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A comprehensive reading of John 9: a socio-rhetorial perspective of discipleship in the Gospel of John

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dc.contributor.advisor Dettwiler, A. (Prof.) en
dc.contributor.advisor Van Der Merwe, D. G. (Prof.) en Muderhwa, Barhatulirhwa Vincent en 2009-08-25T11:04:29Z 2009-08-25T11:04:29Z 2009-08-25T11:04:29Z 2008-05-31 en
dc.identifier.citation Muderhwa, Barhatulirhwa Vincent (2009) A comprehensive reading of John 9: a socio-rhetorial perspective of discipleship in the Gospel of John, University of South Africa, Pretoria, <> en
dc.description.abstract Chapter 9, interpreted in terms of its macro-micro structure, fits into the overall literary and theological framework of the Book of Signs. The controversy between Jesus and the Jewish leaders depicted in chapters 7-10 is taken up by Chapter 9 in a particular manner. This study employs the socio-rhetorical perspective to critically investigate the notion of discipleship. It differs from previous studies as they were undertaken from the historical, socio-scientific and narrative perspectives, and Robbins' sociorhetorical methodology is applied to the Chapter 9 in order to dissect the notion of discipleship as a theological problem. In Chapter 9, the blind man emerges as the paradigm of the disciple as he exemplifies the principle of John 8.12. The `Jews', concerned with their need both for self-definition and the survival of Judaism, attempt to contain the growth of Christianity. The conflict is conceived as a `conflict between darkness and light' and the healed man emerges as a hero of the community. His triumph over darkness contrasts him with the Pharisees who misguidedly follow the way of darkness and reject God's self-revelation. To summarize, by applying for the first time a multidimensional and comprehensive approach to John 9, three important characteristics of discipleship in the Fourth Gospel emerge: (1) it is not just simple enthusiasm and zeal, but rather a firm commitment, and strong and courageous determination to bear witness based upon an experience of the divine. Disciples are required to maintain their readiness for struggles, even death, for the sake of their faith; (2) discipleship is conceived as redefining the believer's covenant relationship with God which takes place through Jesus' identity and work. Therefore, the notion of `disciples of Moses' is no longer defensible; (3) discipleship is nothing less than a `discipleship into light' since it implies a duty to plead everywhere and always the cause of the Light in the sphere of darkness and in the world dominated by many kinds of ideologies (religious, cultural, political, etc.). The disciple must be prepared to be marginalized, not only by the dominant society, but also by his/her own family and familiar world. en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject Pharisees en
dc.subject 'Jews' en
dc.subject Johannine community en
dc.subject blind man en
dc.subject light en
dc.subject discipleship en
dc.subject Disciple en
dc.title A comprehensive reading of John 9: a socio-rhetorial perspective of discipleship in the Gospel of John en
dc.type Thesis en en
dc.description.department NEW TESTAMENT en DTH (NEW TESTAMENT) en

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