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Tekstuele en visuele kontraste in Georgicon II.1-108

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dc.contributor.advisor Kriel, D. M. (David Meiring), 1930- Meyer, Roléne 2015-01-23T04:23:51Z 2015-01-23T04:23:51Z 1998-11
dc.identifier.citation Meyer, Roléne (1998) Tekstuele en visuele kontraste in Georgicon II.1-108, University of South Africa, Pretoria, <> en
dc.description SUmmaries in Afrikaans and English
dc.description Text in Afrikaans
dc.description.abstract Die oogmerk van hierdie verhandeling is om te wys op die tekstuele en visuele kontraste in Georgi con 11.1 - 108. Ten aanvang word 'n bree vergelyking getreftussen Georgicon I en II om sodoende die funksie asook die effek van Boek 2 in die viertal gedigte te bepaal. Vir 'n meer indringende ontleding word Boek 2, asook die relevante verse, skematies verdeel en alhoewel die panoramiese effek versteur word, kan die problematiek van hierdie gedig alleenlik s0 noukeuriger opgelos word. Daar word getoon dat Boek 2 in drie afdelings verdeel is met 'n laus-tema wat telkens as hoogtepunt dien vir elk van die dele. Ook die oorkoepelende tema van variatio-labor en die wisselwerking daarvan kan duideliker waargeneem word. Verse I - I 08 is didakties van aard en eenvoudige patrone word saamgestel uit alledaagse objekte en idees. Vergilius slaag daarin om vergelykings af te dwing en om kontras te bewerkstellig deur die skep van imagines. Hierdie beelde kom duideliker na vore deur 'n baie noukeurige analise van die teks en s6 word vorm, lyn, kleur en tekstuur beklemtoon en gekontrasteer. W anneer die fokus verskuif vanaf die natuur na die mens, word daar gewys op die kontras in verse 3 5 - 46 tussen die landbouers en die politieke magsfiguur van Maecenas. Die onderliggende felix I fortuna/us tema word s6 beklemtoon. Die problematiek van didaktisisme word aangespreek deur die effek van die kontrastering van parallelle passasies aan te toon. As Leitmotiv word telkens gewys op die tekstuele en visuele kontraste in die digter se keuse en rangskikking van 'n ryke verskeidenheid van borne - met spesifieke verwysing na hulle aard, voorkoms, herkoms en funksie. af
dc.description.abstract The aim of this dissertation is to indicate the textual and visual contrasts in Georgi con TI.l - 108. In a broad comparison between Georgica I and II the function and the effect ofBook 2 within the framework of the four poems is determined. With a view to a more penetrating analysis, Book 2 as a whole and specifically lines 1 - 108 will be dealt with schematically. Although this puts the panoramic effect at risk, it is the only way in which the complexities of this poem can be successfully resolved. Book 2 is shown to have a tripartite structure, with a taustheme as the climax of each of the three divisions. The over-arching theme of reciprocating variatio- labor also comes to light more clearly. Lines I - I 08 are of a didactic nature, and simple patterns are shaped out of everyday objects and ideas. By creating imagines Vergil manages to enforce comparisons and to bring about contrasts. A meticulous analysis of the text highlights these images more clearly and in this manner the poet accentuates colour, form, line and texture. When the focus shifts from nature to man, the contrast between the farmers and the politically powerful Maecenas in lines 3 5 - 46 is brought to the fore to emphasize the underlying theme of felix I fortunatus. The problem of didacticism is addressed by focusing on the effect of the contrasts between parallel passages. The textual and visual contrasts in the poet's choice and marshalling of a rich variety of trees, with a particular reference to their nature, occurrence, provenance and function, serve as Leitmotif for the dissertation as a whole. en
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (132 leaves)
dc.language.iso af
dc.subject Didacticism en
dc.subject Textual contrasts en
dc.subject Visual contrasts en
dc.subject Schematic analysis en
dc.subject Tripartite division en
dc.subject Digression en
dc.subject Parallel paragraphs en
dc.subject Variety theme en
dc.subject Labour en
dc.subject Sloth en
dc.subject Nature en
dc.subject Variety of trees en
dc.subject Artificial methods en
dc.subject Spontaneous en
dc.subject Grafting en
dc.subject Propagation en
dc.subject.ddc 874 (VER) G7205
dc.subject.lcsh Virgil. Georgica en
dc.title Tekstuele en visuele kontraste in Georgicon II.1-108 af
dc.type Dissertation
dc.description.department Classics and Modern European Languages M.A. (Latyn)

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