The queens graph Qn has the squares of then x n chessboard as its vertices; two squares
are adjacent if they are in the same row, column or diagonal. A set D of squares of
Qn is a dominating set for Qn if every square ...
Non-response is an error common to most surveys. In this dissertation, the error of non-response is described in terms of its sources and its contribution to the Mean Square Error of survey estimates. Various response and ...
We define morphism (E, M)-structures in an abstract category, develop their basic properties and present some examples. We also consider the existence of such factorization structures, and find conditions under
which they ...
In this thesis we shall examine the role of measurerability in the theory
of Lebesgue Integration. This shall be done in the context of
the real line where we define the notion of an integral of a bounded
real-valued ...
Exponential smoothing algorithms are very attractive for the practical world
such as in industry. When considering bivariate exponential smoothing
methods, in addition to the properties of univariate methods, ...
Therapeutic horseback riding (THR) uses the horse as a therapeutic apparatus in physical
and psychological therapy. This dissertation suggests a more appropriate technique for
measuring the effect of THR. A research ...
For a graph G = (V (G), E (G)), a set S ~ V (G) dominates G if each vertex
in V (G) \S is adjacent to a vertex in S. The domination number I (G) (independent
domination number i (G)) of G is the minimum cardinality ...
Two well-known methods of improving the reliability of a system are
(i) provision of redundant units, and
(ii) repair maintenance.
In a redundant system more units made available for performing the system function
when ...
Over the past two decades there has been an upsurge in interest in structural equation
modelling (SEM). Applications abound in the social sciences and econometrics, but
the use of this multivariate technique is not so ...
Quantitative Techniques is traditionally a subject with a poor pass rate at Walter Sisulu
University. In search of a turnaround strategy, the purpose of this study was to determine the
level of problem-solving proficiency ...
The 2-aryl-6,8-dibromoquinazolin-4(3H)-ones were prepared in a single-pot operation by condensing 6,8-dibromoanthranilamide and aryl aldehydes in the presence of molecular iodine in ethanol. Treatment of the 2-aryl-6,8-d ...
Un-doped, Tb3+ as well as Yb3+ doped ZnO nanocrystals with different concentrations of RE3+ (Tb3+, Yb3+) ions were successfully synthesized via sol-gel method to produce rare earth activated zinc oxide nanophosphors. The ...
The study investigated South African Grade 10 Physical science learners’ reasoning about basic chemical phenomena at sub-microscopic level. The study adopted a non-experimental, exploratory and descriptive method and was ...
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of an active learning approach (ALA) on
the achievement
of 11
grade learners in Newton’s laws of motion, The case study was done
in one school by comparing the ...
The exploratory study sought to elicit and document mathematics teachers‟ views on how they enacted the process of transition between contexts and mathematics. The study pursued to understand teachers‟ beliefs and knowledge ...
In this investigation an attempt was made to determine how learners and teachers use
computers in the teaching and learning of hyperbolic graphs in Mathematics. A
comprehensive literature study showed that there are many ...
In this dissertation, we consider the Hull-White term structure problem with the boundary value condition given as the payoff of a European bond option. We restrict ourselves to the case where the parameters of the Hull-White ...
We study ideals of pointfree function rings. In particular, we study the lattices of z-ideals
and d-ideals of the ring RL of continuous real-valued functions on a completely regular
frame L. We show that the lattice of ...
This thesis investigates the factors that are associated with annual changes in the share price of Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) listed companies. In this study, an increase in value of a share is when the share price ...