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Improving performance management and development systems in the Department of Health, Limpopo Province

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dc.contributor.advisor Sibiya, H. M.
dc.contributor.advisor Lekonyane, B. C. Mathidza, Maano Simon 2016-08-23T06:33:57Z 2016-08-23T06:33:57Z 2015-10
dc.identifier.citation Mathidza, Maano Simon (2015) Improving performance management and development systems in the Department of Health, Limpopo Province, University of South Africa, Pretoria, <> en
dc.description.abstract The proposed study intends to establish how procedural the reward systems are being implemented in the Limpopo Department of Health and whether claims of biases are founded. The study is aimed to determine the system’s influence on the organisation’s ability to track poor performance and to manage it. It also provides a refreshed view of the current pitfalls in the implementation of the programme, and subsequently provides indications of remedial action to recover the purpose of the performance management and development system. The study furthermore assesses the impact of performance management practices and explored the best implementable practices for effective performance management systems and best service delivery by the Limpopo Department of Health. A qualitative research approach that included interviews with HR and line managers was utilised and a quantitative research approach that included questionnaires from ordinary employees was followed. The findings are that the system cannot be linked to employee output, but an obvious benefit is employee rewards. The literature review shows that there is a general poor understanding of performance management and development system in the public service. It (Literature review. Chapter 2) further establishes that there are several challenges that hinder the effective implementation of performance management and development system in the public service. Other findings of the study include that there is a challenge of biased ratings (subjective assessment), and a setting of unrealistic performance targets which are unrealisable by employees. The main finding of the study is that lack of training poses a serious challenge in implementing performance management and development systems. Many respondents indicated that employees need to be brought to awareness about the implementation of the model so that both management and employees can work towards the Department’s vision. Some suggested that management should realise our needs and arrange training for capacity building. Another employee agitated that “I am not involved in any performance management because this is used for financial gains. This is another corrupt activity?” The above-mentioned statements clearly show concerns of employees in their overall performance. en
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (xi, 124 leaves) : illustrations (some color) en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject.ddc 658.3125096825
dc.subject.lcsh Performance -- Management -- Case studies en
dc.subject.lcsh Civil service -- South Africa -- Limpopo -- Case studies en
dc.subject.lcsh Employees -- Rating of -- South Africa -- Limpopo -- Case studies en
dc.subject.lcsh Organizational effectiveness -- South Africa -- Limpopo -- Evaluation en
dc.subject.lcsh Organizational effectiveness -- South Africa -- Limpopo -- Measurement en
dc.subject.lcsh Limpopo (South Africa). Department of Health en
dc.title Improving performance management and development systems in the Department of Health, Limpopo Province en
dc.type Dissertation en
dc.description.department Public Administration en M.P.A.

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    Electronic versions of theses and dissertations submitted to Unisa since 2003

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