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On localic convergence with applications

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dc.contributor.advisor Dube, Themba Ngo Babem, Annette Flavie 2019-11-01T13:31:31Z 2019-11-01T13:31:31Z 2019-01
dc.description Text in English en
dc.description Submitted in partial fulfillment of a Master's Degree at the University of South Africa
dc.description.abstract Our main goal is to collate into a single document what is presently known regarding pointfree convergence. This will be done by exposing some well-known results on pointfree convergence in a much more simpler way. We will start to study the convergence and clustering of filters in frames in terms of covers and use this to characterise compact frames and some type of uniform frames. We will extend this study to a more general type of filters. We will then discuss convergence and clustering of filters on a locale, where a filter on a locale L is just a filter in the sublattice of all the sublocales of L. This convergence has many applications like characterising compact locales and also characterising sharp points which will also be studied. Finally, the latter concepts of convergence and clustering will be reconciled with the previous one. en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject Uniform frame en
dc.subject Compact locale en
dc.subject Sublocale en
dc.subject Convergent filter in a frame en
dc.subject Clustered filter in a frame en
dc.subject General filter on a frame en
dc.subject F-compact frame en
dc.subject Convergent filter on a locale en
dc.subject Clustered filter on a locale en
dc.subject Sharp point en
dc.subject.ddc 514.3
dc.subject.lcsh Topology
dc.title On localic convergence with applications en
dc.type Dissertation en
dc.description.department Mathematical Sciences en

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  • Unisa ETD [12835]
    Electronic versions of theses and dissertations submitted to Unisa since 2003

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