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Teachers’ experiences in implementing inclusive education in primary schools in Johannesburg East district, Gauteng Province

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dc.contributor.advisor Malahlela, Moyagabo Kate Ngulani, Gugulethu 2021-06-04T13:27:59Z 2021-06-04T13:27:59Z 2020-11 2021-06-04
dc.description Abstract in English and Nyanja en
dc.description.abstract According to the Department of Education White Paper 6 of 2001, all learners have the right to learn at any school of their choice without being discriminated because of their barriers to learning. The aim of this study was to investigate teachers’ experiences in implementing inclusive education in primary schools in Johannesburg East district, Gauteng Province. The study sought to establish the teachers’ experiences in the implementation of inclusive education in primary schools. The researcher used qualitative method to conduct the study to get in-depth information on the teachers’ experiences in the implementation of inclusive education in primary schools. Five level 1 teachers and five Heads of Departments (HODs) were purposively sampled for the study in five different schools in the Johannesburg East district, Gauteng. Data were collected through in-depth interviews as this allowed participants to elaborate on their responses. Participants were also observed in their respective classrooms. Data was analysed to identify recurring themes. It emerged from the study that many teachers have not been adequately trained on implementing inclusive education in primary school classrooms; many schools do not have adequate resources and there is very little support from the relevant stakeholders. The study makes recommendations for the Department of Basic Education (DBE) to workshop teachers more often on inclusive education, to supply more resources in schools and for relevant stakeholders to support teachers at schools. en
dc.description.abstract U ya nga ha Nḓivhadzamulayotibe ya Muhasho wa Pfunzo ya vhu 6 ya 2001, vhagudiswa vhoṱhe vha na pfanelo ya u guda kha tshikolo tshiṅwe na tshiṅwe tshine vha funa vha sa khethululwi nga nṱhani ha zwithivhela ngudo zwavho. Ndivho ya ngudo iyi ho vha u sengulusa tshenzhelo dza vhadededzi kha u shumisa pfunzonyangaredzi zwikolo zwa phuraimari kha tshiṱiriki tsha Vhubvaḓuvha ha Johannesburg, Vundu ḽa Gauteng. Muṱoḓisisi o shumisa ngona yo khwaḽithethivi u ita ṱhoḓisiso u itela u wana mafhungo a vhudzivha nga ha tshenzhelo dza vhadededzi kha tshumiso ya pfunzonyangaredzi kha zwikolo zwa phuraimari. Vhadededzi vhaṱanu vha ḽevele 1 na ṱhoho dza muhasho (dzi HOD) ṱhanu vho nanguludzwa u ya nga vhukoni u itela ngudo kha zwikolo zwiṱanu zwo fhambanaho kha tshiṱiriki tsha Vhubvaḓuvha ha Johannesburg, Gauteng. Data yo kuvhanganyiwa nga kha inthaviwu dzo ṱanḓavhuwaho, saizwi zwi tshi tendela vhadzheneleli u ṱanḓavhudza phindulo dzavho. Vhadzheneleli vho lavheleswa hafhu kiḽasini dzavho dzo fhambanaho. Data yo saukanywa u itela u vhona thero dzi dovhololaho. Ho wanala u bva kha ngudo uri vhunzhi ha vhadededzi a vho ngo gudiswa zwavhuḓi kha kushumisele kwa pfunzonyangaredzi kiḽasini dza tshikolo tsha phuraimari; vhunzhi ha zwikolo a zwi na zwishumiswa zwo linganaho, nahone hu na thikhedzo ṱhukhu u bva kha vhadzhiamukovhe vho teaho. Ngudo dzo themendela Muhasho wa Pfunzo ya Mutheo (DBE) uri u pfumbudze vhadededzi tshifhinga tshoṱhe kha pfunzonyangaredzi, u ṋekedza zwishumiswa zwinzhi na u wana thikhedzo u bva kha vhadededzi na vhadzhiamukovhe vho teaho. ny
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (viii, 89 leaves) en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject Inclusive education en
dc.subject Barriers to learning en
dc.subject Learners en
dc.subject Teachers en
dc.subject School Management Team en
dc.subject School Based Support Team en
dc.subject District Based Support Team en
dc.subject Assistive devices en
dc.subject Pfunzonyangaredzi ny
dc.subject Zwithivheli zwa ngudo ny
dc.subject Vhagudiswa ny
dc.subject Vhadededzi ny
dc.subject Thimu ya ndangulo ya tshikolo ny
dc.subject Thimu ya thikhedzo ya tshikolo ny
dc.subject Thimu ya thikhedzo ya tshiṱiriki ny
dc.subject Zwishumiswa zwa u thusedza ny
dc.subject.ddc 371.90460968221
dc.subject.lcsh Inclusive education -- South Africa -- Johannesburg en
dc.subject.lcsh Mainstreaming in education -- South Africa -- Johannesburg en
dc.subject.lcsh Elementary school teachers -- In-service training -- South Africa -- Johannesburg en
dc.subject.lcsh Education, Elementary -- South Africa -- Johannesburg en
dc.subject.lcsh Children with disabilities -- Education (Elementary) -- South Africa -- Johannesburg en
dc.subject.lcsh School management teams -- South Africa -- Johannesburg en
dc.subject.lcsh School management and organization -- South Africa -- Johannesburg en
dc.title Teachers’ experiences in implementing inclusive education in primary schools in Johannesburg East district, Gauteng Province en
dc.type Dissertation en
dc.description.department Inclusive Education en M. Ed. (Inclusive Education)

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