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Dawids- en Sionstradisies as heil en onheil : teologiese en ideologiese tendense in 2 Samuel 7:1-16 en Jeremia 7:1-15

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dc.contributor.advisor Boshoff, W. S. (Willem Sterrenberg), 1958- Coetzee, Gideon Josua 2016-10-07T13:21:34Z 2016-10-07T13:21:34Z 2016-02
dc.identifier.citation Coetzee, Gideon Josua (2016) Dawids- en Sionstradisies as heil en onheil : teologiese en ideologiese tendense in 2 Samuel 7:1-16 en Jeremia 7:1-15, University of South Africa, Pretoria, <> en
dc.description Text in Afrikaans en
dc.description.abstract In hierdie studie word veral gewerk met twee begrippe naamlik Teologie en Ideologie. Ideologie word gedefinieer as ’n potensieel gevaarlike stel samehangende idees van hoe ’n bepaalde samelewing onder alle omstandighede en tye gestruktureer behoort te word en wat nie teenstand duld nie. Teologie word gedefinieer as nadenke oor God, sy persoon, verhouding en optrede teenoor mense. Teologie is egter nie immuun teen ideologiese invloede nie. Hierdie punt word geïllustreer uit die geskiedenis van die Judeërs aan die einde van die monargale tydperk aan die hand van twee teksgedeeltes naamlik 2 Samuel 7:1-16 en Jeremia 7:1-15. Teenoor die vaste geloof in die Dawids- en Sionstradisies, wat in besonder verwoord word in 2 Samuel 7:1-16, wat die volk onder alle omstandighede en te alle tye teen vyande sal beskerm, word die stem van die Jeremia gehoor. Jeremia pleit vir ’n terugkeer na die basiese waarhede van die Jahwistiese geloof naamlik omgee, liefde en regverdigheid en geregtigheid teenoor alle mense. Die verwerping van Jeremia se boodskap en die vasklou aan die twee ideologies gekleurde tradisies, lei direk tot die Babiloniese ballingskap wat byna die einde van die Judeërs beteken het. Ook vir die Christelike kerk is die versmelting van ideologie en teologie altyd ’n wesentlike gevaar. This study focused on two important concepts namely Theology and Ideology. Ideology is defined as a potentially dangerous set of integrated ideas according to which a certain society is supposed to be structured at all times and situations and no opposition is tolerated. Theology is defined as thoughts about God, his person, relations and acts towards people. Theology can very easily and unknowingly display certain aspects of Ideology. This point is illustrated from the history of the Judean people at the end of the Monarchical period from two texts namely 2 Samuel 7:1-16 and Jeremiah 7:1-15. Against the firm belief in the David- and Ziontraditions, which is expressed in 2 Samuel 7:1-16, which protected the Judeans against any threat and any enemy, we hear the voice of the prophet Jeremiah. Particularly in Jeremiah 7:1-15 the prophet Jeremiah is pleading for a return to the basic principals of the Yahwistic religion namely, care, love and justice to all people. The rejection of the message of Jeremiah and the choice for the two ideologically coloured traditions has led to the Babylonian exile that almost caused the end of the Judeans. This blending of ideology and theology is also potentially a big threat to the Christian church. af
dc.description.abstract This study focused on two important concepts namely Theology and Ideology. Ideology is defined as a potentially dangerous set of integrated ideas according to which a certain society is supposed to be structured at all times and situations and no opposition is tolerated. Theology is defined as thoughts about God, his person, relations and acts towards people. Theology can very easily and unknowingly display certain aspects of Ideology. This point is illustrated from the history of the Judean people at the end of the Monarchical period from two texts namely 2 Samuel 7:1-16 and Jeremiah 7:1-15. Against the firm belief in the David- and Ziontraditions, which is expressed in 2 Samuel 7:1-16, which protected the Judeans against any threat and any enemy, we hear the voice of the prophet Jeremiah. Particularly in Jeremiah 7:1-15 the prophet Jeremiah is pleading for a return to the basic principals of the Yahwistic religion namely, care, love and justice to all people. The rejection of the message of Jeremiah and the choice for the two ideologically coloured traditions has led to the Babylonian exile that almost caused the end of the Judeans. This blending of ideology and theology is also potentially a big threat to the Christian church. en
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (xii, 206 leaves)
dc.language.iso af en
dc.subject.ddc 221.6
dc.subject.lcsh Bible -- Jeremiah -- Criticism, interpretation, etc.
dc.subject.lcsh Bible -- Samuel -- Criticism, interpretation, etc.
dc.subject.lcsh Salvation
dc.subject.lcsh Ideology
dc.subject.lcsh Theology
dc.subject.lcsh Christianity
dc.title Dawids- en Sionstradisies as heil en onheil : teologiese en ideologiese tendense in 2 Samuel 7:1-16 en Jeremia 7:1-15 af
dc.title.alternative David and Zion traditions as salvation and doom : theological and ideological tendencies in 2 Samuel 7:1-16 en Jeremiah 7:1-15 en
dc.type Thesis en
dc.description.department Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Studies en D.Th. (Old Testament)

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