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Browsing School of Computing by Issue Date

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  • Currin, Desmond C. (Computer Society of South Africa (on behalf of SAICSIT), 1983)
    Generalized network problems involve the optimization of a flow through a network. In contrast to normal networks, generalized networks include multipliers which alter the flow as it passes through the arcs. This enables ...
  • Popelas, Judy Mallino; Calingaert, Peter (Computer Society of South Africa (on behalf of SAICSIT), 1983)
    The correction of errors in programs can be based on an analysis, that subordinates syntactic relationships to functional relationships among elements of a program. For this purpose, case grammars, originally developed ...
  • Van Rooyen, Martha H. (Computer Society of South Africa (on behalf of SAICSIT), 1983)
    SCRAP is a high-level language that provides facilities for systems progrc~ff)ming, but can equally well be used for applications programming. The prominent features of the language are a well-defined syntax, a modular ...
  • Berman, Sonia (Computer Society of South Africa (on behalf of SAICSIT), 1983)
    An automated database design tool called ADD has been developed at the University of Cape Town. This system obtains a requirements specification from a user and from this generates a relation scheme and a Codasyl schema. ...
  • Visser, P. (Computer Society of South Africa (on behalf of SAICSIT), 1983)
    This paper presents a summary of tutorial material on accepted management techniques and philosophies as applied to the development of large software systems, based upon the documentation for such systems.
  • Pino, Jose A. (Computer Society of South Africa (on behalf of SAICSIT), 1984)
    This paper describes the design of MIGRATIONS, a software system under development at the University of Chile, whose purpose is to store, manage and retrieve unformatted text information. Among the most important design ...
  • Jablonski, J.; Dijkman, J.H. (Computer Society of South Africa (on behalf of SAICSIT), 1984)
    The design of a high speed graphics workstation 1s presented A spec1f1caly designed Graphics System Interface com bines standard computer peripherals to produce a soph1st1cated man machine workstation A review 1s given ...
  • Turton, Trevor (Computer Society of South Africa (on behalf of SAICSIT), 1984)
    This paper describes computer design which 'would achieve a high instruction throughput rate on a relatively modest amount of hardware. It is based on multiprogramming the CPU at a sub-instruction level. The design will ...
  • Hunter, D.A. (Computer Society of South Africa (on behalf of SAICSIT), 1984)
    The South African Data Centre for Oceanography (SADCO) has implemented a multi d1sc1plinary oceanographic database using OMS 170, a relational database management system Using a high level query language sc1ent1sts from ...
  • Du Preez, L.S. (Computer Society of South Africa (on behalf of SAICSIT), 1984)
    A bnef description of software conf1gurat1on management principles 1s given, followed by a d1scuss1on on the ap pl1cat1on of these principles in a spec1f1c installation
  • McDermott, T.S. (Computer Society of South Africa (on behalf of SAICSIT), 1984)
    A language-independent syntax-directed editor for teaching programming languages on micro-computers is briefly described. The design of the configuring grammar and the lnternal tree-structure to be edited and interpreted ...
  • Wulf, S. (Computer Society of South Africa (on behalf of SAICSIT), 1984)
    Fourth generation languages offer substantial productivity benefits to data processing departments. Major problems associated with their use include the inability of conventional project management systems to control ...
  • Pirow, Peter (Computer Society of South Africa (on behalf of SAICSIT), 1984)
    In five years of watching students operate terminals I have observed that the response time of the terminal has much to do with the comfort of the user. I have also observed this phenomenon in the business environment. ...
  • Richfield, J.M. (Computer Society of South Africa (on behalf of SAICSIT), 1984)
    Structured program design is urged as a rewarding vehicle for the introduction of computer concepts to age groups ranging from mid primary school to senior management. Progressively expanded subsets of the material form ...
  • Mueller, C.S.M. (Computer Society of South Africa (on behalf of SAICSIT), 1984)
    Why concurrency in itself should be seen as a method of programming, is discussed. Current approaches to concurrent programming are evaluated in terms of e~e qt programming. The properties required to decompose the ...
  • Kaplan, S.M. (Computer Society of South Africa (on behalf of SAICSIT), 1984)
    The notion of and mot1vat1on for intelligent editor systems 1s introduced, spec1f1cally a language independent intelligent editor called "PASTOR" We also introduce and discuss the metalanguage used in the editor for grammar ...
  • Labuschagne, W.A.; Van Rooyen, H.O. (Computer Society of South Africa (on behalf of SAICSIT), 1984)
    A technique for partially representing binary group operations by sets of binary relations was devised by Cayley. This technique can be generalised to permit the representation of arbitrary sets of n-ary relations {n ~ ...
  • Du Preez, L.S. (Computer Society of South Africa (on behalf of SAICSIT), 1984)
    A brief description of software configuration management principles is given, followed by a discussion on the application of these principles in a specific installation.
  • Postma, Stef W. (Computer Society of South Africa (on behalf of SAICSIT), 1984)
    The paper is concerned with computer science as a science and the training required by its scientific practitioners-tobe. The background and objectives for a curriculum design are briefly sketched, and a taxonomy is given ...

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