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Bestuurstaak van die hoof van 'n preprimêre skool

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dc.contributor.advisor Dekker, E. I. (Elise I.) Grobler, Riekie 2015-05-07T04:50:34Z 2015-05-07T04:50:34Z 1992-06
dc.identifier.citation Grobler, Riekie (1992) Bestuurstaak van die hoof van 'n preprimêre skool, University of South Africa, Pretoria, <> en
dc.description Afrikaans text en
dc.description.abstract Die bestuurstaak van die hoof van 'n preprimere skoal word gekenmerk aan die eie aard en struktuur van preprimere onderwys. Die doel van hierdie studie is die identifisering en omskrywing van die aard en omvang van die besondere bestuurstaak. Die diversiteit en kompleksiteit van hierdie bestuurstaak word vergestalt in die huidige beleid oor preprimere onderwys wat meebring dat verskeie staatsdepartemente, provinsiale- en plaaslike owerhede, gemeenskaps- en privaatinstansies by die beheer en voorsiening van preprimere onderwys betrokke is. Hierbenewensmoet die doelstellings van preprimere onderwys ann die unieke behoeftes ban die jong kind voldoen. Noue samewerking met die ouers asook samewerking tussen die personeel onderling, is uiteraard noodsaaklik. Die invloed van gemeenskapstrukture en die eise van die moderne samelewing word in die bestuurstaak aangespreek. In hierdie verband word veral verwys na gesinsprobleme waarby die hoof in 'n vertrouens- en raadgewende hoedanigheid betrokke is. In die bepaling van die omvang van die bestuurstaak is die vier hooftake in onderwysbestuur, naamlik beplanning, organisering, leidinggewing en beheer op die tersaaklike bestuursareas van toepassing gemaak. Benewens algemene bestuursaangeleenthede, het die preprimere skoolhoof ook 'n besondere taak ten opsigte van die professionele uitbouing van die beroep. Ten einde te bepaal hoe die bestuurstaak in die praktyk realiseer, is 'n kwalitatiewe ondersoek na die persoonlike ervaring en interpretasie van skoolhoofde onderneem. Dataversameling aan die hand van in-diepte onderhoude het velerlei probleme, wat aanvullend tot die literatuurstudie bespreek kon word, openbaar. In die lig van die moontlike privatisering van preprimere onderwys sal aangeleenthede soos finansiele bestuur en bemarking in die kurrikulum van preprimere onderwysbestuur aangespreek moet word. Die aktualiteit van 'n effektiewe beheerstruktuur vir preprimere onderwys word beklemtoon. Op grand van die bevindings normatiewe ontwikkeling van onderwysbestuur gemaak. van die studie is aanbevelings die opleidingskursusse in vir die preprimere onderwysbestuur gemaak. af
dc.description.abstract The management task of the principal of a preprimary school is characterised by the distinctive nature and structure of preprimary education. The purpose of this study is tn identify and define the nature and scope of the particular management task. Both the diversity and complexity of this management task are embodied in the current policy on preprimary education which entails the involvement of various state departments, provincial and local authorities, social and ·private organisations in the control and provision of preprimary education. In addition to this; the aims of preprimary education have to meet the unique needs of the young child. Close cooperation with the parents • as well as mutual cooperation among the staff is naturally essential. The influence of social structures and the demands of modern society are addressed by the management task. In this regard special reference is made to family problems where the principal is involved in a confidential and advisory capacity. The four primary tasks in educational management, namely planning, organisation, guidance and control, are applied to the relevant management areas to determine the scope of the management task. Apart from general managerial concerns, the preprimary school principal also has a special task with regard to the professional extension of the profession. In· order to determine how the management task materialises in practice, a qualitative investigation was undertaken into the personal· experience and interpretation of school principals. The data collected by means of in-depth interviews, revealed several problems, additional to those which emerged from the literature study, which were discussed. In the light of the possible privatisation of preprimary education, issues such as financial management and marketing will have to be addressed in the curriculum of preprimary educational management. The actuality of an effective control structure for preprimary education is stressed. Based on the findings of the study, recommendations are made for the normative development of the training courses in preprimary educational management. en
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (xv, 272 leaves)
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject.ddc 372.12
dc.subject.lcsh School management and organization en
dc.subject.lcsh School principals en
dc.subject.lcsh Early childhood education en
dc.subject.lcsh School supervision, Primary en
dc.title Bestuurstaak van die hoof van 'n preprimêre skool af
dc.type Thesis en
dc.description.department Educational Leadership and Management D. Ed. (Onderwysbestuur)

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