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Invloed van denkontwikkeling op die aanleer van Afrikaans as tweede taal by hoërskoolleerders

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dc.contributor.advisor Bester, Garfield Noke, Daisy Deseré 2014-08-07T06:32:20Z 2014-08-07T06:32:20Z 2013-11
dc.identifier.citation Noke, Daisy Deseré (2013) Invloed van denkontwikkeling op die aanleer van Afrikaans as tweede taal by hoërskoolleerders, University of South Africa, Pretoria, <> en
dc.description Text in Afrikaans en
dc.description.abstract Die doel van die ondersoek sentreer rondom die verband tussen denkontwikkeling (‘n kognitiewe veranderlike) en prestasie in Afrikaans as tweede taal. Denkont-wikkeling is egter nie die enigste kognitiewe veranderlike wat prestasie in ‘n taal kan beïnvloed nie. Verbale begrip en geheue is ook as vername kognitiewe verander-likes geïdentifiseer. Affektiewe veranderlikes soos motivering, selfkonsep en angs, kan ook met prestasie in Afrikaans as tweede taal in verband gebring word. ‘n Empiriese ondersoek is uitgevoer waarby 174 hoërskoolleerders betrek is. Kognitiewe en affektiewe veranderlikes, asook leerstyl, is gemeet. Uit die empiriese ondersoek blyk dit dat selfkonsep, geheue, verbale begrip en motivering as die vernaamste veranderlikes beskou kan word wat met prestasie in Afrikaans as tweede taal verband hou. Denkontwikkeling is nie as ‘n vername faktor geïdentifiseer nie. Die bevindinge in die literatuurstudie en die empiriese ondersoek is bespreek om ouers en onderwysers van riglyne te voorsien om prestasie in Afrikaans te verhoog. af
dc.description.abstract The aim of the research focusses on the relationship between thought development (a cognitive variable) and achievement in Afrikaans as a second language. Besides thought development, verbal understanding and memory recollection are also identified as distinctive cognitive variables. Affective variables such as motivation, self-concept and anxiety could also relate to performance in Afrikaans as a second language. Empirical research was conducted amongst 174 High School learners. Cognitive variables, affective variables and learning styles were measured. Resulting from the empirical research, it appears that self-concept, memory recollection, verbal comprehension and motivation are the main variables that impact on the performance of Afrikaans as a second language. Thought process development was not identified as a main factor. Results from the literature study and the empirical research are discussed in order to assist parents and teachers with guidelines to increase achievement in Afrikaans as a second language. en
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (185 leaves) en
dc.language.iso Afrikaans en
dc.subject Denkontwikkeling af
dc.subject Gagné en
dc.subject LS Vygotsky en
dc.subject N Chomsky en
dc.subject R Case en
dc.subject Taalverwerwing af
dc.subject Intelligensie en aanleg af
dc.subject Vorige kennis af
dc.subject Motivering af
dc.subject Selfkonsep af
dc.subject Angsbelewing af
dc.subject Leerstyl af
dc.subject Onderrigfaktore af
dc.subject Development of thought en
dc.subject J Piaget en
dc.subject Language acquisition en
dc.subject Intelligence and aptitude en
dc.subject Prior knowledge en
dc.subject Motivation en
dc.subject Self-concept en
dc.subject Anxiety en
dc.subject Learning Style en
dc.subject Educational factors en
dc.subject.ddc 439.3680071268
dc.subject.lcsh Afrikaans language -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- South Africa -- Foreign speakers en
dc.subject.lcsh Second language acquisition en
dc.subject.lcsh Thought and thinking en
dc.subject.lcsh Educational psychology en
dc.title Invloed van denkontwikkeling op die aanleer van Afrikaans as tweede taal by hoërskoolleerders af
dc.title.alternative The influence that thought development has on high school students when learning Afrikaans as a second language en
dc.type Dissertation en
dc.description.department Psychology of Education en M. Ed. (Sielkundige Opvoedkunde)

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