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Gebruik van hipnoterapie in die hantering van depressie en angs by adolessente en volwasenes

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dc.contributor.advisor Crous, S. F. M. Geer, Lorna Francis 2015-01-23T04:24:43Z 2015-01-23T04:24:43Z 2000-06
dc.identifier.citation Geer, Lorna Francis (2000) Gebruik van hipnoterapie in die hantering van depressie en angs by adolessente en volwasenes, University of South Africa, Pretoria, <> en
dc.description Text in Afrikaans
dc.description.abstract Aangesien depressie en angs hedendaags so 'n ingrypende invloed het op mense se lewens en hulle lewenskwaliteit, is daar 'n dringende behoefte aan 'n dinamiese, korttermyn en gerigte terapie om so gou as moontlik by die werklike onderliggende oorsake van die depressie en angs uit te kern. Hierdie studie het ten doel om die gebruik van hipnoterapie in die hantering van depressie en angs by adolessente en volwassenes te ondersoek. Tydens die studie word aangetoon dat die mediese hipnoanalise model 'n geskikte benadering is om as diagnostiese tegniek en terapeutiese intervensie, die oorsprong van depressie en angs aan te spreek. Emosionele probleme soos depressie en angs se oorsprong lê dikwels by foutiewe persepsies wat ontstaan tydens insidente in die kindertyd. Aangesien die persoon se breinprosesse in daardie stadium nag nie goed genoeg ontwikkel is om te besef dat die bedreiging verby is nie, word sulke persepsies nie verwyder nie. Elke persoon analiseer 'n nuwe stresvolle situasie of bedreiging vanuit sy persepsies en verwysingsraamwerk uit die verlede. Tydens 'n stresvolle insident is die depressie- en angslyer in die gewoonte om vanuit 'n depressiewe en angsvolle verwysingsraamwerk te dink en op te tree. Hierdie wyse van dink en optree is volgens sy onbewuste beter vir sy oorlewing van die stresvolle situasie, as wat denke en optrede vanuit 'n verwysingsraamwerk van die werklike onderliggende probleem sou wees. Die mediese hipnoanalise model is in staat om, tydens regressie, die ou foutiewe gedagtepatrone te verander deur die onderliggende gedagte, wat probleme veroorsaak, bloot te lê en te verwyder. Sodoende word die werklike onderliggende probleem blootgelê en verwyder. Die persoon word vry van foutiewe persepsies van die verlede en in staat om te dink en in die toekoms op te tree volgens die nuwe, akkurate persepsies. Deur hierdie meganismes, bewys mediese hipnoanalise homself as 'n geskikte terapeutiese ingreep om depressie en angs suksesvol aan te spreek. af
dc.description.abstract In the light of the far-reaching effects that depression and anxiety have on the lives and the quality of people's lives, there is a need for a dynamic, short term and directed therapy in order to determine the real underlying causes of depression and anxiety as soon as possible. This study aims to examine the use of hypnotherapy in the treatment of depression and anxiety with adolescents and adults. During the course of this study, it is shown that the medical hypnoanalysis model is well suited as a diagnostic technique and therapeutic intervention for treating the origins of depression and anxiety. The origin of emotional problems like depression and anxiety, often lies in the faulty perceptions that have been formulated during childhood incidents. Since the brain processes are not yet as developed as they will become in adult life, the conscious mind does not realize that the threat ceased to exist, and can therefore not remove such perceptions. Each person analyses new stressful situations from the perspective of his own perceptions and the frame of reference of the past. A person suffering from depression and anxiety is in the habit of generating depressive and anxious ways of thinking and acting when confronted with a new stressful situation. The subconscious mind considers these ways of thinking and acting as the best way of surviving the stressful situation, better than ways of thinking and acting from the frame of reference of the underlying problem. The medical hypnoanalysis model can detect and remove the real underlying problem by regressing the person to the time of the incident, thus correcting the old patterns of thinking and acting. The person is freed from past false perceptions, and can think and act according to his new, corrected perceptions. Through use of these mechanisms, medical hypnoanalysis has shown itself to be well suited to the treatment of depression and anxiety. en
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (181 leaves) en
dc.language.iso af
dc.subject.ddc 616.89162 en
dc.subject.lcsh Hypnotism -- Therapeutic use en
dc.subject.lcsh Depression in adolescents en
dc.subject.lcsh Depression, Mental -- Treatment en
dc.subject.lcsh Anxiety -- Treatment
dc.subject.lcsh Stress (Psychology) -- Treatment
dc.subject.lcsh Stress in adolescence
dc.subject.lcsh Anxiety in adolescence
dc.title Gebruik van hipnoterapie in die hantering van depressie en angs by adolessente en volwasenes af
dc.title.alternative The use of hypnotherapy in the treatment of depression and anxiety with adolescents and adults en
dc.type Thesis
dc.description.department Psychology of Education D. Ed. (Sielkundige Opvoedkunde)

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