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Cyprianus se kerkbegrip

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dc.contributor.advisor Botha, C. J. (Christo J.) Kruger, Hendrik Gerhardus Stefanus 2015-01-23T04:24:54Z 2015-01-23T04:24:54Z 1995-12
dc.identifier.citation Kruger, Hendrik Gerhardus Stefanus (1995) Cyprianus se kerkbegrip, University of South Africa, Pretoria, <> en
dc.description Summaries in Afrikaans and English
dc.description Text in Afrikaans
dc.description.abstract Die tema van hierdie studie toon die kerkbegrip van Cyprianus aan as 'n spanning tussen die kerk as instituut en die kerk van die Gees. Hoofstuk een skets die invloed van Tertullianus as leermeester op Cyprianus. Tertullianus se kerkbegrip getuig self van spanning wat die produk is van 'n verandering van lidmaatskap vanaf die Katolieke kerk na die Montaniste. Tertullianus se kerkbegrip word vanuit twee perspektiewe belig. Eerstens vanuit 'n Katolieke, met 'n fokus op die fundering van die ware kerk en die mag van die kerk om sondes te kan vergewe. Tweedens vanuit 'n Montanistiese, wat die def iniering van die ware kerk en die mag van die kerk om sondes te kan vergewe eksklusief geestelik begrond. Hoofstuk twee skets die milieu waarbinne Cyprianus gearbei het. Dit sluit in 'n biografie van Cyprianus en die Afrika-religie en bevolking. Tweedens word die Europese invloed op Cyprianus se kerkbegrip aangedui. Die invloed van die Romeinse staatkundige model kan duidelik waargeneem word. Die grootste invloed was egter die Roomse kerklike model, weens die dinamika van die Roomse kerk. Hoofstuk drie skets die ekklesiologie van Cyprianus. Die spanning tussen die kerk as 'n instituut en die kerk van die Gees word aangedui deur 'n bespreking van die episkopaat; die betekenis van die biskop; Cyprianus se gesagsbegrip en sy perspektief op die primaat. Cyprianus se Bybelse verbintenis, sowel as die twee historiese lyne, naamlik die Pauliniese lyn en die Petruslyn, plaas sy uitspraak salus extra ecclesiam non est in perspektief. Cyprianus se kerkbegrip is primer 'n ekklesiologie van die Gees. In sy strewe na die eenheid van die kerk vind hy die kerk as instituut egter onontbeerlik. Spanning onstaan in sy poging om 'n sintese tussen die twee te vorm. af
dc.description.abstract The theme of this study reveals the tension to be found between the church as institution and the church of the Spirit, in the ecclesiology of Cyprian. Chapter one shows the influence which Tertullian, as tutor, exerted on Cyprian. The ecclesiology of Tertullian also reveals the tension which is produced by the change of membership from Catholicism to Montanism. Tertullian's ecclesiology is highlighted from two different perspectives. Firstly from a Catholic view, with the focus on the fundamentals of the true church, and the authority and power of the church to forgive sins. Secondly, a Montanist view is proposed, which defines the true church, and the power it yields in forgiving sins, as being exclusively spiritual in nature. Chapter two describes the environment in which Cyprian worked. This includes a biography of Cyprian, as well as the African religion and people. Secondly the European influence is shown on Cyprian's ecclesiology. The influence exerted by the Roman state model is also clearly seen. The major influence though, was exercised by the Roman church model, on account of the dynamics of the Roman church. Chapter three describes Cyprian's ecclesiology. The tension between the church as institute and the church of the Spirit is revealed in a discussion on the episcopacy; the significance of the bishop; Cyprian's view on authority and his perspective on the primacy. Cyprian's biblical connection, as well as the two historical lines, namely the Pauline and Petrine lines, put his salus extra ecclesiam non est pronouncement in perspective. ecclesiology the unity of Cyprian's view is primarily that of a of the Spirit. In his striving towards the church though, he finds the church as institute to be indispensable. Tension develops in his endeavor to form a synthesis between the two. en
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (343 leaves)
dc.language.iso af
dc.subject Ecclesiology en
dc.subject Ecclesiological tensions en
dc.subject Origin of the church en
dc.subject Founding of the church en
dc.subject Manifestations of the church en
dc.subject Spiritual and institutional character of the church en
dc.subject Criterium for the true church en
dc.subject Relationship between culture and the manifestations of the church en
dc.subject Church authority en
dc.subject Historical development of ecclesiology en
dc.subject.ddc 262.72092
dc.subject.lcsh Cyprian, Saint, Bishop of Carthage en
dc.subject.lcsh Church -- History of doctrines -- Early church en
dc.title Cyprianus se kerkbegrip af
dc.type Thesis
dc.description.department Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology D. Th.

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