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Toepassing van gesinsterapie in gesinne met aangenome kinders

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dc.contributor.advisor Lessing, A. C. (Anna Christina), 1947- Lourens, Johanna Alida Elizabeth 2015-01-23T04:24:58Z 2015-01-23T04:24:58Z 2002-02
dc.identifier.citation Lourens, Johanna Alida Elizabeth (2002) Toepassing van gesinsterapie in gesinne met aangenome kinders, University of South Africa, Pretoria, <> en
dc.description Text in Afrikaans
dc.description.abstract Gesinne met aangenome kinders bevind hulself in 'n eiesoortige gesinsituasie. Die situasie stel verskeie eise aan die ouers asook aan die kinders in die gesin. Bo en behalwe die universele gesinsuitdagings, moet bulle ook die uitdagings uniek aan die aannemingsituasie bemeester. Gesinne met aangenome kinders bevind hulself soms in moeilike situasies en benodig dan ondersteuning. Daarom is daar in hierdie studie besluit om ondersoek in te stel na die effek van gesinsterapie in gesinne met aangenome kinders. Die doel was om vas te stel in watter mate gesinne met aangenome kinders gehelp kan word om probleme te oorkom met gesinsterapie as terapeutiese intervensie. Die navorsing is gedoen aan die hand van 'n kwalitatiewe ontwerp waar data hoofsaaklik ingesamel is deur vraelyste, observasie en onderhoudvoering. Daar is tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat gesinsterapie effektief gebruik kan word om hulp te verleen aan die gesin met aangenome kinders. Daar word as 'n span aan die probleme gewerk aangesien gesamentlike doelwitstelling-plaasvind en dit dien ook as 'n belangrike saambindende faktor van die gesinslede. AI die gesinslede se probleme kon gelyktydig aangespreek word in plaas van op 'n individuele basis. af
dc.description.abstract Families with adopted children find themselves in a situation with unique demands made on them as a family as well as on an individual level as a parent or a child. They have to master the universal family challenges as well as the challenges of the family with adopted children. These families often find themselves in complex situations, which are difficult to handle and thus need the necessary support. The reason for this study was therefore to investigate the effect of family therapy in families with adopted children. The aim was to find out how effective a family with adopted children could be helped to solve the problems experienced with family therapy as therapeutic intervention. A qualitative analysis was conducted and data was gathered primarily through questionnaires, observation and interviewing. The results of the research led to the conclusion that family therapy was indeed an effective therapeutic intervention as far as families with adopted children were concerned. It provided the family to work together as a team and created unity. All the family members' problems could also be addressed at once instead of individually. en
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (vi, 167 leaves) en
dc.language.iso af
dc.subject Adoption en
dc.subject Family en
dc.subject Adopted children en
dc.subject Attachment en
dc.subject Family therapy en
dc.subject Communication en
dc.subject Parent guidance en
dc.subject Identity en
dc.subject Adjustment en
dc.subject Grief en
dc.subject Trust en
dc.subject Rejection en
dc.subject Biological children en
dc.subject Restructuring en
dc.subject Adoptive parents en
dc.subject.ddc 616.89156
dc.subject.lcsh Family psychotherapy en
dc.subject.lcsh Adoption en
dc.subject.lcsh Adoptive parents en
dc.subject.lcsh Adopted children en
dc.title Toepassing van gesinsterapie in gesinne met aangenome kinders af
dc.title.alternative The application of family therapy in families with adopted children en
dc.type Dissertation
dc.description.department Psychology of Education M. Ed. (Voorligting)

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