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Beginsels by herverdeling van bates by huwelike buite gemeenskap van goed : met spesifieke verwysing na die begrippe "bydrae" en "skuld"

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dc.contributor.advisor Heaton, J. Strijdom, Bartholomeus en 2015-01-23T04:24:18Z 2015-01-23T04:24:18Z 1996-06 en
dc.identifier.citation Strijdom, Bartholomeus (1996) Beginsels by herverdeling van bates by huwelike buite gemeenskap van goed : met spesifieke verwysing na die begrippe "bydrae" en "skuld", University of South Africa, Pretoria, <> en
dc.description Text in Afrikaans
dc.description.abstract By ontbinding van 'n huwelik buite gemeenskap van goed beskik die hof oor 'n diskresionere bevoegdheid om 'n herverdeling van bates van die onderskeie boedels te gelas. Die voorvereiste, naamlik 'n bydrae tot die instandhouding of vergroting van die boedel van die ander en die uitleg van die bewoording van die wet bring egter mee dat die hof se diskresie om 'n billike herverdeling te beveel ingekort is. Bydrae behoort op gelyke vlak tesarne met al die relevante faktore 'n rol te speel. Huwelikswangedrag behoort 'n beperkte rol te speel by herverdelingsbevele. In sekere gevalle sal dit egter onbillik wees om skuld as faktor te ignoreer. Die skuld van die party teen wie die verdeling gevra word behoort nie 'n rol te speel nie. Sekere wetswysiginge is nodig ten einde die doel van die wet, naamlik bereiking van geregtigheid tussen die partye, te bewerkstellig.
dc.description.abstract On dissolution of a maniage out of commwrity of property the court has discretionary power to order a distribution of the assets of the different estates. The precondition, namely a contribution to the maintenance or increase of the estate of the other, and the interpretation of the words of the act, however, results in a curtailment of the court's discretion to order a just and equitable distribution. Contribution should play a role on the same level as all the other relevant factors. Misconduct should play a restricted role in a redistribution order. However, in certain cases it would be inequitable to ignore misconduct as a factor. The misconduct of the party against whom the redistribution is sought should not play a role. Certain amendments of the act are necessary to achieve the aim of the act, namely the attaining of equity between the parties.
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (iii, 68 leaves) en
dc.language.iso af
dc.subject Bydrae
dc.subject Skuld
dc.subject Heiverdeling
dc.subject Diskresie
dc.subject Vooivereiste
dc.subject Indirekte Bydraes
dc.subject Huishoudelike pligte
dc.subject Tipe wangedrag
dc.subject Tydstip van wangedrag
dc.subject Bydrae en onderhoud
dc.subject.ddc 346.16068 en
dc.subject.lcsh Marriage law -- South Africa. en
dc.subject.lcsh Husband and wife -- South Africa en
dc.subject.lcsh Prenuptial agreements -- South Africa en
dc.title Beginsels by herverdeling van bates by huwelike buite gemeenskap van goed : met spesifieke verwysing na die begrippe "bydrae" en "skuld" en
dc.type Dissertation
dc.description.department Private Law LL. M. en

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