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Die kwantifisering van vergoeding vir verlies aan lewensgenietinge

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dc.contributor.advisor Potgieter, J.M. Van Tonder, Daniël Petrus en 2015-01-23T04:24:26Z 2015-01-23T04:24:26Z 1992-11 en
dc.identifier.citation Van Tonder, Daniël Petrus (1992) Die kwantifisering van vergoeding vir verlies aan lewensgenietinge, University of South Africa, Pretoria, <> en
dc.description.abstract Quantification of damages for loss of amenities of life is a difficult task because there is no connection between enjoyment of life and money. The court however has to compensate the plaintiff with money because that is the only way of restitution. In compensating the plaintiff the court will award a conservative amount which is fair to both parties. The court will take into account previous awards in comparable cases but the personal circumstances of the plaintiff will form the background of the assessment. The intensity and duration of the loss of amenities of life, the plaintiff's contributory negligence, his obligation to mitigate his loss, his ability to cope with his loss and patrimonial damages tending to minimize the loss of amenities of life are all factors to be taken into account in the quantification process.
dc.description.abstract Die kwantifisering van die vergoeding vir die verlies aan lewensgenietinge is 'n moeilike taak aangesien daar geen verband tussen lewensgeluk and geld is nie. Die hof moet egter die eiser vergoed met 'n som geld aangesien dit die enigste manier van restitusie is. By kwantifisering word die doel van die vergoedingsbedrag asook billikheid en regverdigheid in gedagte gehou. Die hof sal eerder konserwatief as wispelturig te werk gaan by kwantifisering. Verder sal daar na vorige toekennings in vergelykbare gevalle gekyk word, maar uiteindelik sal die omvang van die vergoedingsbedrag bepaal word deur die persoonlike omstandighede van die eiser wat die agtergrond van die kwantifiseringsproses sal vorm. Die tydsduur en intensiteit van die verlies aan lewensgenietinge, die eiser se bydraende nalatigheid, sy verpligting om skade te beperk, sy vermoe om sy verlies te verwerk asook toekennings van 'n vermoensregtelike aard is relevant by kwantifisering.
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (24 leaves)
dc.language.iso en
dc.subject.ddc 347.77068 en
dc.subject.lcsh Compensation (Law) -- South Africa en
dc.subject.lcsh Damages -- South Africa en
dc.subject.lcsh Remedies (Law) -- South Africa en
dc.title Die kwantifisering van vergoeding vir verlies aan lewensgenietinge en
dc.type Dissertation
dc.description.department Mercantile Law LL.M. en

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