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Die gebruik van verhoudingsgetalle om kapitaaltoereikendheid van bankinstellings te ontleed

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dc.contributor.advisor Van Rooyen, J. H. (Jan H.) Brink, Arend en 2015-01-23T04:24:12Z 2015-01-23T04:24:12Z 1996-01 en
dc.identifier.citation Brink, Arend (1996) Die gebruik van verhoudingsgetalle om kapitaaltoereikendheid van bankinstellings te ontleed, University of South Africa, Pretoria, <> en
dc.description Text in Afrikkans
dc.description Summaries in English and Afrikaans
dc.description.abstract The capital-adequacy problem is essentially concerned with the amount of capital that a bank should maintain in order to conduct its operations in a prudent manner. Because one of the primary functions of bank capital is to act as a risk cushion for the protection of a bank's depositors, a bank's capital funds are often regarded as comprising an insurance element. The capital-adequacy concept, therefore, may be seen as part of the overall banking risk, or prudential management. An attempt has been made to indicate that bank supervisors should use not only capital ratios when analysing a bank's capital position. Other factors, such as asset quality and other financial risks, should also be taken in consideration. Financial ratio analysis, however, provides bank supervisors with useful information. When combining ratio analysis with non-quantifiable factors, bank supervisors may indeed achieve their goal of determining capital adequacy.
dc.description.abstract Die kapitaaltoereikendheidsprobleem is hoofsaaklik gebaseer op die hoeveelheid kapitaal waaroor 'n bankinstelling moet beskik, ten einde die bankbesigheid op 'n verstandige wyse te bedryf. Een van die primere funksies van kapitaal is om te dien as verliesabsorberingsbuffer ter beskerming van 'n bankinstelling se deposante, en daarom word toereikende kapitaal dikwels geag om 'n soort versekeringselement te bevat. Die konsep van kapitaaltoereikendheid kan dus beskou word as deel van die totale risikobestuurskonsep. Daar is tydens die studie gepoog om aan te dui dat banktoesighouers nie net kapitaalverhoudings behoort te gebruik om 'n bankinstelling se kapitaalposisie te ontleed nie. Ander faktore, soos batekwaliteit en antler finansiele risiko's, moet ook in ag geneem word. Finansiele verhoudingsgetalontledings voorsien banktoesighouers van waardevolle inligting. Indien verhoudingsgetalle egter met nie-gekwantifiseerde inligting gekombineer sou word, kan banktoesighouers hul doel om kapitaaltoereikendheid te bepaal, bereik.
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (xvii, 253 leaves) en
dc.subject Liquidity risk
dc.subject Bank supervision
dc.subject Risk-based approach
dc.subject Capital adequacy
dc.subject Risk management
dc.subject Interest-rate risk
dc.subject Price risk
dc.subject Credit eisk
dc.subject Currency risk
dc.subject Financial risk management
dc.subject Basel Concordat
dc.subject Capital requirements
dc.subject.ddc 332.12 en
dc.subject.lcsh Banks and banking en
dc.subject.lcsh Ratio analysis en
dc.subject.lcsh Bank capital en
dc.title Die gebruik van verhoudingsgetalle om kapitaaltoereikendheid van bankinstellings te ontleed af M.Com. (Business Management) en

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