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Browsing College of Science, Engineering and Technology by Title

Browsing College of Science, Engineering and Technology by Title

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  • Netshishivhe, Thetshelesani Angel (2023-03-07)
    Implementing effective cyber-security controls in e-health systems in South Africa, especially those used in hospitals, will help prevent cyber-attacks and protect sensitive data. This study aimed to determine the effective ...
  • Reppoh, Victor ; Da Veiga, Adele (Springer, Cham, 2022-07-06)
    Creating a good information security culture among employees with-in organizations is the cornerstone for a safe and robust cyberspace. Further-more, a strong information security culture within organizations will assist ...
  • Renaud, Karen; Loock, Marianne; Da Veiga, Adele (Wiley, 2021)
    Citizens of the hyper-connected world face tremendous challenges in managing their personal online risks; that is to preserve their cyber safety, cyber security and cyber privacy. Governments allocate significant resources ...
  • Da Veiga, Adele (SAI Computing Conference, 2016-07-13)
    A cybersecurity culture must be promoted at an international, national, organizational, and individual level to aid in minimizing risks from a human perspective in cyberspace. To promote such a culture it has to be ...
  • Munnik, Chamone (2023)
    The p53 gene is a well-known tumour suppressor gene, shown to be dysfunctional in more than 50% of human malignancies. The cellular significance of this oncogene is evident in a series of diverse cellular antiproliferation ...
  • Molepo, Isaih Kgabe (2016-04)
    This dissertation describes the development, design, implementation and evaluation of a data acquisition system, with the main aim of using it for data collection on a laboratory pilot ball mill. An open-source prototype ...
  • Muwawa, Jean Nestor Dahj (2018-11)
    This research study focuses on the application models of Data Mining and Machine Learning covering cellular network traffic, in the objective to arm Mobile Network Operators with full view of performance branches (Services, ...
  • Cooper, A.K. (Computer Society of South Africa (on behalf of SAICSIT), 1988)
    Geographical information consists of non-spatial information (alphanumeric) and spatial information (vector and raster), the relationships between the non-spatial information and the spatial information, as well as ...
  • Cooper, AK (1987)
    Geographical information consists of non-spatial information (alphanumeric) and spatial information (vector and raster), the relationships between the non-spatial information and the spatial information, as well as the ...
  • Schach, Stephen R. (Computer Society of South Africa (on behalf of SAICSIT), 1983)
    Three levels of traces for data structures (as opposed to simple variables) are defined. A machine-code core dump is essentially a low level trace. A high level trace reflects the high level language in which the data ...
  • Currin, Desmond C. (Computer Society of South Africa (on behalf of SAICSIT), 1983)
    Generalized network problems involve the optimization of a flow through a network. In contrast to normal networks, generalized networks include multipliers which alter the flow as it passes through the arcs. This enables ...
  • Venter, BH (South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, 1990)
    A programming language data model is introduced, based on the notions that variables are functions and types are sets of values. It is shown that, despite the simplicity of the underlying mathematical formalism, the data ...
  • Heidema, J; Labuschagne, W.A. (South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, 1990)
    The theory of semantic information is sketched in an algebraic setting, and automorphisms characterising various degrees of incompatibility are introduced. Data-dependent measures of semantic information are defined in ...
  • Viktor, HL; Rennhackkamp, MH (South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, 1991)
    A recovery technique, to facilitate the recovery from system failures should ensure a consistent database state at all times. The UNIX write system call uses a delayed-write policy. Data blocks are kept in a buffer cache ...
  • King, M. C. F.; Naude, G.; von Solms, S. H. (Computer Society of South Africa (on behalf of SAICSIT), 1979)
    Aspects are discussed of the pract.Ical applicat.Ion of recent relatlonal theory The relevant defirut.Ions, extracted from vanous papers, have been restated usmg a common notat.Ion An attempt is made to descnbe unambiguously ...
  • Podevyn, D. (Computer Society of South Africa (on behalf of SAICSIT), 1987)
    A knowledge engineering tool called GESS (General Expert System Shell) is presented which is used for building different types of expert systems. Knowledge representation is based on direct extensions of the idea of decision ...
  • Abdulrab, H; Ngomo, M; Drissi-Talbi, A (South African Computer Society (SAICSIT), 1999)
    LOP (Logic, Object, Parallelism) is a system that integrates object-oriented and constraint logic programming. It is entirely designed and implemented, using object-oriented methodology, under the form of hierarchical ...
  • Abdulrab, H; Ngomo, M; Drissi-Talbi, A (South African Computer Society (SAICSIT), 2000)
    The aim of this paper is to introduce temporal processes and linear constraints on naturals for solving temporal discrete simulations problems. We first describe a new approach for solving such constraints, based on the ...

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