Show simple item record Ram, Indranie 2012-03-06T12:32:11Z 2012-03-06T12:32:11Z 2005
dc.identifier.citation Ram, I. 2005. 'Plato and Vedanta', Phronimon : Journal of the SA Society for the Greek Philosophy and the Humanities, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 59-69.
dc.description.abstract The relationship between Plato’s conception of the existence of a soul as compared to the Vedantic view of a soul will be analysed. Vedanta philosophy holds in agreement with Plato that there is a magazine of knowledge and power within us already. By amalgamating the thinking of Plato and Vedic philosophy I will attempt to show how philosophical thinking is universal. This universality allows one to critically appraise knowledge from multiple perspectives providing a lever for a new understanding of oneself and thereby challenging one to broaden his/her own perspective, enabling one to see, whether one likes it or not, what s/he has become, and can through self-analysis become. My purpose in this paper is to develop a capacity to see the world multi-dimensionally, integrating, enlarging, and expanding our artificially restricted horizons. A combination of methods and a receptive attitude toward knowledge has widespread implications for the interpretation of the lives we live. It is my purpose to demonstrate the validity and necessity of an examination of multi-cultural dimensions of reality, in this instance the Greek and Hindu perspectives and teachings. The ability to make moral distinctions can be linked to an evolutionary progression of one’s soul’s journey. The implicit, intrinsic nature of consciousness to the mind – body duality will be analysed. I will propose that the elevation of one’s consciousness in the search for a perfect state of being is the common thread in both Plato and Vedanta. en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject Plato en
dc.subject Vendanta en
dc.title Plato and Vedanta en
dc.type Article en

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