Existing scales were modified and factor-analysed through "prepilof' and pilot studies for
exploring relations between academic motivation, achievement, and cognitive factors such as locus
of control (LOC), attributions, ...
Hierdie studie is 'n kwalitatiewe ekosistemiese ondersoek van die fenomeen Chroniese Moegheidsindroom (CMS) . Die paradigmaverskuiwing vanaf die Cartesiaans-Newtoniaanse epistemologie na die kubernetiese epistemologie, het ...
The purpose of this research was to determine the relationship between salutogenic functioning and sick leave. Occupational stress as a metatheoretical concept was investigated. Work is stressful, but some people ...
The main aims of this broad exploratory study were (a) to gain insights as to the
possible interrelations between Unisa students' expectations for success and a
variety of significant variables (such as their academic ...
This research was executed as three separate studies. Study 1 focused on the perception of pain and the semantic aspects of pain. Study 2 focused on the measurement of acute pain and mood states. Study 3 focused on the ...
The study aimed at giving a thick description of African families' experiences, views, cultural beliefs and interpretations of traumatic brain injury (TBI), and making recommendations for rehabilitation. It was conducted ...
In an exploratory study variables influencing the intention to use contraceptives and contraceptive use of teenagers and the association between these variables were determined.A random quota sample consisting of 231 and ...
This study investigates the role of social support in women coping with divorce in mid
life. Five women were interviewed and a qualitative analysis undertaken, in order to
explore the subjective experience ...
Navorsing toon dat beoordelingskale, gebaseer op spesifieke werksgedrag as geldige
prestasiemetingsinstrumente gebruik kan word om die individuele
ontwikkelingsbehoeftes van elke werknemer te bepaal. Die doel van die ...
Die objek van studie in hierdie proefskrif is ietwat
ongewoon. Die studie is outobiografies en is gegrond op die
aanname dat daar tussen die psigoterapeut, sy geskiedenis, die
wetenskap (etnografie en tweede-orde ...
In the existing literature, the constructs of "madness" and "woman' have long
been associated with one another. This association has led to attempts by various
authors, and also this current work, to deconstruct the ...
Women’s procreative capacities and the appreciation of birth experiences have always been recognised in civil society and the early days of psychology. Given that our culture is one that emphasises a woman’s capacity to ...
This thesis examines the discourse strategies used to construct initiation schools in online media and message boards. The focus is on understanding the tensions that come with enacting traditional practices in the face ...
This exploratory study set out to uncover views from the Occupy Movement’s Johannesburg leg. The Occupy Movement arose in late 2011, aiming to occupy public space and challenge conventional economics, politics, and governance. ...
Intellectual stimulation of young children is crucial, because it helps to break the cycle of poverty by giving each child the skills needed to reach his or her maximum potential. There is a growing need for more extensive ...
In this qualitative study the researcher explores the experiences faced by adolescents living with a clinically depressed parent, and the emotional, social and intellectual challenges they go through, with the aim to ...
Limited research has investigated the stress-related experiences of South African nursing students. Moreover, there is a scarcity of empirical studies that have reported on the development and evaluation of psycho-educational ...
The Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act (CTOP Act 92 of 1996) is perhaps the most revolutionary piece of legislation internationally ever to have been promulgated to regulate abortion and as such women’s reproductive ...
Existing literature identify betrayal as one of the major challenges that former SADF soldiers face in the “new” South Africa, and identify a need for studying the nature and types of betrayal and the effects it has on ...
In this study, the author provided a discussion of international cross-cultural validation studies which reported low internal consistency reliabilities for the self-motivation facet of the Trait Emotional Intelligence ...