondents in Pretoria concerning crime seriousness and criminal sentencing in South Africa. It is suggested that in a democracy, the legal system must reflect the values of ...
  • De Smidt, Stanley Charles (1998-06)
    Die proefskrif poog om 'n penologiese evaluering rakende die assessering van oortreders vir korrektiewe toesig weer te gee. Korrektiewe toesig is 'n vonnisopsie wat oortreders binne die gemeenskap rebabiliteer. 'n ...
  • Coetzer, Carina (1998-11)
    In hierdie navorsing is misdaadvoorkoming by besigheidskomplekse ondersoek aan die hand van Oscar Newman se verdedigbare ruimte teorie. Centurionsentrum is as studiegeval verkies omdat daar groot gebiede is wat volgens ...
  • Ladikos, Anastasios, 1948- (1999-06)
    The purpose of this study was to retrospectively analyze a group of observation cases referred to a psychiatric institution through the criminal justice system by means of certain measuring instruments in order to ...
  • Du Pré, Nicoline (1999-11)
    Na meer as veertig jaar het Suid-Afrika 'n nuwe politieke bedeling wat veranderde wetgewing in die vooruitsig stel. 'n Oorweging van 'n dekriminaliseringsbeleid vir die gebruik van dagga, beskou teen die agtergrond van ...
  • Steyn, Anna Martha Elizabeth (1999-11)
    Kindermolestering het die afgelope vyftien jaar 'n toenemende probleem in Suid-Afrika geword. Baie aandag is aan die slagoffer gegee, tenvyl die kindermolesteerder as kardinale deel van die probleem heeltemal verwaarloos ...
  • Martin, Raymond Charles (2001-02)
    This dissertation, which is both exploratory and descriptive in nature, initially describes the development of the polygraph against a background of understanding society's rejection of the lying phenomenon. The theoretical ...
  • Herbig, Friedo Johann Willem (2001-11)
    Conservation criminology as a derivative of environmental criminology is considered in this dissertation through a strategic/empirical investigation of the illegal exploitation of a cross-section of certain, essentially ...
  • Kruger, Johannes Frederick Eric (2002-06)
    Hierdie navorsing fokus op misdaadvoorkoming by nywerhede met Transvaal Suiker Beperk as geselekteerde studieveld. Die meganiese en fisiese misdaadvoorkomingsmaatreëls aan die hand van Oscar Newman se verdedigbare mimte ...
  • Boll, William Charles (2002-11)
    As a restut of British colonization and their attempts to govern a variety of different cultures many nations now share a common bond in their criminal justice systems. This research focuses on the impact of some of those ...
  • Fernandes, Carla Maria da Silva (2003-01)
    When It comes to the basic perspectives on personal and social reality, it is commonly assumed that these perspectives are learned within the parent-child relafionship. As a result, the family has been typically accorded ...
  • Van Graan, Johan (2005-03)
    The research problem that was investigated in this study was to identify, explore and confirm the problems and management obstacles encountered with the change process in the South African Police Service (SAPS) from the ...
  • Van der Westhuizen, Barend Marthinus (2005-06)
    In this research project the overcrowding problem in South African prisons will be analysed as well as the influence it had on the rehabilitation of offenders. The problem of overcrowding in South Africa's prisons is very ...
  • Eloff, Corné (2006-11)
    This study explores the utilisation of spatial technologies as a tool to analyse and combat crime. The study deals specifically with remote sensing and its potential for being integrated with geographical information systems ...

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