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A critical socio-historical analysis of the evolution of freedom of expression in the three most recent government of Ethiopia (1930-2014)

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dc.contributor.advisor Reid, Julie
dc.contributor.advisor Milton, Viola Seyoum, Adugnaw Dessie 2020-10-27T09:47:00Z 2020-10-27T09:47:00Z 2019-11
dc.description.abstract This historical study analyses the holistic dynamics of Ethiopia, taking into account political, social, economic, cultural, religious, and media development aspects, with a focus on the three most recent governments (1930–2014), in relation to freedom of expression. The analysis indicates that the Feudalist-Imperial system was clearly the extension of centuries-old imperial hegemony which had used religious, cultural and patriotic hegemony to stifle freedom of expression. During the Socialist-Military regime every sphere of society, including acts of expression, were oriented towards the revolution and socialist political ideology. During the current ethnically based so-called Revolutionary-Democratic regime, freedom of expression has been stifled by means of legislation, government and party structures, complex surveillance, and social networks. While the instruments of repression have differed, relatively speaking, from government to government, the extent of repression has remained similar over a number of centuries. Threats to freedom of expression derive from rulers or governments, in which instances they are entrenched through policies, laws and bureaucracies, from religious and cultural hegemonies, from poverty and a related lack of education and access to information, and from conflicts, rivalry and wars. These threats have their origins in three main interrelated causal or determining factors, namely the Certainty–Uncertainty Dilemma, Ethno-Luminary Thought and Narcissism, which together form a pyramid beneath which freedom of expression in Ethiopia has been trapped. This pyramid is identified in the study as the Social Pyramid, or the Pyramid of Repression Instruments, and it in turn gives rise to an overall web of suppression, that is, the Pyramid Trap of Repression. The study concludes that the repression of freedom of expression in Ethiopia is likely to remain intact, insofar as the threats to freedom of expression and the factors giving rise to those threats persist. While limited gains concerning the right to freedom of expression are achieved periodically, these are routinely undone and rolled back, since the Pyramid Trap of Repression is not dismantled. en
dc.description.abstract In hierdie historiese studie word die holistiese dinamika van Etiopië ontleed, met inagneming van politieke, sosiale, ekonomiese, kulturele, religieuse, en media-ontwikkelingsaspekte. Daar word op die drie mees onlangse regerings (1930–2014) gefokus, ten opsigte van vrye meningsuiting. Die ontleding dui daarop dat die feodalisties-imperialistiese stelsel duidelik die uitbreiding van eeue-oue imperialistiese hegemonie was wat religieuse, kulturele en patriotiese hegemonie gebruik het om vrye meningsuiting te onderdruk. Gedurende die sosialisties-militêre regime was elke sfeer van die samelewing, insluitende dade van uitdrukking, georiënteer tot die revolusie en sosialisties-politieke ideologie. Tydens die huidige, etnies gebaseerde sogenaamde revolusionêr-demokratiese regime, is vrye meningsuiting onderdruk deur wetgewing, regering- en partystrukture, komplekse bewaking, en sosiale netwerke. Hoewel die instrumente van onderdrukking relatief gesproke verskil het van regering tot regering, het die mate van onderdrukking oor ʼn aantal eeue heen soortgelyk gebly. Bedreigings vir vrye meningsuiting is afkomstig van heersers of regerings (en in sulke gevalle word hulle beveilig deur beleide, wette en burokrasieë), van religieuse en kulturele hegemonieë, van armoede en ʼn verwante gebrek aan opvoeding en toegang tot inligting, en van konflikte, mededinging en oorloë. Hierdie bedreigings het ontstaan vanweë drie vernaamste kousale of bepalende faktore wat onderling verwant is, naamlik die sekerheid-onsekerheid-dilemma, etno-voorligter-denke en narsisme, wat gesamentlik ʼn piramide vorm waaronder vrye meningsuiting in Etiopië vasgevang is. Hierdie piramide word in die studie as die sosiale piramide, of die piramide van onderdrukkingsinstrumente, geïdentifiseer, en dit lei op sy beurt tot ʼn algehele web van onderdrukking – die piramidelokval van onderdrukking. Die gevolgtrekking van die studie is dat die onderdrukking van vrye meningsuiting in Etiopië waarskynlik onaangeroer gaan bly, so lank as wat die bedreigings vir vrye meningsuiting en die faktore wat tot daardie bedreigings aanleiding gee, onveranderd bly. Hoewel beperkte suksesse van tyd tot tyd behaal word rakende die reg tot vrye meningsuiting, word sulke prestasies dikwels ongedaan gemaak, omdat die piramidelokval van onderdrukking nie afgebreek word nie. af
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (xi, 389 leaves) : illustrations, color graphs
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject Freedom of expression en
dc.subject Bottom-to-top perspective en
dc.subject Threats to freedom of expression en
dc.subject Religious and cultural hegemonies en
dc.subject Poverty en
dc.subject Law en
dc.subject Rivalries and wars en
dc.subject Feudalist-Imperial System en
dc.subject Socialist-Military Regime en
dc.subject Revolutionary-Democratic Rule en
dc.subject Certainty-Uncertainty-Dilemma en
dc.subject Ethno-Luminary-Thought en
dc.subject Narcissism en
dc.subject Di-spiral of silence en
dc.subject Web of Repression en
dc.subject Pyramid Trap Theory en
dc.subject Vrye meningsuiting af
dc.subject Bo-na-onder-perspektief af
dc.subject Bedreigings vir vrye meningsuiting af
dc.subject Religieuse en kulturele hegemonieë af
dc.subject Armoede af
dc.subject Wet af
dc.subject Mededinging en oorloë af
dc.subject Feodalisties-imperialistiese stelsel af
dc.subject Sosialisties-militêre regime af
dc.subject Revolusionêr-demokratiese bewind af
dc.subject Sekerheid-onsekerheid-dilemma af
dc.subject Etno-voorligter-denke, narsisme, di-spiraal van stilte af
dc.subject Web van onderdrukking af
dc.subject Piramide-lokval-teorie af
dc.title A critical socio-historical analysis of the evolution of freedom of expression in the three most recent government of Ethiopia (1930-2014) en
dc.type Thesis en
dc.description.department Communication Science en D. Litt. et Phil. (Communication)

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