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Gebruik van opsies in vasterentedraende effekte om beleggingsrisiko te beperk

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dc.contributor.advisor Begemann, Egbert, 1942-
dc.contributor.advisor Du Toit, G. S. (Gawie S.) Mynhardt, Ronald Henry 2015-01-23T04:23:56Z 2015-01-23T04:23:56Z 1996-01
dc.identifier.citation Mynhardt, Ronald Henry (1996) Gebruik van opsies in vasterentedraende effekte om beleggingsrisiko te beperk, University of South Africa, Pretoria, <> en
dc.description.abstract Opbrengskoerse van vasterentedraende effekte verander as gevolg van veranderings in vraag en aanbod op die kapitaalmark. Die veranderinge in opbrengskoerse bei'nvloed die pryse van vasterentedraende effekte, asook van die opsies op hierdie effekte en stel beleggers in hierdie instrumente bloot aan beleggingsrisiko. Hierdie studie ondersoek die uitwerking van veranderings in die opbrengskoerse op die pryse van vasterentedraende eff ekte en opsies indien geen verskansing teen beleggingsrisiko toegepas word nie. Verder word verskillende verskansingstegnieke vergelyk ten einde te bepaal welke tegniek beleggingsrisiko die mees doeltreffendste kan beperk. Die studie toon aan dat dit wenslik is om beleggings en vasterentedraende effekte en opsies teen beleggingsrisiko te verskans. Empiriese toetse is op verskeie tegnieke gedoen om te bepaal watter verskansingstegnieke beleggingsrisiko die doeltreffendste kan beperk. Die gevolgtrekking is dat beleggingsrisiko inderdaad doeltreffend beperk kan word. Vir elke posisie in vasterentedraende en opsies is 'n spesifieke verskansingstegniek gei'dentifiseer om sodanige posisie doeltreffend in terme van winsgewendheid te verskans. af
dc.description.abstract Yield on fixed interest bearing securities change as a result of changes in the supply and demand in the capital market. These changes in the yield influence the prices of fixed interest securities, as well as options on fixed interest securities and expose .investors in these instruments to investment risk. This study investigates the effect of changes in yield on the prices of fixed interest securities and options if no hedging against investment risk is instituted. Different techniques are compared to establish which technique will restrict investment risk effectively. This study shows that it is desirable to hedge investments in fixed interest securities and options against investment risk. Empirical tests were conducted on a variety of techniques to establish which technique would restrict investment risk effectively. The conclusion is that investment risk can be limited. A specific technique has been identified for each position in fixed interest securities and options that can hedge such a position effectively against investment risk in terms of profitability. en
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (x, 200 leaves)
dc.language.iso af af
dc.subject.ddc 332.6323
dc.subject.lcsh Investments en
dc.subject.lcsh Risk en
dc.subject.lcsh Options (Finance) en
dc.subject.lcsh Fixed-income securities en
dc.title Gebruik van opsies in vasterentedraende effekte om beleggingsrisiko te beperk af
dc.type Dissertation
dc.description.department Business Management MCOM (Bedryfsekonomie)

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