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Browsing South African Computer Journal (SACJ) by Issue Date

Browsing South African Computer Journal (SACJ) by Issue Date

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  • Kambanis, J. (South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, 1990)
    This paper describes the functionality and architecture of a Semantic Data Modeling environment. It integrates User Interface techniques used in Computer Aided Software Engineering-and Expert Systems shells into a system ...
  • Fallick, PM; Pistorius, MC (South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, 1990)
    This informal review is based on personal discussions carried out within the last year with various experts in the field as to the current use of computers in primary and secondary schools. An attempt has been made to ...
  • Rennhackkamp, MH (South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, 1990)
    A distributed database management system must facilitate integrated processing of data which is physically distributed over a network of node computers, while providing locality transparency. The NRDNIX prototype has ...
  • Oosthuizen, GD (South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, 1990)
    Pattern recognition involves the matching of a given pattern against a collection of patterns in store in order to identify the given pattern as belonging to a particular class already known to the system or not. Similarly, ...
  • Goosen, HA; Cheriton, DR (South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, 1990)
    We investigate the performance of shared caches in a shared-memory multiprocessor executing parallel programs, and formulate simple models for estimating the load placed on the bus by such a shared cache. We·analyze three ...
  • Mende, J. (South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, 1990)
    In order to design and operate a complex computer based information system, one needs to partition its transformation process into modules of manageable size. The same process can be partitioned in many different ways, ...
  • Mende, J. (South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, 1990)
    Both in the advancement of Information Systems theory and in practical development projects, significant errors of omission can occur unless one is aware of all aspects of the concept "information system success". At least ...
  • Buys, J; Messerschmidt, HJ; Botha, JF (South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, 1990)
    A modification to the Dirichlet tessellation algorithm of Green and Sibson {1} is presented which deals effectively with degenerate and near-degenerate vertices and allows the construction of a ...
  • Wood, PT (South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, 1990)
    Increasing the expressive power of relational query languages by providing some form of recursion is currently a topic of much research. For many recursive queries in relational databases, a relation can be represented ...
  • Murrell, HC; Carson, D (South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, 1990)
    The continuous and discrete Hartley transforms are real valued transforms that have similar properties to the continuous and discrete Fourier transforms. In addition, a fast algorithm exists for computing the discrete ...
  • Naccache de Paz, D (South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, 1990)
    A new incremental algorithm for generating permutations on 1,2,..n (hereafter called "arrangements') is presented. The scheme generates arrangement k +1 by reversing a certain prefix of its predecessor and linking it to ...
  • Mende, J. (South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, 1990)
    Information systems are members of a large class of similar systems called "productive processes". The existence of similarities between manufacturing, financial, educational, informational and other productive processes ...
  • Viljoen, HC (South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, 1990)
    You may know that I am sitting on two chairs at the present moment: one, at the University of Stellenbosch in the Chair of Electronic Engineering as Dean of Engineering; the other at the SABC as chairman of the Board of ...
  • Venter, BH (South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, 1990)
    A programming language data model is introduced, based on the notions that variables are functions and types are sets of values. It is shown that, despite the simplicity of the underlying mathematical formalism, the data ...
  • Hing, RL (South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, 1990)
    An old approach used in classification systems has been revived by the discovery of new algorithms which use this approach to approximate complex non-linear functions. This approach, known as neurocomputing, classifies ...
  • Hoffman, PK; Smit, G de V (South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, 1990)
    The DISTRIX operating system is a multiprocessor UNIX-like distributed operating system. It consists of a number of satellite processors connected to central servers. The system is based on the MINIX operating system, ...
  • McCullagh, PJ; Smit, G de V (South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, 1990)
    The transputer is examined as the target for a UNIX port and specific problems encountered during implementation of a UNIX kernel in a transputer environment are discussed. Some solutions to the problems are suggested and ...
  • Mueller, C.S.M. (South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, 1990)
    Induction has been used as a major tool in mathematics in proving theorems. This paper explores whether it has an equally important role in formulating programs. There are those who advocate that induction should be used ...
  • Dempster, Robert (South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, 1990)
    OCTOLISP is a functional programming language which provides the programmer with a number of explicit data structures, such as lists, stacks, vectors, sets, trees and forests. Each of these data structures also has a ...
  • Bruwer, P.J.S. (South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, 1990)
    During the past 30 years the rapid evolution and distribution of information systems have brought about a change in the issues surrounding information systems projects. The technical, internal and external environment ...

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