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Kritiese denke : 'n konseptuele verkenning

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dc.contributor.advisor Roux, A. P. J.
dc.contributor.advisor Kistner, Wietske Meyer, Derrick Alan 2015-01-23T04:23:51Z 2015-01-23T04:23:51Z 1996-01
dc.identifier.citation Meyer, Derrick Alan (1996) Kritiese denke : 'n konseptuele verkenning, University of South Africa, Pretoria, <> en
dc.description Summaries in Afrikaans and English
dc.description.abstract This thesis is a conceptual exploration of the concept "critical thinking" and is chiefly aimed at everyone involved in education in the new South Africa. The investigation is contextualised by critically examining certain motives for such an investigation and by assessing the importance of encouraging people to think critically. The focus is first on the relationship between the concepts "critical thinking", "thinking" and "rationality". Then follows a thorough analysis of the concept "critical thinking". Preconditions for the use of the concept are identified. The last part of the thesis deals with the relationship between critical thinking, learning and critical thinking can level. teaching, and a discussion on how be improved and promoted at school en
dc.description.abstract Hierdie verhandeling is ·'n konseptuele verkenning van die begrip "kritiese denke" en is veral gerig aan almal wat by die opvoeding in die nuwe Suid- Afrika betrokke is. Die verkenning word gekontekstualiseer deur sekere motiewe vir so 'n ondersoek krities te bespreek en die belangrikheid daarvan om mense aan te moedig om krities te dink te bepaal. Daar word vervolgens eers gekonsentreer op die verhouding tussen die begrippe "kritiese denke", "denke" en "rasionaliteit". Daarna volg n grondige bespreking van die beg rip "kritiese denke". Voorwaardes vir die gebruik van die begrip word nagegaan. Die laaste gedeelte van die verhandeling handel oar die verhouding tussen kritiese denke, leer en onderrig en daar word beredeneer hoe kritiese denke op skoolvlak verbeter en bevorder kan word. af
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (106 leaves)
dc.language.iso af
dc.subject Critical thinking en
dc.subject Ideology en
dc.subject Learning en
dc.subject Parents en
dc.subject Rationality en
dc.subject School en
dc.subject Syllabus en
dc.subject Subjects en
dc.subject Teachers en
dc.subject Teaching en
dc.subject Thinking en
dc.subject Thinking activities en
dc.subject Thinking activities en
dc.subject Thinking dispositions en
dc.subject Thinking frames en
dc.subject.ddc 370.152
dc.subject.lcsh Thought and thinking -- Study and teaching -- South Africa en
dc.subject.lcsh Critical thinking -- Study and teaching -- South Africa en
dc.title Kritiese denke : 'n konseptuele verkenning en
dc.type Dissertation
dc.description.department Philosophy, Practical and Ststematic Theology M.A. (Wysbegeerte)

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