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Barriers and enablers to the career transition of chartered accountants in the South African financial services sector

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dc.contributor.advisor Odendaal, Elizabeth Margaretha
dc.contributor.advisor Davis, Annemarie Terre Blanche, Lize 2019-08-07T06:53:53Z 2019-08-07T06:53:53Z 2019-01
dc.description Abstract in English, Southern Sotho and Afrikaans en
dc.description.abstract South African chartered accountants (CAs(SA)), who are primarily trained as financially orientated technical specialists, play a significant role as part of management teams, which require expertise in leadership, strategy, marketing, communication and teamwork among other managerial skills. However, it has been found that accounting professionals have inherent characteristics that could act as barriers to career transition and adaptability in the volatile and challenging accounting profession. This study employed an interpretative phenomenological analysis research design to gain insights on the way CAs(SA) in the financial services sector have managed to overcome barriers and leverage enablers to transition their careers. Accordingly, interviews were conducted with CAs(SA) who occupy or have occupied a management position in the financial services sector. The findings revealed that the participants had prepared themselves for transition by gaining credibility and confidence by means of exposing themselves to challenging work, leading others, taking part in varied activities, updating their substantive knowledge base and using mentors. Through their attitudes, behaviour and decisions, participants were able to influence their career development context by being adaptable. Further, participants revealed that they were able to overcome barriers by gaining practical experience and exposure to varied tasks and career development opportunities, reading, listening and further training and education. Participants were also able to overcome barriers and create enablers by learning from others through informal mentorships and working in strong teams, which limited the extent to which they had to learn from their own mistakes. These insights could benefit not only CAs(SA) themselves but also professional accounting bodies, academic institutions, training organisations and employers of CAs(SA). en
dc.description.abstract Di-chartered accountant tsa Afrika Borwa (CAs(SA)), ba rupetsweng ka sehlooho jwalo ka ditsebi tsa setekgeniki ka tsa ditjhelete, ba bapala karolo ya bohlokwa dihlopheng tsa bookamedi tse hlokang botsebi ho tsa boetapele, meralo, papatso, dikgokahano le tshebetso ya sehlopha, hara ditsebo tse ding tsa bookamedi. Leha ho le jwalo, ho fumanwe hore diprofeshenale tsa accounting di na le ditlwaelo tse tebileng tse ka iketsang dithibelo tsa kgolo mosebetsing le phetophetoho kahare ho profeshene ya accounting e dulang e sa tsitsa hape e na le diphephetso. Boithuto bona bo sebedisitse moralo wa patlisiso wa kutlwiso ya batho ya ntho e itseng ho fumana tsebo ka mokgwa oo diCA(SA) lekaleng la ditshebeletso tsa ditjhelete ba kgonneng ho fenya dithibelo tse jwalo le ho sebedisa dithutso ho hola mesebetsing ya bona. Ka tsela eo, di-inthavu di entswe le diCA(SA) tse maemong (kapa tse kileng tsa ba maemong) a bookamedi kahara lekala la ditshebeletso tsa ditjhelete. Diphetho di bontshitse hore bankakarolo ba itokiseditse phetoho ka ho iphumantsha bokgolwehi le boitshepo ka ho ipepesetsa mosebetsi o phephetsang, ho etella ba bang pele, ho nka karolo mesebetsing e fapaneng, ho ntjhafatsa ditsebo tsa bona le ka ho sebedisa batataisi. Ka mehopolo ya bona, boitshwaro le diqeto, bankakarolo ba ile ba kgona ho susumetsa ntshetsopele ya mesebetsi ka hore ba kgone ho fetofetoha. Ho feta moo, bankakarolo ba supile hore ba kgonne ho fenya dithibedi ka ho fumana tsebo ya ketso le ho ipepesetsa mesebetsi e fapaneng le menyetla ya ntlafatso ya tshebetso, ka ho bala, ho mamela le ho etsa dithuto le dithupelo tsa ntshetsopele ya thuto. Bankakarolo ba boetse ba kgonne ho hlola dithibelo le ho hlahisa dithusi ka ho ithuta ho tswa ho batho ba bang ka ditataiso tse sa hlophiswang le ka ho sebetsa le dihlopha tse matla, e leng ho neng ho fokotsa makgetlo ao ka ona ba neng ba tlameha ho ithuta ka diphoso tsa bona. Dintlha tsena di ka ba molemo eseng feela ho diCA(SA) ka bo tsona, empa le ditheo tsa profeshenale tsa accounting, ditsi tsa accounting, mekgatlo ya thupelo le bahiri ba diCA(SA). ss
dc.description.abstract Suid-Afrikaanse geoktrooieerde rekenmeesters (CA’s(SA)) wat primêr as finansieelgeoriënteerde tegniese spesialiste opgelei is, speel 'n beduidende rol in bestuurspanne wat kundigheid in leierskap, strategie, bemarking, kommunikasie en spanwerk en ander bestuursvaardighede vereis. Daar is egter bevind dat rekeningkundige praktisyns inherente eienskappe het wat struikelblokke kan wees vir loopbaanoorgang en aanpasbaarheid in die ongestadige en uitdagende rekeningkundige beroep. Hierdie studie het 'n interpretatiewe fenomenologiese ontledingnavorsingsontwerp gevolg om insig te bekom oor die wyse waarop CA’s(SA) in die finansiële sektor daarin geslaag het om sulke struikelblokke en hefboominstaatstellers te bowe te kom om loopbaanoorgang te bereik. Onderhoude is dienooreenkomstig met die CA’s(SA) gehou wat bestuursposisies in die finansiële sektor beklee of beklee het. Die bevindings het gewys dat die deelnemers hulleself vir oorgang voorberei het deur geloofwaardigheid en vertroue te verkry deur blootstelling aan uitdagende werk, om ander te lei, deelname aan gevarieerde aktiwiteite, om hulle substantiewe kennisbasis op te dateer en om mentors te gebruik. Deur aanpasbare houdings, gedrag en besluite kon die deelnemers hulle loopbaanontwikkelingskonteks beïnvloed. Die deelnemers het ook aangedui dat hulle struikelblokke te bowe kon kom deur praktiese ervaring en blootstelling aan gevarieerde take en loopbaanontwikkelingsgeleenthede, en deur lees, luister en deelname aan verdere onderwys en opleiding. Die deelnemers was voorts in staat om struikelblokke te oorkom en instaatstellers daar te stel deur by ander te leer deur informele mentorskap en om in sterk spanne te werk, wat die mate waarin hulle uit hulle eie foute moes leer, beperk het. Hierdie insigte behoort nie net CA’s(SA) te baat nie, maar ook professionele rekeningkundige liggame, akademiese instellings, opleidingsorganisasies en werknemers van CA’s(SA). af
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (vii, 201 leaves) : color illustrations
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject Career transition en
dc.subject Chartered accountants en
dc.subject Competency gap en
dc.subject Barriers en
dc.subject Enablers en
dc.subject Financial services sector en
dc.subject Management positions en
dc.subject Non-technical skills en
dc.subject Dithibelo ss
dc.subject Kgolo ya mosebetsi ss
dc.subject Di-Chartered accountant en
dc.subject Sekgoeo sa tsebo ss
dc.subject Dithusi ss
dc.subject Lekala la ditshebeletso tsa ditjelete ss
dc.subject Maemo a botsamaisi ss
dc.subject Bokgoni boo eseng ba setekgeniki ss
dc.subject Struikelblokke af
dc.subject Loopbaanoorgang af
dc.subject Geoktrooieerde rekenmeesters af
dc.subject Bevoegdheidsgaping af
dc.subject Instaatstellers af
dc.subject Finansieledienstesektor af
dc.subject Bestuursposisies af
dc.subject Nietegniese vaardighede af
dc.subject.ddc 657.0968
dc.subject.lcsh Career changes -- South Africa en
dc.subject.lcsh Career development -- South Africa en
dc.subject.lcsh Financial services industry -- South Africa en
dc.subject.lcsh Accountants -- South Africa en
dc.title Barriers and enablers to the career transition of chartered accountants in the South African financial services sector en
dc.type Dissertation en
dc.description.department Management Accounting en M. Phil. (Accounting Sciences)

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