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Browsing School of Criminal Justice by Issue Date

Browsing School of Criminal Justice by Issue Date

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  • Du Plessis, Willem Jacobus (1992-09)
    Die aard en omvang van motorvoertuigdiefstal in Suid-Afrika, het die ondersoeker aangespoor om 'n studie van die verskynsel soos dit in die Pretoria-Sentraal polisiestasiegebied voorkom, te loods. Data wat uit die dokumentere ...
  • Ovens, Michelle (1992-11)
    A multidimensional approach, using individual, social structural and process and system theories, is applied to examine the role of drugs in child abuse within the dysfunctional family system. By means of a saturation ...
  • Swanepoel, Johanna Petronella (1992-11)
    Beskermi ng van fundamente le mense- en konst itus i one le regte het moderne regstelsels tot herbesinning oor tradisionele bewysregreels rakende die toelaatbaarheid van getuienis aangaande verklarings van 'n beskuldigde ...
  • Volschenk, Cornelis Theodoris (1992-11)
    Die Wet op Misbruik van Afhankl ikheidsvormende Stowwe beheer tans die regsposisie betreffende die misbruik van dwelmmiddels. Orie klasse afhankl ikheidsvormende medisyne word geskep waarvan slegs die handeldryf in ...
  • Van Vuuren, J. W. J., 1952- (1992-11)
    Plaaslike owerhede sal met die devolusie van politieke mag tot op derdevlakregering 'n groter rol in die bepaling van die toekoms van dorpe en stede speel. Binne die raamwerk van nasionale sekuriteit het plaaslike owerhede ...
  • Palmer, Eshaam (1993-06)
    This study researches the Islamic Penal System within a penological perspective. The philosophy underlying this Penal System is that every person is responsible and thus punishable for his criminal actions. Punishment could ...
  • Steyn, Anna Martha Elizabeth (1993-11)
    Die doel van die navorsingsondersoek na die stiefvader as sek­suele molesteerder van sy stiefdogter is om die probleem te beskryf, te verklaar en aanbevelings te doen aan instansies wat betrokke is by seksuele molestering. ...
  • Jacobs, Hendrina Fransina (1996-01)
    The first form of litigation in ancient times was by way of accusatorial process. Later on the inquisitorial process also gained acceptance, and although some countries use an accusatorial and others an inquisitorial ...
  • Luyt, Willem Frederik Muller (1996-06)
    In the study below, the phenomenon of "maximum security prisons" is described as it is applied in various parts of the world, according to capita selecta. The phenomenon is described as it occurs in four countries, namely ...
  • Olivier, Nicolaas Jacobus Campher (1997-08)
    Misdaad is deesdae op almal se Iippe. Daar verloop nie 'n dag of die media lewer verslag oor een of ander vorm van misdaad wat plaasgevind het nie. Die vraag is nou wat gedoen kan word om die vlaag van misdaad in Suid-Afrika ...
  • Pitfield, Doreen Jennie (1997-11)
    The study explores the beliefs and wishes of respondents in Pretoria concerning crime seriousness and criminal sentencing in South Africa. It is suggested that in a democracy, the legal system must reflect the values of ...
  • Nxumalo, Thamsanqa Elisha (1997-11)
    The purpose of Parole Supervision is in twofold, namely: ... The successful reintegration of the offender to the community; and ... The protection of the community against further criminal behaviour by parolees. The ...
  • De Smidt, Stanley Charles (1998-06)
    Die proefskrif poog om 'n penologiese evaluering rakende die assessering van oortreders vir korrektiewe toesig weer te gee. Korrektiewe toesig is 'n vonnisopsie wat oortreders binne die gemeenskap rebabiliteer. 'n ...
  • Hlongwane, Amon Lemmy (1998-11)
    The inmates who are serving life imprisonment are provided with the treatment programmes throughout their incarceration period until they are released from custody. In addition, they are afforded with their primary and ...
  • Coetzer, Carina (1998-11)
    In hierdie navorsing is misdaadvoorkoming by besigheidskomplekse ondersoek aan die hand van Oscar Newman se verdedigbare ruimte teorie. Centurionsentrum is as studiegeval verkies omdat daar groot gebiede is wat volgens ...
  • Pretorius, Alta. (1998-11)
    Die penologiese perspektief rakende die ontwikkeling/ doel en funksionering van leke-assessore is die onderwerp van hierdie verhandeling. Leke-deelname in die regsplegingstelsel kan terug­ gevoer word na 1657. ...
  • Ovens, Michelle (1998-11)
    Drug policy and the treatment of drug offenders' is an area that receives much attention worldwide. Because of the authorities' apparent inability to deal with this form of crime, it has universally been deemed necessary ...
  • Nkosi, Majozi Ephraim (1998-11)
    The Department of Correctional Services sees the need for intensive preparation of inmates for reintegration into the community after release. Presently the Department of Correctional Services conducts pre-release preparation ...
  • Oliver, Charles Edwin (1999-06)
    In the light of a more punitive stance in Corrections and public discontent with the criminal justice system, a number of studies have been conducted since 1970 testing public punitiveness, probably in an attempt to ...
  • Bruyns, Hennie, 1959- (1999-06)
    Die tradisionele benadering tot bestuur het die Suid-Afrikaanse korrektiewe sisteem sedert sy ontstaan gedomineer. Die vraag wat ontstaan, is of daar enige praktiese, werkbare altematiewe is, veral omdat die huidige ...

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