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The influence of parental involvement, discipline and choice of values on the scholastic achievement of secondary school pupils, with special reference to the role of the father

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dc.contributor.advisor Petrick, H.C. Rosa, Cecelia Mary 2015-01-23T04:24:10Z 2015-01-23T04:24:10Z 1994-11
dc.identifier.citation Rosa, Cecelia Mary (1994) The influence of parental involvement, discipline and choice of values on the scholastic achievement of secondary school pupils, with special reference to the role of the father, University of South Africa, Pretoria, <> en
dc.description Summaries in English and Afrikaans
dc.description Text in English
dc.description.abstract The aim of this investigation was to determine whether values, the style of discipline and father involvement, influence achievement motivation in secondary school pupils. A survey of existing literature on this subject reveals that style of discipline does influence academic achievement. Baumrind's research is a major source of information in this regard. Research also indicates a positive correlation between academic achievement and the father's ability to assume the leadership role in the family. A positive correlation between the choice of values, for example religious, social, etcetera, and academic achievement is indicated in past research on academic achievement. An investigation done in a large rural town in South Africa, however, reveals no significant correlation between the above mentioned factors and academic achievement. However, a negative correlation between achievement and popularity as an important value, suggests that under-achievement is found more frequently among pupils whose parents value popularity highly. en
dc.description.abstract Die doel van hierdie ondersoek was om te bepaal of waardes, die dissiplineringstyl en vaderbetrokkenheid, die kind se akademiese prestasie bei:nvloed. 'n Ondersoek van bestaande literatuur op hierdie gebied, wys daarop dat die dissiplineringstyl, akademiese prestasie bei:nvloed. Baumrind se studie is 'n belangrike bron van inligting in die verband. Navorsing dui op 'n positiewe korrelasie tussen akademiese prestasie en die vader se vermoe om die leierskapsposisie in die gesin te handhaaf Bestaande literatuur oor die onderwerp dui ook daarop dat die keuse van waardes, byvoorbeeld godsdienstige-, sosiale-, ensovoorts, positief korreleer met akademiese prestasie. 'n Ondersoek in 'n groot plattelandse dorp in Suid-Afiika, wys geen beduidende korrelasie tussen die bogenoemde aspekte en akademiese prestasie nie. 'n Negatiewe korrelasie tussen akademiese prestasie en gewildheid as waarde, word wel aangedui, wat suggereer dat leerlinge dikwels onderpresteer wanneer hulle ouers op gewildheid gesteld is. af
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (v, 250 leaves)
dc.language.iso en
dc.subject Under-achievement en
dc.subject Academic performance en
dc.subject Values en
dc.subject Disciplines en
dc.subject Involvement en
dc.subject Father absence en
dc.subject Secondary school pupil en
dc.subject Leadership en
dc.subject.ddc 373.1264
dc.subject.lcsh Education -- Parent participation en
dc.subject.lcsh Achievement motivation in adolescence en
dc.subject.lcsh Academic achievement en
dc.subject.lcsh Fatherless families en
dc.subject.lcsh Fatherhood -- Psychological aspects en
dc.subject.lcsh Education en
dc.title The influence of parental involvement, discipline and choice of values on the scholastic achievement of secondary school pupils, with special reference to the role of the father en
dc.title.alternative Invloed van ouerlike dissipline, waardes en betrokkenheid op akademiese prestasie van sekondere leerlinge met spesiale verwysing na die rol van die vader af
dc.type Dissertation
dc.description.department Psychology of Education M. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

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