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Die Komplementariteit tussen intimiteit en afstand in die terapeutiese verhouding

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dc.contributor.advisor Flowers, D.M. Eybers, Cornelia en 2015-01-23T04:24:41Z 2015-01-23T04:24:41Z 2000-11 en
dc.identifier.citation Eybers, Cornelia (2000) Die Komplementariteit tussen intimiteit en afstand in die terapeutiese verhouding, University of South Africa, Pretoria, <> en
dc.description Text in Afrikaans
dc.description.abstract Die komplementariteit tussen afstand en intimiteit in die terapeutiese verhouding word ge"illustreer en bespreek aan die hand van 'n enkeie gevallestudie. Die klem is op rekursiewe en selfverwysende prosesse wat tussen die terapeut en kiient plaasvind, sodat die vvyse waarop intiemer en meer afstandelike interaksies ge-kokreer is, uitgelig word. Die terapeutiese proses word binne die raamwerk van die ekosistemiese en sosiale konstruksionistiese epistomologie bespreek. Navorsing word uitgevoer volgens die naturalistiese navorsingsparadigma en raakpunte tussen die navorsingsparadigma en epistomologie wat bespreek is, word aan die hand van die gevaliestudie ge"illustreer. In die studie word daar ook verwys na verwante kwessies, soos aanraking en grense in die terapeutiese verhouding, terapie as 'n a-sosiale konteks, terapie as 'n paradoksale situasie en die neutraliteit van die terapeut, wat aansluit by die tema van hierdie studie. Hierdie temas word geintegreer tydens die bespreking van die gevallestudie. af
dc.description.abstract An individual case study is used in this study, to discuss the complementarity between distance and intimacy in the therapeutic relationship. The focus is on recursive and selfreflective processes between the therapist and the client in order to explain the way in which intimate and distant interactions were coconstructed. The therapeutic process was discussed in the context of ecosystemic and social constructionist epistemologies. Research was done according to the principles of the naturalistic research paradigm and overlaps between this research paradigm and epistemologies that were discussed are brought forward through the discussion of the case study. There are also references in this study to related issues, such as touching and boundaries in the therapeutic relationship, therapy as an a-social and paradoxical context, and the neutrality of the therapist, which connect with the theme of this study. These themes are integrated in the discussion of the case study. en
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (234 leaves) en
dc.language.iso af
dc.subject Intimacy
dc.subject Closeness
dc.subject Distance
dc.subject Boundaries
dc.subject Selfreflexivity
dc.subject Complementarity
dc.subject Social constructionism
dc.subject Ecosystemic paradigm
dc.subject Recursion
dc.subject Therapeutic relationship
dc.subject Context
dc.subject.ddc 616.891401 en
dc.subject.lcsh Psychotherapy -- Philosophy en
dc.subject.lcsh Psychotherapist and patient en
dc.subject.lcsh Psychoanalysis en
dc.subject.lcsh Constructionism en
dc.title Die Komplementariteit tussen intimiteit en afstand in die terapeutiese verhouding en
dc.type Dissertation
dc.description.department Psychology M.A. (Kliniese Sielkunde) en

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