South African Computer Journal (SACJ): Recent submissions

  • Introna, LD (South African Computer Society (SAICSIT), 1994)
    In this paper some views and ideologies of information systems and technology will be explored. Some of these views and ideologies are clearly understood and have a high level of support. There are however more subtle ...
  • Harrington, G (South African Computer Society (SAICSIT), 1994)
    EDI is a method of exchanging common business documentation between organisations by replacing paper transactions with electronic messages. The use of EDI can eliminate or significantly reduce the problems associated with ...
  • Gardner, BR (South African Computer Society (SAICSIT), 1994)
    It is generally accepted that Information Technology (IT) has the potential to promote development and alleviate some of the common problems in the developing countries. However, it would appear that few developing countries ...
  • Finnie, G.R.; Wittig, GE (South African Computer Society (SAICSIT), 1994)
    Modelling the effect of size on software development issues has been the object of considerable research in the software engineering community. The size metrics form an integral part of software project cost estimation ...
  • De Kock, G de V; Du Plessis, C (South African Computer Society (SAICSIT), 1994)
    The problem investigated in this study is, given a surname, determine similar surnames in a genealogical database. There exist a number of algorithms to determine the similarity between two strings based on their common ...
  • Crossman, T.D. (South African Computer Society (SAICSIT), 1994)
    This paper is an attempt to answer the question 'What is Information Systems?' While the characteristics of both a science and a non-science can be identified in Information Systems (IS), it is argued here that it is not ...
  • Berman, Sonia (South African Computer Society (SAICSIT), 1994)
    Since its emergence in the early eighties, persistence has become an important branch of Computer Science. Many persistent systems have now been developed and a wide variety of related issues have been well researched. Two ...
  • Bause, F; Kritzinger, P; Sczittnick, M (South African Computer Society (SAICSIT), 1994)
    The Distributed Queue Dual Bus (DQDB) protocol or IEEE 802.6 has been accepted as the international standard for Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN). This paper describes a combined MIG/I and Markov model for the steady state ...
  • Zucker, J; Pretorius, L (South African Computer Society (SAICSIT), 1993)
    These are notes for a short introductory course on Computability Theory (or recursive function theory). The basic notion of computability is defined in terms of a simple imperative programming language.
  • Maddux, RD (South African Computer Society (SAICSIT), 1993)
    The definitions for Dijkstra's predicate transformer semantics can be justified by considering the meaning of a program as a binary relation on states (which holds between two states if there is a terminating computation ...
  • Goslett, J.; Hulley, H; Melton, A (South African Computer Society (SAICSIT), 1993)
    This tutorial is an introduction to denotational semantics and domain theory. For this reason the presentation is not entirely rigorous, with some proofs being omitted and certain simplifying assumptions being made. Instead, ...
  • Remenyi, DSJ (South African Computer Society (SAICSIT), 1993)
    This paper takes a business or commercial perspective of the key issues in Information Management for the mid-1990s. It focuses on how organisations may use information systems to improve their efficiency and effectiveness ...
  • Ram, V (South African Computer Society (SAICSIT), 1993)
    The use of Expert Systems technology in management decision making domains is increasing rapidly as business environments worldwide grow more turbulent and as the cost of development tools decrease. Research effort in this ...
  • Eisinger, N; Ohlbach, HJ (South African Computer Society (SAICSIT), 1993)
    A general theory of deduction systems is presented The theory is illustrated with deduction systems based on the resolution calculus, in particular with clause graphs. This theory distinguishes four constituents of a ...
  • Parker-Nance, TC; Warren, PR (South African Computer Society (SAICSIT), 1993)
    Usability problems with computer systems can be divided into three broad categories: problems due to the socio/political environment, problems due to the usefulness of systems, and problems due to the accessibility of ...
  • Norman, MJ; Berman, Sonia (South African Computer Society (SAICSIT), 1993)
    Software Engineering is a difficult and time-consuming discipline to learn. CASE Tools are generally expensive, prescriptive and tedious to use. Structured Software Development Environment (SSDE) was developed as a teaching ...
  • Mullany, M; Dos Santos Gomes, A; Miller, R (South African Computer Society (SAICSIT), 1993)
    After reference to IS authors such as Lay [7J it becomes evident that there is as yet no unified definition of the term "information system." This research has attempted to extract, from the relevant literature, the supposed ...
  • Lamprecht, SM (South African Computer Society (SAICSIT), 1993)
    Distributed database systems provide users with the facility to utilize and maintain information that is geographically dispersed in files at several sites while they remain unaware of the distribution of the information. ...
  • Jordaan, DB; Hattingh, J.M.; Steyn, T (South African Computer Society (SAICSIT), 1993)
    Daar bestaan baie voorbeelde in die dataverwerkingswêreld van gebruikers wat nie die inligting vanuit huIlle rekenaarstelsels kry wat hulle nodig het nie [26]. Nuwe en onvoorsiene vrae en versoeke vir inligting neem by die ...
  • De Kock, G de V; Du Plessis, C (South African Computer Society (SAICSIT), 1993)
    An evaluation is made of the success of equivalence algorithms to be used for surname matching in a South African Genealogical Database. Surnames in the database can be grouped in ideal equivalence classes. The algorithms, ...

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