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Simulating and prototyping software defined networking (SDN) using Mininet approach to optimise host communication in realistic programmable networking environment

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dc.contributor.advisor Ogudo, Kingsley Aisaboluokpea
dc.contributor.advisor Umenne, Patrice Zulu, Lindinkosi Lethukuthula 2020-01-15T09:13:40Z 2020-01-15T09:13:40Z 2018-11
dc.description.abstract In this project, two tests were performed. On the first test, Mininet-WiFi was used to simulate a Software Defined Network to demonstrate Mininet-WiFi’ s ability to be used as the Software Defined Network emulator which can also be integrated to the existing network using a Network Virtualized Function (NVF). A typical organization’s computer network was simulated which consisted of a website hosted on the LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) virtual machine, and an F5 application delivery controller (ADC) which provided load balancing of requests sent to the web applications. A website page request was sent from the virtual stations inside Mininet-WiFi. The request was received by the application delivery controller, which then used round robin technique to send the request to one of the web servers on the LAMP virtual machine. The web server then returned the requested website to the requesting virtual stations using the simulated virtual network. The significance of these results is that it presents Mininet-WiFi as an emulator, which can be integrated into a real programmable networking environment offering a portable, cost effective and easily deployable testing network, which can be run on a single computer. These results are also beneficial to modern network deployments as the live network devices can also communicate with the testing environment for the data center, cloud and mobile provides. On the second test, a Software Defined Network was created in Mininet using python script. An external interface was added to enable communication with the network outside of Mininet. The amazon web services elastic computing cloud was used to host an OpenDaylight controller. This controller is used as a control plane device for the virtual switch within Mininet. In order to test the network, a webserver hosted on the Emulated Virtual Environment – Next Generation (EVENG) software is connected to Mininet. EVE-NG is the Emulated Virtual Environment for networking. It provides tools to be able to model virtual devices and interconnect them with other virtual or physical devices. The OpenDaylight controller was able to create the flows to facilitate communication between the hosts in Mininet and the webserver in the real-life network. en
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (131 leaves) : color illustrations en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject Software Defined Networking (SDN) en
dc.subject Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) en
dc.subject OpenDaylight controller en
dc.subject Mininet en
dc.subject Linux Web Server en
dc.subject Mininet Wi-Fi en
dc.subject Application Delivery Controller (F5) en
dc.subject Cloud Computing (Amazon Web Services) en
dc.subject Python Script en
dc.subject Emulated Virtual Environment – Next Generation (EVE-NG) en
dc.subject.ddc 004.6
dc.subject.lcsh Software-defined networking (Computer network technology) en
dc.subject.lcsh Python (Computer program language) en
dc.subject.lcsh Cloud computing en
dc.subject.lcsh Computer networks en
dc.title Simulating and prototyping software defined networking (SDN) using Mininet approach to optimise host communication in realistic programmable networking environment en
dc.type Dissertation en
dc.description.department Electrical and Mining Engineering en M. Tech. (Electrical Engineering) en

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    Electronic versions of theses and dissertations submitted to Unisa since 2003

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