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Geloofsvorming vanuit `n familiale perspektief

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dc.contributor.advisor Thesnaar, C. H. (Dr.) en
dc.contributor.advisor Manala, M. J. (Rev.) en Veldsman, Hester Johanna en 2009-08-25T10:56:54Z 2009-08-25T10:56:54Z 2009-08-25T10:56:54Z 2005-11-30 en
dc.identifier.citation Veldsman, Hester Johanna (2009) Geloofsvorming vanuit `n familiale perspektief, University of South Africa, Pretoria, <> en
dc.description.abstract The researcher proposes working toward a more integrated approach of faith formation in the local church - where one's immediate family plays the central role and the congregation as the extended family functions as a support system. The church as family becomes a community where faith formation is continually nurtured as a lifelong process and by means of all the ministries of the church. The conscious furthering of faith formation should, therefore, not be confined to the ambit of the Sunday School. Its target group cannot be limited to children and adolescents, but should be be broadened to include the adult members, thus serving the totality of the congregation. The researcher proposes an approach where the different generations are not separated in the process of faith formation, but become an integrated learning community where all the different age groups and generations learn from each other and with each other. en
dc.description.abstract Die navorser stel `n meer geïntegreerde benadering tot geloofsvorming binne die plaaslike gemeente voor - waar die gesin of familie die sentrale rol speel en die gemeente as geloofsfamilie as `n ondersteunende sisteem funksioneer. Die gemeente as familie word `n leergemeenskap waar geloofsvorming `n lewenslange proses is en plaasvind binne al die bedienings van die gemeente. Die navorser stel voor dat geloofsvorming nie net beperk moet word tot die tradisionele kategese of "Sondagskool" wat grootliks gerig is op kinders en adolessente nie, maar verbreed moet word om alle gelowiges van alle ouderdomme in te sluit en so die gemeente as geloofsfamilie te dien. Die navorser stel `n benadering voor waar die verskillende generasies nie van mekaar geskei word in die proses van geloofsvorming nie, maar `n geïntegreerde leergemeenskap vorm waar al die verskillende ouderdomsgroepe en generasies saam met mekaar, asook by mekaar kan leer.
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (v, 170 leaves)
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject Faith formation en
dc.subject Family en
dc.subject Family perspective en
dc.subject Extended family en
dc.subject Nurtured en
dc.subject Ministries en
dc.subject Sunday School en
dc.subject Children en
dc.subject Adolescents en
dc.subject Adults en
dc.subject Generations en
dc.subject Geïntegreerde benadering en
dc.subject Geloofsvorming en
dc.subject Familie en
dc.subject Geloofsfamilie en
dc.subject Leergemeenskap en
dc.subject Bedienings en
dc.subject Sondagskool en
dc.subject Kinders en
dc.subject Adolessente en
dc.subject Generasies en
dc.subject Integrated
dc.subject Learning community
dc.subject.ddc 248.40968
dc.subject.lcsh Faith development -- South Africa
dc.subject.lcsh Families -- Religious life -- South Africa
dc.subject.lcsh Religious education -- South Africa
dc.subject.lcsh Experience (Religion)
dc.subject.lcsh Moral development -- South Africa
dc.title Geloofsvorming vanuit `n familiale perspektief en
dc.type Dissertation en
dc.description.department Social work en M. Diac. (Youth Work) en

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    Electronic versions of theses and dissertations submitted to Unisa since 2003

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