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Vergelykende penologiese ondersoek rakende korrektiewebeleid en wetgewing

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dc.contributor.advisor Cilliers, C. H. De Villiers, Elizabeth Ann 2009-08-25T11:03:43Z 2009-08-25T11:03:43Z 2009-08-25T11:03:43Z 2002-06
dc.identifier.citation De Villiers, Elizabeth Ann (2009) Vergelykende penologiese ondersoek rakende korrektiewebeleid en wetgewing, University of South Africa, Pretoria, <> en
dc.description Text in Afrikaans with summaries in Afrikaans and English, and English title page
dc.description.abstract This thesis is an attempt to give a penological evaluation relating to A comparative penological investigaion regarding Correctional Policy and Legislation, which is the aim of this research. This penological literature study will focus on an historic overview of the prison as an institution for punishment. Besides the historical background of the South African prison system it is also thereby placed on the policy and legislation of countries such as the Netherland's and England's prison institutions. After the implementing of policy and legislation in the prison systems the basis for an improved prison system was formed. Important core understandings of policy and the application of lawful prescriptions were checked and the different levels of the policy were included in the South African correctional system. Features of the policy and legislation were continually adapted after the changing needs and circumstances on social, economic and political environments. Consequently indicating in this comparative penological investigation it has come to the conclusion that no penalty institution can function normally and efficiently without a well-considered policy and legislation. It has been found that the formulation and implementation of the policy and prescriptions are an important part of the planning process of the correctional system. Rational for the search for correctional policy and legislation are mainly examined in South Africa and consequently it was to identify the respective policy and lawful prescriptions. It was contracted against the background of the maintenance and protection of a just, peaceful and safe society as the Law enforces verdicts of courts to imposed, charge like all captive sentence safe conservation to while their human dignity is assured and same time around the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, No 108 of 1996. This Act was also promoting the social responsibility and human development of all prisoners and persons subject to community corrections. The implementation of policy and lawful prescriptions were orderly emphasised to the advantage or disadvantage of the captive and the prison system. This comparative investigation gave recognisance to international principles over corrective events and is included in a penological perspective at the same time. en
dc.description.abstract Hierdie proefskrif is 'n poging om 'n teoretiese-prinsipiele uiteensetting te gee oor 'n Vergelykende penologiese ondersoek rakende Korrektiewebeleid en Wetgewing ten einde die doelwit van hierdie navorsing te bereik. 'n Literatuurstudie oor die historiese ontwikkeling van die gevangenis as strafinrigting is ingestel en is gefokus op die gevangenisstelsels in Suid-Afrika, Engeland en Nederland. Benewens hierdie historiese agtergrond is die doel om die ontwikkeling van die strafbeleid en wetgewing in oorsese lande en in Suid-Afrika te identifiseer ten einde die verandering binne die gevangenisstelsels te verstaan. Hierdie gebeurtenisse van vroeer en hedendaags het die grondslag gevorm vir 'n verbeterde gevangenisstelsel. Belangrike kernbegrippe van beleid en die toepassing van wetlike voorskrifte is nagegaan en die verskillende vlakke van beleid wat betrekking het op die Suid-Afrikaanse korrektiewe stelsel is omskryf. Wetgewing is as die hoogste vlak van beleid beskryf en gevolglik word beleid en wetgewing voortdurend aangepas na gelang van veranderde behoeftes en omstandighede op maatskaplike-, ekonomiese- en politieke terreine. In hierdie penologiese ondersoek is aangedui dat geen strafinstelling normaal en doeltreffend kan funksioneer sonder 'n deurdagte beleid en wetgewing nie. Daar is aangedui dat die formulering en implementering van die beleid en voorskrifte deel is van die beplanningsproses van die korrektiewe stelsel. Die rasionaal van korrektiewebeleid en wetgewing is hoofsaaklik in Suid-Afrika ondersoek en is onderskeie beleidsrigting en wetlike voorskrifte in oenskou geneem. Oit is gedoen teen die agtergrond van die instandhouding en beskerming van 'n regverdige, vreedsame en veilige samelewing wat deur die Wet voorgeskryf is om alle gevangenes in veilige bewaring aan te hou terwyl hul menswaardigheid verseker word. Dienooreenkomstig is daar uitvoering gegee aan die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika, No 108 van 1996 en bevorder hierdie Wet die maatskaplike verantwoordelikheid en die menslike ontwikkeling van aile gevangenes en persone onderworpe aan gemeenskapskorreksies. Die implemetering van korrektiewebeleid en wetlike voorskrifte is menigmale beklemtoon tot voordeel of nadeel van die gevangene en die gevangenisstelsel. Terselfdertyd is daar in hierdie vergelykende penologiese navorsing erkenning gegee aan internasionale beginsels oor korrektiewe aangeleenthede en is dit terselfdetyd in penologiese perspektief geplaas.
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (xx, 306 leaves)
dc.language.iso af en
dc.subject Correctional policy
dc.subject Legislation
dc.subject Correctional system
dc.subject Safety and security
dc.subject Community corrections
dc.subject Treatment programmes
dc.subject Incarceration administration
dc.subject Criminal Procedure Act
dc.subject Correctional Services Act
dc.subject Judical Inspectorate
dc.subject.ddc 345.772068
dc.subject.lcsh Corrections -- History
dc.subject.lcsh Corrections -- Government policy -- South Africa
dc.subject.lcsh Correctional law -- South Africa
dc.subject.lcsh Correctional law -- South Africa
dc.subject.lcsh Criminal justice, Administration of -- South Africa
dc.title Vergelykende penologiese ondersoek rakende korrektiewebeleid en wetgewing en
dc.type Thesis en
dc.description.department Criminology and Security Science en D.Litt. et Phil. (Penology) en

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